Games Ch. 27 by bydasea,bydasea

Games 27

Another good night of sleep, even if I had been whipped front and back last night. The result was good sex with my wife and a good tasting little pussy. I woke up in the morning as always and scooted out of bed, so I don’t wake up the girls. I have gotten pretty good at getting out from under the covers and scooting down the bed to get up. They don’t move at all. The hardest part is getting one of their hands off my cock.

Once up, I go to the kitchen and start the coffee, before going outside in the front yard to piss. I still need to get one of those timer things, so I don’t have to get it going. The coffee maker is all set up the night before and all I need to do is turn it on. Well, I say it is fixed the night before. Sometimes they are so busy using me, I don’t get a chance to make it. This is one of those mornings I had to get it fixed before turning it on.

I got it going and knew by the time I walked outside to my bathroom and pissed, it would be ready to drink. I did go outside to piss and once again, it was raining. Not a hard rain, but enough to get me wet. I still went out to the yard, stood in the rain, and pissed. My cock was doing much better this morning, but still had some welts on it from when Gail whipped it.

I had to spend some extra time out this morning, because I had to get dry before going back in. I will tell the girls to be sure to take umbrellas today because it was raining. Once I was dry, I went back in, checked to make sure the girls were still sleeping and then went to get my coffee. I like my mornings, because it gives me time to think about what was happening with us and what I’ve had to do so they would continue using me.

They keep pushing me more and more and I think one of these days, it will all come crashing down because I can’t take any more. So, far, I have been able to do everything they have wanted me to do, but some of the things they talk about now are pretty-scary. I am not sure I can do everything they want. Like, if they say, I have to go to work naked or dressed as a girl, I will probably stop. If I did that, I would get fired and we wouldn’t have my income any longer.

I am not sure I can do some of the other things either, but most of them, I will at least try. I didn’t want to suck a cock but did. I had to walk home naked once they dropped me off. That was scary, but I did it, because I wanted more. My need for humiliation and exposure outweighs the thoughts of being caught and going to jail.

I will play the games as long as I can but will stop when I think I can’t do any more for them. I may lose my little lover and my wife, but at least I’ll be safe from being arrested. But, until then, my life belongs to them, and I will do my best to make them happy. I have watched another man fuck my wife and might have to do it again. I will let her fuck anyone she wants if she’ll keep using me. After all, she watches me eat other women, so why not let her enjoy other men.

I drank my coffee and listened for them to move in the bedroom. I heard them and fixed their coffee and took it to them. They were still naked this morning and I do enjoy the view of naked women. Most beautiful sight in the world.

I gave them coffee and told them it was raining this morning, then left them to do whatever they do in the morning before breakfast. I know they both go into piss, but they do it inside. Then, they talk some more and get dressed before coming out to the kitchen. I heard Lena call me and I went to see what she wanted.

She said, “What are we having for breakfast Dawn?”

I said, “I was thinking about some cold cereal, but if you want something else, I will fix it.”

Then she said, “No, cereal is fine with me. For you, I want you to have a bowl of cheerios, but don’t put milk on them.”

I said, “Ok, but won’t be that good dry.”

“Oh, naked man, I would never think of making you eat dry cereal. No, put them in the bowl and bring it to me.” She instructed.

I left, got the bowls down and poured cheerios in each of them. Then, I took one bowl to Lena. I gave her the bowl and she said, “Now, I will fix your cereal for you and bring it to the kitchen. Now, you are excused to go fix our breakfast.”

I had no idea what she had planned but knew it would be something humiliating for me. I went back to the kitchen and finished fixing breakfast for my girls and got another cup of coffee. I was sitting at the table, waiting for them to come out, drinking my coffee.

I heard them coming and quickly poured milk over their cereal and waited. Lena came out carrying the bowl I had taken her and both girls were laughing now. Lena came to where I was and set the bowl in front of me. She said, “There, see I didn’t make you eat dry cereal. Enjoy my naked man.”

I looked in the bowl and it was full of liquid. Lena or Patty had pissed on my cereal and now want me to eat it. I guess I don’t have much choice. I either eat it, go hungry or they will stop playing with me.

