Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 16 by gregorthegrant

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Greg , Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 16 xnxx Edited
True Story, Anal, Black, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Exhibitionism, Gay, Group Sex, Mind Control, Oral Sex
Author's infos
Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A


continuing story about Greg and his wife Sandra

Now Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 16.

Previously in Chapter 15
We finished eating and went upstairs to get ready to go to the game. For some reason I felt sticky as well as stinky. I was surprised after I showered Sandra wanted to shower as well saying she had been sweaty after laying in the sun watching the guys practice. I dressed in shorts, T-shirt and sandals while Sandra wore an extra short, low cut summer dress and sandals. “Are you ready.” I asked Sandra after she slipped her bare feet into her sandals.

“As ready as I will ever be.” Sandra answered. “I'm ready for a good time, that is, at the game tonight.” What will happen at the game I wonder? Who will the winners be?

Now Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 16.

“Yes, I heard the German Team is arriving soon and will want to watch the game.” Sandra said when Tony walked in the room.

“That's right they should have gotten here by now. They will want to watch the game to see who wins. We also told them about you and your husband being our guests for the week.” Tony said. “I'd stick around but I have to change for the big game. I hope you'll cheer for my team.”

“I will.” I answered. “I'm looking forward to a close game though with lots of excitement.”

“I'm looking forward to the exciting part.” Sandra added.

“Oh I bet you'll both be good and entertained.” Tony said as he turned to leave the room to go out the back door.

Just then we heard a bus pulling up in front of the motel. I looked out the window and saw a group of white muscular tall teenagers, with golden tanned bodies, wearing shorts and bare gleaming sweaty muscular chests getting off the bus. They walked up to the front door and walked in revealing their muscular tanned legs.

“Hello we're here for the big soccer tournaments.” A tall blond blue eyed young man said as he approached the front desk. “Where do we bunk in and put our gear before going and watching the Italian, Ghana game tonight?”

“Follow me.” The desk clerk said stepping out from behind the front desk. You must me Roy the team captain. We talked on the phone when you arrived at the air port. Please follow me.”

Roy turned and saw Sandra and myself in the hall. He looked Sandra up and down as well as the rest of the team players gave Sandra a good look over. I wondered if poor Sandra was embarrassed being looked at the way the German team looked at her.

I walked over to Roy. “Hello Roy I'm Greg and this is my wife Sandra.”

“Oh yes you must be the couple Mr. Turner told us about when we talked to him at the airport. I hope you two will enjoy your week watching the tournament.” Roy said and smiled as he gave another look at Sandra. I notice the front of his tight gym shorts started to tent and I could see he didn't have anything to complain under his shorts. “This is my team. I'd name them all off but I am sure you don't really care what all their names are at this point. “We'll be right back as soon as we are shown to our lodging for the week. Come on guys lets follow the desk clerk to our rooms so we can get back here to head for the games.”

“See you all when you get back guys.” Sandra said smiling stepping forward causing her short skirt to rise up in the front and to my surprise revealing her shaved pussy. Then looking directly forward I saw the big bulge in Roy's shorts. “I'm sure it will be an exciting game in more ways than one.”

I wondered why Sandra would add, in more ways than one and raise her skirt a little at the same time. I just took it for granted she was being polite and she was maybe feeling a bit hot so she raised her skirt a little to help and cool herself off. She let go of her skirt and it fall back down again resting just below her hot shaved pussy. I am sure Roy and his team must have had a good look at her bald pussy. “We might as well sit in the lounge until Roy and his team get back.” I said.

“That sounds like a good idea. My team and the Ghana team are both on the field getting ready for the game. See you both later. I got to go out and join my team.”
Tony said and smiled.

Sandra and I had only sat down in the lobby a few minutes when Roy and his team came into the lounge. “We're all ready to head to the game and watch the game in the back field. Are the two of you ready to head out?” Roy asked.

“Yes we're ready.” Sandy answered standing up the same time I stood up and followed Roy and his team outside. We walked around the outside of the motel to the grandstands which were full of men to watch the game. I noticed Sandra would be the only woman watching the game.

