Mother's Submission- Chapter 16 by Sadistic_Dominant

Introduction: These stories are all fantasy. Don't try to turn fantasies into reality and ruin people's lives.

All characters are of legal age.

Comments are always appreciated. , Alex stared out at the calm peaceful waters before him. After driving for nearly an hour, he'd found himself at a spot by the local lake where his father used to take him fishing. They'd spent hours here, laughing and discussing whatever was going on in Alex's life, although they rarely caught any fish. And somehow, even though he was furious with his father right now, being here made him feel just a little better.

“I thought I might find you here”, Alex heard suddenly. He looked back to see his father walking over and sitting down next to him. “Why are you here”, Alex asked angrily. “Do you just enjoy destroying our lives?” “That's not it at all”, Will said, looking at his son. “I know I made horrible choices in the past, but I want your mother back. What I can't figure out is why it bothers you so much.”

“Because”, Alex said, but he couldn't finish speaking. He couldn't explain to his father why he didn't want his parents back together and he knew it. “Because you're just going to hurt her again”, he finally said, deciding that a half-truth was his best option. “I'm not going to hurt her, Alex”, Will said. “I'll do whatever it takes, for however long it takes, to earn her trust back. And yours.”

Alex looked at his father seriously for a moment. “I can't forgive you”, he said, before turning back to the water. “I'm sorry to hear that”, Will said, standing up and dusting himself off. “At least go sort things out with your mother. For some reason, she thinks you're upset with her”, he said, before leaving.

Alex sighed and looked out over the water. “Of course I'm upset with her”, he said to himself. “I've been fighting off these urges and she just goes and cheats on me. How can I move on and trust her again?”


Alicia couldn't believe what had happened. “How did I let this happen”, she asked herself as she sat on the sofa, staring at the wall. The pain and betrayal she had seen in Alex's eyes had been all too familiar. It was the same way she felt when she caught Will cheating on her.

“How could I do that to him”, she said, then turned suddenly when she heard a voice. “I don't know”, Lauren said as she entered the room. “What are you doing here”, Alicia asked, wiping away the tears from her eyes. “I don't know where Alex went, so I thought I would check on you”, Lauren said. “Are you alright?”

“No, I'm not alright. How could I be”, Alicia said. “I've just hurt the most wonderful man in the world”, she said, then suddenly turned toward Lauren fearfully, realizing what she had just said. “It's okay. I know about you and Alex”, the younger girl said, laying her hand on top of Alicia's.

“He told you”, Alicia said, shocked that he would confide in the girl. “Not really. I kind of figured it out and he just didn't deny it”, Lauren said. “But it's alright. I won't tell anyone.” “Thank you”, Alicia said. “At least one of us can make a good decision today.” “Yeah, so, what happened”, Lauren asked. “Why did you do it?”

“I don't know”, Alicia said. “Part of me still loves Will, even after all these years and everything he's done wrong. I think that's why I was so worried about you and Alex. Because when two people have romantics history, sometimes they do things they wouldn't normally do. Anyway, when Will showed up the other day and apologized, it got into my head. I started to wonder if he had changed and I realized that I still wanted to be with him.”

“Yeah, but you want to be with Alex too”, Lauren said. “I know”, Alicia said agonizingly. “And I know it's not fair to either of them what I did.” “No, but you're human. We all make mistakes”, Lauren said. “Surely Alex will be able to forgive you.” “I hope so”, Alicia said, looking out the window, just in time to see Alex's car pull into the driveway.

Lauren looked up as well and then stood. “I'm going to go, so you two can talk. I hope you make the right decision.” “I hope so too, although I have no idea what the right decision is”, Alicia said. “Thank you for listening.” “Anytime”, the younger woman said as she left.

Moments later, Alex walked through the door. Alicia could still see the hurt and anger in his eyes, along with determination. “I'm sorry”, she said, before he had a chance to speak. “I know you are”, Alex said. “And, in time, I'll find a way to forgive you. But I don't know how I can trust you right now.”

“I'll do anything”, Alicia said as Alex stood before her, towering over her. “Good. Because I'm leaving and I want you to go with me”, Alex said. “What”, Alicia asked, shocked by what she heard. “I'm leaving this house and this town and I want you to come. I obviously can't have you around dad or you'll choose him”, Alex said, his voice strong and firm. “Wait a minute, we can't just leave. Our lives are here”, Alicia said and she immediately saw Alex's eyes fall.

“Fine then. Stay here and be with him”, Alex said, turning and walking out once more. Alicia quickly followed him, grabbing his arm. “Alex, think this through. You're angry, and you have every right to be. But we can't just leave.” “Maybe you can't, but I can”, Alex said, pushing her away and getting into his car. “I'll call you when I figure out where I'm going.”

For the second time that day, Alicia watched her son, her former master, drive away from her. Tears filled her eyes as her heart broke. Something inside of her told her that she would never be able to fix this.


Several hours later, Alex pulled into a driveway. Without realizing it, he'd driven to his aunt Polly's house. She was his mother's younger sister, ten years younger to be exact, which made her only ten years older than Alex. He hadn't seen her in awhile, but she'd always said that he could sleep on her couch if he needed to.

“Well, I think this counts”, he said as he knocked on the door. Polly opened the door, smiling when she saw him. “Alex, what are you doing here”, she asked as she hugged him.

Polls was five foot five and couldn't weigh more than one hundred and fifteen pounds. She had large breasts that strained against the tight shirt she wore and the same thick ass that his mother had. Needless to say, Alex thoroughly enjoyed the hug.

“Well”, he said as he pulled away, “I kinda had a fight with mom. I was wondering if I could sleep on your couch tonight?” “Sure, honey”, Polly said as she let him inside. “Why don't you go take a shower and I'll fix you something to eat.” “I don't have anything to wear”, Alex said sheepishly, although a shower did sound like a good idea.

“I'm sure one of my exes left some clothes here. I'll find something for you while you're showering”, she said and Alex smiled. “Thanks, aunt Polly”, he said and headed toward the bathroom. Polls waited until she heard the door close, then she grabbed her phone and called her sister.

“Alicia, what's going on? Alex just showed up, saying you two had a fight”, Polly said when Alicia answered. “He did? Well, I'm glad he's safe”, Alicia said. “Honestly, I don't know what to say.” She hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “Polly, can you keep a secret?” “Of course”, Polly said, always willing to be there for her sister. Although, she wasn't ready for what Alicia told her next.

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