Patty said, “Don’t look so sad Dawn, Lena prepared that just for you, so don’t disappoint her. Eat up.”

I looked at the piss covered cereal, picked up my spoon and started eating. It didn’t taste to bad, but I would prefer to use milk. They both sat down, and we all ate breakfast together. I ate my cereal like I normally would, except it was soaked in Lena’s piss.

I ate it all and Lena said, “Clean up the bowl Dawn. Drink what is left in there. I don’t want you to brush your teeth this morning. You will be tasting my piss all day.” Then, to make it even worse, she giggled.

They finished their breakfast, and I headed outside to shower, since they would be using the house bathroom. It was still raining some when I went out, but it didn’t bother me because I was going to get wet anyway. I slipped my shoes off on the porch and went down the steps to get my cold shower. I got wet getting there, and then wetter when I stepped under my shower.

I washed my body but couldn’t brush my teeth today. I usually shower and brush my teeth right there in the cold shower. I had put my tooth paste and brush on the shelf, so I didn’t have to go in the girl’s bathroom, except to poop. I think that might change someday too, but since the children will be home soon, it might not happen.

I finished my shower, shut the water off, went back on the porch to dry off. I didn’t see any clothes where Patty usually puts them and was a little worried that I may not have any today. I couldn’t go to work naked, so I might have to stay home and wait all day for the girls. I was standing, waiting for them to come out and when they did, Patty had my clothes in her hand.

She said, “Sorry, but forgot to put these out earlier. Get dressed and we’ll go to work.”

I saw my work clothes, which was a relief and on top was a pair of yellow panties that had colored polka dots on them. Looked weird, but I would wear them. I put them on, then finished dressing while the girls waited for me.

We all left together, under umbrellas. Hope it stops raining before we get off. I don’t mind the rain, but don’t want to walk in it when Lena gets home. I have before and was soaking wet. Lena wore a raincoat, but I had nothing on. I know I will have to walk, no matter what the weather is, and will do what they want from me.

I had a good day at work, but one of the guys who was at the restaurant saw me and said, “Hey Don, met your sister the other night. She looks so much like you. Hope her throat is better now since she couldn’t talk that night.”

I said, “Yes, she is feeling better, thanks for asking. I know she looks like me, poor girl. But it runs in our family, we take after dad.”

Well, that was embarrassing, because it wasn’t my sister he met. It was me. I don’t have a sister and if I did, I hoped she wouldn’t look like me. But the girls got what they wanted. They wanted to humiliate me by dressing me up as a girl and take me out. I did what they wanted, but it was so humiliating to do. I expect it will happen again sometime.

Once back home, it was the same as it has been on workdays. Get naked and wait for them to arrive. Stand up so they get to see me and my hard cock when they pull up to the house, then walk with Lena. It had stopped raining, so I was grateful for that. We walked and saw many of our neighbors out and then it was back to the house to fix dinner.

Once we ate, I ate again, making both girls cum and then went to bed. They didn’t do anything with me, so I didn’t cum. The rest of the week was no different from any workday morning and the evenings were the same too. I did get my cock sucked a couple times and I fucked Patty once. Of course, I had to suck cum from her pussy after we fucked, but I don’t mind. I ate Lena’s pussy every night, but Patty said I couldn’t fuck her again for a while.

Then it was Friday and was a relief for all of us. The girls were happy because they now had time to use me, and I was relieved because they would give me more exposure and humiliation. Once they were home Friday afternoon, Lena and I walked, but today, she said, “We are going to start doing 20 trips around, so get used to it.”

We did the 20 trips and saw many neighbors out or just getting home. Lena spoke to many of them and said we would be at the block party tomorrow and yes; I would be naked for everyone to see and touch. She also said, I might have to do more than let people look and touch but hasn’t decided on what just yet.

After walking around the circle, we got back to the house and when we went inside, Patty was crying. Lena said, “Ms. Patty what is wrong?”

I was concerned and went to her to see what happened. I said, “Patty why are you crying. What happened?”