“Follow me. Tony told me we could sit in the closed in part to watch the game and we won't be bothered by the crowd watching the game.” Roy said leading us up to the top to a closed in wooden area. We walked in behind Roy and I sat down in one of the seats in the very front.

“Do you mind if I sit in the back along with Roy and the German team players?” Sandra asked.

“Not at all Sandra. I just thought we'd get a better view from the front. I just hope they don't make too much noise cheering and you don't get to pick up on the game.” I said and laughed.

“Don't worry Greg we'll keep your wife entertained while watching the game.” Roy called out behind me. You just pay attention to the game and don't miss a minute because it should prove to be an exciting game. I've heard the Italians and Ghana's are both great teams.”

“It sure is a hot evening. I hope you boys don't mind if I try to cool off guys.” Sandra said.

I had no idea what Sandra was talking about trying to cool off but it was up to her and I was too busy watching as the two teams walked into the middle of the field. I heard the people in the bleachers yelling the same time.

“Thanks Roy for helping me loosen my dress. That feels more comfortable. You guys can get more comfortable and cooler if you like.” Sandra said from behind me.

“It's so crowded back here Sandra do you mind if I lean on your back while we watch the game.” I heard Roy from behind me.

“Not at all, just let me finish pushing this off and I can get on my hands and knees for you to lean on my back Roy.” Sandra said and I heard her shuffling around.

“I'm glad you suggested we get more comfortable. This is much more comfortable. Don't you think so guys?” I heard Roy shouting.

“Yes you have that right captain.” Some one yelled his reply.

I heard the crowd applaud as the game started and the Italians raced down the field toward the Ghana's end of the field.

“Oh yes Sandra this feels good leaning over your back like this but I'd say you had quite the day already. I feel all that stuff dripping out of you. But believe me it's hot.”

I looked back over my shoulder but the rest of the German team sitting in front of my wife blocked my view of Sandra and Roy. I was surprised to see the players had stripped out of their shorts and were all nude and not just nude but stroking their hard cocks. Wow their cocks were huge. “Do you think you men should be nude with my wife just behind you?” I asked.

“It's okay.” Sandra moaned. “I can only see their bare backs Greg. Let the guys cool off and watch the game. Oh yes Roy. Yes yes.”

“Yes what?” I asked still looking behind me.

“I'm just saying yes to Roy. OH yes. Roy gets good and comfortable.” Sandra answered. “You're missing the game looking back at us Greg.”

I turned around just in time for the Italians to kick the ball into the Ghana's net. Everyone in the stands stood up and cheered. I also heard the guys behind me cheering.

“I bet she gives good head.” I heard someone behind me whispering.

I had never heard the phrase good head so had no idea what the guy was talking about.

“You bet I do. I'd say you have the perfect size. Nice long and thick. Just stand right where you are. MMM.” Sandra moaned.

“Oh yes you are good.” I heard the guy behind me moaning.

I looked back to see one of the tall muscular tanned nude Germans standing up. I could only see him from his waist up because the other players were in my way. It looked like he was gripping something in front of him. I heard the crowd roaring with applause and turned around to see what was happening. The Ghana team had taken a hold of the ball and had it down to the Italian end of the field. I gather they had taken a shot at the goal but had missed. I forgot all about what was happening behind me as I saw the Italians taking the ball away from the Ghana team and kicking it down toward the Ghana end of the field. Once more the spectators cheered. I thought I heard Roy groaning behind me, saying something about a good ride but wasn't sure. I also thought I heard one of the guys behind me moaning you took it all. Wow this is hot.

Just then the Italians took a shot at the Ghana goal but missed. The whistle went calling out something or other. The guy went off the side of the field and threw the ball back on the field. Then a Ghana player kicked the ball down to the end of the Italian end of the field. Another guy got the ball and kicked it toward the goal and it went in. Once more everyone in the stands were standing up and cheering. Behind me I heard Roy groaning out loud. OH yes!, yes I'm cumming. Take it all.”

Without turning around I yelled. “What did you say Roy?”

“I was just getting into the game and saying the Ghana team is really cumming along. That's all.” Roy answered out of breath like he had been running the hundred yard dash. I guess he was really excited the score was all tied up one, one.