Between sobs and tears, she said, “I got a call from the children, and they all want to stay with their father this year. They said they had met new friends and wanted to be in school with them. And it snows up there and they had never been in snow before.”

I asked, “What did you tell them? Did you say no, they had to come home to us?”

“No, I said they could stay to see what it was like and then, if they wished to remain there, I would let them. I didn’t want to do it, but they begged me to let them stay at least this year. And, since we live a new lifestyle now, it might be better that they are with him. I’m sorry, but it might be for the best.” She explained.

Lena said, “Patty, if I am in the way of the children coming back home, I will move out and go back home.”

“No, Lena it has been settled. I talked to their father also and found out that the schools are much better there, and they would have a better education. I am just crying, because I will miss them, but I will get used to it.” She told Lena.

I said, “Patty, we can stop the games we play if it helps get them back. I don’t need the humiliation and exposure that bad. I don’t want to lose the children. They are just like my own kids, and I want them here with us.”

“Don, I know you’re like a parent to them and they do love you, but we must allow them the chance to see what it is like with him. Not just vacation time, they need to see how he really is. It won’t be all fun and games when it is full time, so my mind is made up.” Patty explained.

I said, “Well, we can always go visit with them and we can keep in touch with them. I will honor your wishes and try my best to be better for you.”

Then, she dried her tears and said, “I would like to go out to eat tonight, so we need to get ready. How would you like to dress tonight? As a man or a woman?”

Lena giggled and said, “Now, that is interesting, can’t wait to hear his response.”

I thought for a moment and then said, “Patty, you know, I would rather dress as a guy, but it is your night and will wear whatever you want me to wear.”

“Very good, I’ll get something for you and put it on the porch, since you still can’t wear clothes in the house. I hope you like what I pick for you.” She told me.

Well, she is going to continue and now that the children won’t be home, I think many things will change for me. I guess, I am asking for all of what she is giving me, but at times, I think she goes a little too far in what she wants done. I can’t just blame her either, because Lena has a lot of say in what we do. I was told to sit in the kitchen and wait while the girls got ready, and they figured out what I would wear tonight.

They didn’t take long to get ready and put my clothes on the porch. Once they had my things out there, I was told to go get dressed. I was surprised when I found my clothes on the porch. I had figured she wanted me dressed as a girl, but she put my pants and shirt there with a fresh pair of red panties. I had no other under pants of my own, since she threw them all away, so I must either go without or wear panties. But I don’t get to pick what I wear. The girls decide for me.

I dressed in what she gave me and then we were ready to go. I drove Patty’s car to a restaurant she likes, and we all had a good dinner. Patty had calmed down now and was so much better than she was when we saw her after our walk.

We talked while we ate and a lot of it was about what happens now that we won’t have the children with us. I would remain naked all the time at home, just as I do now and it was said, even if we have visitors, I would still be naked. It was brought up about me using their bathroom to poop and Patty told us that would soon change.

Lena asked, “So, is he going to be doing all his bathroom stuff outside now?”

Patty said, “Yes, I’m going to have Bill come over and hook up hot water to his shower so he can still use it when it gets cold. Plus, we will get him a potty chair to use outside. Bill can build one like what you might find in an old outhouse, but without the walls. He will figure out a way to put a weatherproof paper holder out for him and Dawn will use it all the time.”

I knew that someday this might happen, but now it will be true. Everyone will see me going to the bathroom outside. I didn’t say anything because I don’t have a choice in these matters. I just listened to everything they talked about.

Lena then said, “I like that idea a lot. I want to help with whatever it may cost, just so she doesn’t use our toilet again.”

Patty said, “No need for that Lena, because I will give Bill something for his troubles. We might have to do a few extra things for him, but I’m sure he has everything we need.”

I didn’t like the sound of that, but I can’t say anything about what my wife decides. I hope it wasn’t what I was thinking she was going to do for him. I wouldn’t want her fucking him to get what she wants for me, but I would have to allow it.

Lena said, “That sounds interesting. You’ll have to tell me all about it later. What else is planned for the naked guy?”

Patty said, “Well, I thought we would trade in his vehicle for another one. His is getting older and I want a van in the family. I know you have a break from school at Christmas time and thought we could all go on vacation together and have some extra fun. We will need a van for trips like that.”

Now, she is making plans to get rid of my car and get a van instead, along with the 3 of us taking a Christmas vacation. Guess I’ll have to put in for vacation time when Lena is out of school. Wonder where she might want to go. I kind of hoped she wanted to go where she could see snow. Maybe she wanted to go see the children. But she isn’t saying where yet. Maybe she didn’t know for sure.

Lena said, “I like that idea a lot. We can take the van for vacation and have him naked while we drive.”

Patty said, “That’s my plan. Now, let’s go play some more. I think I need some good playing to help ease my mind. I have a couple ideas, but we should leave here first. Dawn, go pay the bill and meet us by the car. Lena, come to the bathroom with me.”

I got up, and got the bill from the waitress, then went to the cashier to pay for our meals. I paid with my debit card and put a nice tip on it. Then, went to the car to wait for my girls. Once I was at the car, I got a message from Patty. It said, ‘Dawn, get naked, put your clothes in the trunk and wait for us.’

Here I was, in the restaurant parking lot and taking my clothes off. I didn’t have the keys to the car, because as soon as we got to the restaurant, Patty took them from me. I heard the trunk being opened and I stripped naked, put my clothes where she said and closed the lid. I hoped they would get there soon, so I didn’t have to stand here naked for long.

I saw the 2 of them coming out of the restaurant and they both laughed when they saw me. Once they were close enough, Lena said, “Still a good boy, getting naked whenever and wherever we say. We are going to have so much more fun with him aren’t we Ms. Patty?”

“Yes, Lena we are, since now we won’t have the children to see what we do. Don’t have to hide any more. It might just be a blessing that they wanted to stay with their father. Now, we can do a whole lot more.” Patty said.

Well, I was not sure I liked that, but since we were going to be alone without children, I guess I will be getting more of what I need and want. More exposure and more humiliation. I wondered how much more I can take from these 2.

They got up to the car and Patty said, “Now, naked husband, what will we do with you now. You got anything you want to do?”

I said, “No, whatever you girls want, I’m available to please you.”

Lena laughed and said, “Good naked boy. We will do everything we can think of and I’m sure you may not like some of it. Just stand here for a moment while Ms. Patty and I discuss what we want now. Don’t move and don’t hide that thing between your legs.”

They left me standing there, naked in a parking lot, where others could see me. They got in the car and talked, but with the windows rolled up, I couldn’t hear what they said. I was nervous because I saw others leaving the restaurant and some arriving. I just knew someone would see me and hoped they let me in soon.

But I did as they wanted and stood naked and proud, with a big hard cock. I don’t know how long I stood there like that, but when they were ready, Lena opened her door and said, “Get in here. You have no shame, standing around naked in public. What are we going to do with you Dawn?”

I quickly got in the car between the girls and Lena grabbed my cock as soon as she got in. She has such a good time playing with my cock and I enjoy having her holding me. But I knew she wouldn’t allow me to cum until they were ready to let me.

“Now, we are going to go to another place and see if you can handle the humiliation, we plan for you.” Patty said.

She started the car and away we went. I never know where they are taking me or what I will have to do once we get there, but I allow them to use me in any way they desire. It has been a good time since I gave myself to Patty to expose and humiliate. Then when she added Lena to our family fun, it got even better.

Patty drove us to a little place which I had no idea what it was. She parked just outside this building and said, “Now, Lena and I are going inside for a moment. Just sit here and behave like a good naked man should. Don’t move or cover up. We’ll be back soon.”

They got out, leaving me alone again. I don’t dare cover up my cock, because if they saw that I did, they would be pissed. So, once again, I sat and waited for them to return. It wasn’t that long, and Patty came out and Lena followed. But there was a third person with them. Another female was with Lena.

Patty opened the passenger door and said, “Get out Dawn, we have some who wants to see you.”

I moved over in the seat and got out of the car. Lena and this other girl stood waiting for me and when I got out, Patty said, “Follow me.”