“Oh fuck yes.” Some one else moaned behind me. I gathered he was also cheering that the two teams were tied.

The cheering died down and everyone sat down as the Italian's took the ball and kicked it down the field toward the Ghana end of the field.

“Let me change places with you Roy.” I heard someone saying behind me. “So I get the better view of the game.”

“Sure thing Jeff move right in here and I'll take your place. She's all bent over waiting for you.” Roy answered.

I looked at the field just as someone on the Italian team kicked the ball toward the Ghana goal. I heard Jeff behind me the same time saying. “Wow talk about sliding right in it's a perfect fit and nice and juicy.” The guy that kicked the ball missed the goal and someone from the Ghana team kicked the ball toward the Italian end of the field.

“You just came John so move out of the way so I can ram this down in.” I heard someone behind me saying.”

“Yes, John you had your turn let some one else take your place.” I heard Sandra moan. “I'm still hungry.”

I wondered what Sandra was talking about being hungry as far as I knew there hadn't been anyone around selling any food. Oh well this game is too exciting to give a care to think about Sandra.

“Go for it Ralph. She's all yours and believe me she is worth it.” John answered.

“Mmmmm believe me I am. Wow this is hot and tight.” Ralph said from behind me somewhere. Just then one of the Ghana players took a shot at the Italian goal and scored. Everyone stood up and cheered. I was so excited I stood up and cheered as well. I turned around to see if the guys behind me were cheering. They were all standing up shouting. “Good one.”

“Fuck yes, yes, yes.” I heard further behind me. “Take it all.”

I tried to look between the nude muscular tanned German teens but they blocked my view. I was about to turn around when they all sat down except one teen around six four who was not facing front ward and I could only see his muscular ass cheeks flinching. It looked like he was gripping something in front of him and I could hear Sandra moaning as if her mouth was full. “Oh yes!, yes keep it up. Oh yes.” The man moaned over and over.

I wondered why he was moaning so loud when he wasn't even facing the game. I only wondered for a second as I heard everyone in the stadium yelling. “Kick it down the to the other end guys.” I turned around and sat down.

The game continued with breakaways from both teams. Finally Italy scored just before half time and the players when off the field sitting in the front rows of the stadium. The crowds were yelling things like way to go guys and things like that. After about fifteen minutes the two teems went back on the field with the Italians getting the ball and kicking it down the field to the Ghana goal. One of the players kicked the ball into the net and everyone was up cheering. It was now Italy 3 and Ghana 2. As soon as they scored Ghana got a hold of the ball but then an Italian player got the ball when the Ghana player tried passing it to his team mate. The Italian player passed it over to another player and soon the ball was in front of the Ghana goal. He kicked and missed.

From behind me I suddenly heard someone groaning out load. “I'm cumming. Oh yes.”

I turned looking up to see the nude guy facing the back of the bleachers firm ass cheeks squeezing inward. “Oh yes.” He moaned sweat dripping down his nude back as he tossed his head back.

Then someone sitting down stood up and said looking directly at me said. “He missed the goal Stan. “Why are you cheering?”

“I am cheering for the Ghana team that's why Jeff.” Stan said stepping to one side and turning around. His half hard cock was dripping some kind of white goo. “Why don't you take my place Jeff and I'll give you the play by play this time. It's kind of cool to face away from the action and someone else tell you what's happening on the field.”

“You don't have to ask me twice.” Stan stood up his hard around ten inch thick cock pressing against his six pack. He turned around answering Jeff. “It should be hot to let you tell me the play by plays.”

“Oh yes I like that.” I heard Sandra saying where ever she was sitting. It sounded like she was right behind Stan but that couldn't be true. “Mmmmmmmm yes, this is a good game.”

Stan didn't just stand still it looked like he was grabbing a hold of something in his big hands and his butt cheeks suddenly pushed in. “Oh yes, this is nice, tight and hot. Oh yes suck it.”

I had been ready to turn around and sit down when I heard Stan saying “Oh yes, suck it.” What did you mean by “Oh yes, suck it?”