I walked behind Patty and went by Lena and the other girl. She wasn’t a bad looking girl and I wondered what I would have to do with her. I guess I’ll find out once they have me where they want me.

Patty took me inside this house or whatever it was, and I knew what it was as soon as I stepped inside. It was a porn shop, where they sold all sorts of sex toys and sexy clothes. I had no idea what the name was, since there was no sign and I wondered how Patty knew about it. Had she come here before? Maybe she was here before we got married. I may never know, but I do know that I’m naked inside this place and I saw several other people looking around at the toys and clothes.

Patty was all smiles as some of the people looked at me and she said, “Now, Dawn, we are going to get some new things to use on you. Just walk with us and don’t talk.”

I followed the 3 girls around the little store, with others staring at my naked body. I wondered if anyone else had ever done this before. I watched as Patty and Lena discussed the different toys, they thought would be good to use on me.

Lena found one and said, “Look, a little vibrating ring. We can put this on his cock and have him ready to swallow his cum. We know he can cum from being vibrated, so I think we should get it. That way we won’t have to jerk him off.”

Patty said, “Good idea Lena, let’s make sure it fits him.” Then she looked at the other girl and said, “It is ok to try it on him before we buy, isn’t it?”

The girl said, “Patty, you know I’ll let you. Nothing has changed.”

So, I guess Patty knew this girl and maybe she had been in here before. I wondered why she came in before and if it was before or after we got married.”

Lena unwrapped the package and took my cock in her hand to put that thing on me. She slid it down my cock all the way to the base and then let me go. It felt tight, but I guess I’ll have to get used to it. There was another part of this ring and Lena had it in her hand. I wasn’t sure what it was, until she turned it on.

The damn ring on my cock came to life and started vibrating. I jumped and almost grabbed my cock but stopped myself before I did. If I had done that, I would have been punished somehow and probably right here in front of everyone. Lena didn’t leave it on that long before she shut it off. Then she said, “Yep, I like it and I think we will have lots of fun with it later but can’t let him cum yet.”

She slid the ring back off my cock and said, “Look, his poor little cock is leaking. Such a bad boy. Wipe that off your cock Dawn and lick your fingers clean.”

Well, just one more humiliating act and it’s in public. I did as she said, and everyone started laughing. The girl that Patty knew asked, “Does he do everything you girls tell him to do?”

“Yes, he does, because if he didn’t, he would get punished and we would stop playing with him.” Lena told her.

Then Patty added, “And he wouldn’t be getting sex from either one of us again.”

The girl laughed and said, “That is interesting. How did you ever convince him to do this stuff?”

Patty told her, “We didn’t have to convince him. He asked me to expose and humiliate him before we ever got married. I invited Lena to join me in working on him and we both are having a great time. He stays naked most of the time now and wears girl’s clothes when we need a girl’s night out.”

“Really, I would love to see that sometime. Maybe we can go out some evening and have him look like a girl.” The girl said.

Lena didn’t miss anything, and she said, “That can be arranged. Ms. Patty has your number, so we can set up a nice evening with Ms. Dawn. Do you know where we live, because you can come over and see him in action sometime. He eats pussy very good too.”

The girl said, “Yes, I know where you live and may call to see when I can come see him. I bet he does lick pussy good and has had lots of practice.”

Patty said, “Yes, he licks both of us quite often and has licked a lot of others too. He doesn’t like the older ladies, but he has licked 3 of them so far. They were all over 70 and the last one was 90.”

Then Lena said, “He’ll lick you and anyone else we tell him to. Just let us know when you want his tongue.”

The girl, who I found out her name was Donna, said, “I would love that. How about now?”

Patty said, “Yes, if you want it now, he will do it and if anyone else wants some, he’ll do them too.”

There were a couple other ladies in this place and Patty said it loud enough for them to hear. They were with men, so figured I wouldn’t have to lick them too. But I was sure I would have to lick Donna. I hoped she was good tasting, because I don’t like any bad tasting pussy, even if I must eat them at times.

Lena asked, “Donna, where would you like to be eaten. If you have a back room we can go to or if you aren’t bashful, he will do it right out here so everyone can watch.”

Donna said, “Now, that is quite the offer. You will let him lick me out here where everyone else can watch. I think I would like that. Maybe up front at the counter.”

“Not a problem. Dawn, follow the nice lady and eat her pussy. Better do a good job or you will be spanked again.” Patty told me.

I followed her to the front and noticed the other people walking that way too. Donna took her skirt and panties off and sat on the counter with her legs spread open. Her pussy could be seen by everyone, but I guess, since it is a porn shop, it didn’t matter.

Her pussy was clean shaved, except for one little strip just above her slit. I thought it was cute, but I have had so many different ones, it didn’t really matter. Once she was in position, she said, “Now, show us how good you are.”

I had an audience watching as I started licking her pussy and she wasn’t that bad. Not as sweet as my girls, but nothing like the old ones I licked. I gave her pussy a good tongue bath and she was wet in just a few minutes. I continued licking her and then my tongue was inside her hole. I found her clit and sucked on it before going back to lick some more and tongue fuck her pussy. She was grinding her pussy into my face, and she was moaning quite loud. Maybe she had never been licked before or she hadn’t had in in a long time.

I continued my licking, and she grabbed my bald head and pulled me deep into her crotch. I knew it was time for her to cum and she didn’t disappoint me. She started cumming hard on my tongue and her juices were flowing into my mouth. She started to calm down and I continued licking her and she grabbed my head again and was cumming the second time for me.

After she relaxed from that one, she pushed me away and just sat there with her pussy visible to everyone. She didn’t seem to care that everyone could see her naked pussy and I knew it was well satisfied. I leaned back in to kiss it, like I do with every pussy I eat. I kissed it, then said, “Thank you Ms. Donna for letting me eat you and make you cum. You taste wonderful.”

The others who had been watching me, clapped and I heard Lena say, “If any of you other ladies want to be licked, just give him your pussy. He will be happy to eat all of you.”

No one took her up on it, but I noticed some of them looking at the guy with them, like they wanted to have me lick them, but was afraid the guy wouldn’t like it. I also saw Patty with several things in her hands and one of them looked like a dress or something. But it was shear, so didn’t figure it was a dress.

She came up to the counter and Donna climbed down with my help. She didn’t put her clothes back on as she started to ring up Patty’s purchases. No, she stood there bottomless for all to see. I saw Lena approaching the counter with several things in her hands and she also had some clothing.

Donna finished with Patty and said, “I gave you a big discount because he is such a good pussy licker. Lena, you’re next.”

While she was ringing up Lena, Patty said, “Here, Dawn, put this on.”

She handed me what I thought might be a dress, but it was a baby doll nightie instead. I knew I would look stupid in it but did what my wife told me to. I slid it over my head and let it slide down my body. It didn’t go down very far and didn’t cover my cock at all. But it is what Patty wanted.

I stood waiting for Lena to finish up and heard Donna say, “You got a big discount too, Lena. He is a good licker and I’ll be in touch for some more soon.”

Then Lena said, “Donna, how would you like a picture with him?”

Donna said, “I would love it. Let me put my skirt back on and show you how my phone works. Can we get one with him naked and with his new nightie on?”

Patty said, “Yes, you can have pictures with him any way you want.”

“Great. I like that and can’t wait to show my friends what I get for working here.” Donna said.

Well, guess I’ll be star someday, because more and more people will be seeing me in all my naked glory. I had to take off the nightie and Lena took pictures of me and Donna together. One was me with my arm around her, then one where she was holding my cock and another one when she took my cock in her mouth. Her lips felt good on me, but it wasn’t in her mouth very long. Then, I had to put the nightie back on and pose for some more pictures.

Once they were done taking pictures, I thanked Donna for allowing me to be humiliated and had to tell her I would love to eat her again someday, along with licking all her friends if she wanted.

Then, we all left, and I had to wear the nightie all the way home. It was decided that for tonight, I could wear it in the house, since it didn’t cover my cock and they said I might have to wear it to bed every night.

We got home and the girls were tired, so we just went to bed to sleep before the block party the next day.

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