“I was telling the guys to suck it up because the Italian's were winning. That's all.” Stan moaned as his ass pushed back and then squeezed in again. “This is suck a fucking hot game. What do you think Len?”

“OH shit yes. This is the hottest game yet.” I heard from further behind Stan. “Maybe you will feel more comfortable if you changed position. You must be getting sore on your hands and knees.”

Stan stepped back for a minute. “I'll change places once you're finished.” I heard Sandra saying. She sounded like she was in between Stan and Len but it must have been my imagination. “Now give me that lovely tool again.”

“You don't have to ask me twice. Why aren't you watching the game Greg or do you want someone to give you the play by play instead of watching the game?” Len asked.

I looked around before sitting down and that's when I realized none of the German teenagers were sitting in the same seats as when they first arrived. I guessed they liked to get different views of the field so changed seats with each other. I also noticed a lot of the players cocks were no longer rock hard but were dripping slimy thick white stuff and they were all covered in sweat. It was as if they were the ones playing soccer they looked so sweaty and tired out.

No sooner than I had sat down when the crowd in the stadium stood up and cheered. I looked down and saw the ball in the Ghana goal and knew the Italians had scored again. The ball was thrown into action again with the Ghana team kicking the ball toward the Italian end. He passed it to another player that kicked it toward the Italian goal. The goalie caught it and threw it out to one of his players. The crowd in the stadium cheered. Behind me I heard Stan and Len both moaning at the same time. I could barely hear them because of the crowd but they were yelling something that sounded like. “Oh yes I'm cumming. Oh yes! OH yes take it all.”

I turned around just as the guy directly behind me bent forward. I was surprised when Stan stepped to one side his cock dripping with goo and saw Len behind Sandra holding her hips in his big hands the same time Sandra's big bare breasts swayed from side to side. She was covered with sweat with her head bent down. Len looked up and saw me starring at him. “This is the best view and thanks to your lovely wife for letting me lean on her.” He moaned.

“OH yes!” Sandra moaned and looked up looking directly at me her sweaty hair clinging to forehead as well as something dripping from her face. “Oh sorry Greg I must look a mess. I had a sneezing spell and couldn't manage to wipe my face. I must look a mess. You better watch the game Greg. It's a pretty close game.”

“That's a good idea Sandra.” I said turning around and sitting down just as Italy got the ball and was kicking it down to the field toward the Ghana end of the field. The Italian kicked it off to his team mate that kicked it to another teammate kicking it toward the goal. Unfortunately it missed and one of the Ghana teammates threw the ball to his teammate and the ball was headed down toward the Italian end of the field. One of the Ghana teammates kicked it toward the Italian goal. The Italian goalie caught the ball and kicked it off to one of his teammates.

From behind me I heard one of the guys moaning. “Oh yes, yes take it all. I like looking at your lovely face.”

“That's the way keep your head over the edge of the bench just like that. Oh yes, yes this is perfect.” Some one else moaned the same time.

“Get over here you two there are only a few left to take there turns Sandra. Do you think you can manage the rest?” Some one else asked.

“You want to believe I can manage the rest and even more if I had to.” Sandra moaned. “Hurry up I need more.”

I wondered what Sandra needed more of. So I stood up and turned around. This time no one was standing up but I still couldn't see Sandra over the heads of the guys sitting behind me. “What do you need more of Sandra?” I asked. “Maybe I can help you out.”

“I need to hear more cheering for the Italian team so they will win.” Sandra moaned. “So yes, you can help by cheering on the Italians.”

“I'll help you out.” I saw one of the muscular tanned six-three teenager's standing up with his thick nine inch cock in his big hand walking toward where I heard Sandra moaning. I saw him bending over and disappear from view behind except his head. Then I saw another muscular six-five deeply tanned teenager standing from the opposite end of the enclosed bleachers with a good eleven or foot long pop bottle thick cock heading toward where I had heard Sandra moaning a few seconds before. He also was bent down and all I could see was his head. “Wow I just enjoy helping out Sandra.” One of the guys said. “I know you can't manage to shout but I'll shout for you Sandra. Oh yes, yes your so juiced up.” I saw the man moan that was tossing his head back and shoving his body forward just as I turned around to sit down. “Go team go.”

“Fuck yes go team go. I heard someone else moaning from behind me. Just then I heard the people in the stands yelling. Way to go Italy another great goal. I heard a lot more moaning and groaning behind me not all cheers for the Italians. I heard the two teenagers moaning something about taking them both. I wasn't positive what I heard because their was some low moaning and groaning.

The score was now Italy 5 to Ghana 3. I looked up at the clock there was only about ten minutes left in the game. I heard Sandra moaning. “Bring on the last two.” I turned around and saw two teenagers standing up with white goo dripping from their half wilted cocks. Two other muscular teenagers one with at least a nine thick inch cock in his hand from just behind me standing up. That's when I saw Sandra laying flat on her back with her legs spread and her head bent over the bench. I saw thick white goo covering her poor body. She held her head up and looked over toward me. “Oh dear Greg. Sorry you have to see me like this but one of the guys was drinking a milkshake and fell over me spilling his milkshake all over me. Get over here you two and help clean me up.” Sandra said just as a muscular tanned teenager stepped in front of Sandra and sat down hiding Sandra from my view.

“I'll gladly clean you up Sandra.” One of the two men that had moved toward her said. He bent over and seemed to take a hold of something. He must have been leaning on Sandra to clean the milkshake off her. Another guy was behind her quite obviously helping clean poor Sandra up.

“Fuck I've waited a long time for this.” I heard one of the two moaning behind me. I just never expected so much all over her. The team must have been saving all week for this. Oh yes even stuffed full your hot.”

“No kidding she's hot. Your one hot woman.” I saw him toss his head back “Oh yes, yes I'm so close.” He raised his head and looked toward me. “Close to cleaning up the milkshake.” He moaned leaning forward as if gripping something in his big hands.

I was suddenly distracted when I heard everyone cheering in the stadium and turned around just as one of the Italian players kicked the ball into the Ghana goal.

I thought I heard the two teenagers behind me moaning. “I'm cumming. OH yes get it all Sandra. All of it.” “Take mine too. I have plenty saved up.” I didn't turn around because it was down to the last few minutes of the game as the Ghana team kicked the ball toward the Italian end. They passed it back and forth but one of the Italian players intercepted and kicked the ball toward the Ghana end. He kicked the ball to his teammate. Just as the other teammate got the ball. I heard heavy breathing and moaning behind me. “Fuck yes, yes, oh yes.” All of a sudden everyone in the stadium cheered and I looked to see the Italian's had scored again. The whistle blasted ending the game.

“We need more napkins and cloth to clean all the milkshake off Sandra. Wow there's more covering her body than I thought.” I heard one of the teens saying from behind me. “Gee they made a real mess.”

“I don't know about the rest of you but I'm going to get dressed to head back to the motel.” Someone directly behind me said.

“That's a good idea. Steve and Mark can clean Sandra up so she can get dressed and head back to the Motel.” Someone else said not far from where I was sitting.

I looked at the stadium as everyone started to leave. The two teams headed off the field and were running toward the Motel. I got up and looked behind me and saw as Steve and Mark were doing their best to clean the milkshake off Sandra. Sandra was laying with a big smile on her face. “Thanks guys for cleaning up especially after one of your teammates went and spilled his milkshake all over me.”

They finally cleaned Sandra well enough so she could put her dress back on and walked down toward me. She took my hand and we headed out of the private Stadium to the motel. I guess the guys hadn't been able to clean off all the milkshake because I saw the thick white milkshake dripping down her legs and her hair was slicked down as well. It had been a good evening watching the Italian's win the first game over the Ghana team. I noticed how Sandra smiled all the way back to the motel.

End of Chapter 16. Read 16170 times | Rated 71.7 % | (46 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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    , 8 comments 2Report  2016-01-13 07:41:03 Well it was pretty out there. but hot Report  2015-12-22 07:54:44 There is no way that guy could be that dumb, a milkshakes? How stupid is he anyway? I didnot like this story very much because the narrator is an idiot. 2

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