The Weekend Pt. 02 by Really_big,Really_big

Waking up to the sun bouncing around the walls of the room, Mason slowly opened his eyes. Crusted over with dried tears, sweat, and cum. His entire body ached and his mouth felt like sandpaper. His throat was still sore from last night’s activities. It wasn’t until he shifted a little that he recognized the feeling of the arms around his midsection.

Speaking of, glancing down the first thing he noticed was the prominent rise of his stomach, bloated and more than full, as it rested upon the covers. It was an angry pink and appeared to have grown even further since last night, now he no longer just looked 9 months pregnant, he looked 9 months pregnant with triplets.

Groaning he noticed the feeling of Kat’s third leg still buried in his, not so tight anymore, hole.

Hearing his groan Kat, who apparently had been awake for a bit, giggles as she gently shakes his gut. The warm liquid filled pouch jiggling like a large water balloon. “Hey there~ good morning lovely.” Kat purred into his ear.

“Ugh… please stop playing with that. It feels like I’ve swallowed a whole watermelon.” Mason groaned out.

“Hehe~ but it’s so much fun! Just look at it!” Getting only a grunt in reply Kat continued, “Oh, fine, grumpy grump. Come on, let’s get you drained.”

With a surprising amount of strength Kat reached down and gripped Mason by the back of his thighs. Pulling his legs up to his gut as she wrapped her arms around him firmly. Pulling him with her she turned onto her back, holding Mason atop her as she pulled herself up till he was sitting in her lap, cock still buried in his ass.

“Upsy daisy!” Kat exclaimed as she got to her feet with a slight wobble. Reorienting herself she continued to hold him in front of her completely suspended in the air. “Hey, I’m going to need you to guide me, I can’t see over you from this position.” Kat said, her face pressed sideways against the back of his shoulder blades.

It took Mason a minute to adjust the the feeling of being held aloft with two feet of cock throbbing inside him, clearly hard. Soon enough though he managed to find his voice and lead her to the bathroom. He had to get the door since her arms were otherwise preoccupied, but soon they were standing in an open walk in shower. A curtain in place of the door.

Setting him down onto his feet, her cock still firmly lodged inside him, Kat reached over and turned on the water while they were still out of the spray. Waiting for the water turn hot as she bounced on her toes, causing her dick to prod his insides once more.

“Hey! Are you going to pull out anytime soon?” Mason questioned.

“If I could, I’d never pull out. If you must know, I’m waiting for the water to turn hot so it’s easier to drain. My cum can get pretty thick and it’s easier to wash it away with warm water.”

Feeling the water Kat nodded before finally sliding her hips back. It nearly felt like she was pulling him inside out as her cock dragged through his guts, scraping and pulling on his insides.

Stopping for a moment as her head finally reached the tight ring of his ass, she leaned forward to grab his hips before pulling out with a distinct POP sound. Following her extraction was a deluge of cum that immediately ran down the back of his legs and poured onto the shower floor like someone upended an entire gallon of milk and just watched it pour out.

Seeing this Kat waited a moment for the worst of it before pressing up against his back and wrapping her arms around him. “Here, we’ll never get rid of all of it at this rate.” She said as she grabbed a hold of him and began to squeeze.

Where the flow of seed pouring from him had reduced it now began to flow even faster than before. It took a good minute of gentle squeezing and pushing for his stomach to begin to look somewhat like normal. Though he did notice he now had stretch marks he never had before.

It felt surprisingly good to be emptied in this manner, though now that it was gone Mason felt a pang of emptiness.

That feeling didn’t last long though as he felt the hands around him begin to lather him up with soap. When she had managed to get soap was anyone’s guess but he relished the feeling of her smaller hands roaming over his body. He especially noticed when her rock hard cock began to rub into his back, her tip pressing up between his shoulder blades as it spurted pre between them. Moving her body against his as she used her c cup breasts to rub it into him, firmly marking him with her scent before she washed it away.

Finishing up with his upper torso she pulled away a bit. Soon he heard the sound of a bottle opening and something being squirt out, followed by a quick Shlick shlick sound of something being spread around. Despite the sounds he didn’t turn as he felt Kat step up behind him again. This time she slid her hard cock between his legs till it was rising up below him, lifting his balls into the air.

Even from this angle her massive girth and length made his dick look small by comparison, and yet she never mentioned it as she reached around him to grip both of their cocks between her hands. Sliding her hips back and forth, Kat enjoyed the feeling of her slick shaft rubbing against his from below. Her hands formed a tunnel to hold their cocks together as she enjoyed the experience.

After a bit more playing she pulled her hands back and crouched down so she could wash his legs. Wiping away the cum and working out anything that dried onto him. She even cleaned between his toes, causing him to laugh a little uncontrollably. When she was done with that Kat stood up, her cock rising between his thighs once more, and kissed the back of his neck.

“Mmmm~ I still need to cum.. you don’t mind do you?” Kat inquired.

Hearing her talk like that caused a pang inside him, reminding him of the emptiness he was feeling. “No, go ahead.”

“Hehe~ You’re the best!” With that, Kat began to thrust back and forth between his thighs. Enjoying the sensation of his soapy body against her. He didn’t quite have the thickness required to pull off a proper thigh job, his body cut and chiseled with a decent amount of muscle and very little fat. That didn’t stop Kat from enjoying herself.

Eventually pulling back he heard the sound of her uncapping another bottle. Twisting to take a look this time he discovered she was applying lube to herself. Seeing his look she cleared up any confusion he might have, “You shouldn’t use soap as lube. It can cause chafing and other problems since it’s not meant to be inside the body. This is a perfectly safe edible lube. Now then, turn around and bend over, I’ll make this quick.”

Doing as asked she stepped up behind him staying out of the water stream to avoid washing off the lube. Pressing against his starfish she pushed until with another Pop she was in. This time however she didn’t stop to let him adjust. Continuing to push, she swiftly bottomed out in him with a sigh. Rotating her hips she stirred up his insides until he was cumming once more, his balls emptying whatever they’d managed to accrue onto the tiled floor.

“Ahh~ I’ve missed this.” Kat declared softly.

“M..Missed this? You weren’t even outside of me for thirty minutes.”

“Exactly! Way too long to leave you unstuffed, don’t worry, I’ll keep you nice and full while you’re here with me. Are you free today and tomorrow? Did you want to stick around and watch.. a.. movie?!” Kat asked, punctuating each word at the end with a hard thrust.

Taking hold of his arms and pulling them behind him she ramped up her thrusts until each one left a loud smacking sound and drew a grunt or moan from both of them. Never stopping to let him speak, she worked out her pent up frustration on him until once more she was pulling him tight against her. Her load was no less impressive than any from last night, flooding his insides for well over a minute. Finally after a bit of panting she released his arms so he could lean against the wall once more, resting against his back while she caught her breath.

After a while she managed to calm her breathing enough to ask, “Well?”

Enjoying the sensation of his belly being full once more and the cool tile against his flushed face Mason’s only response was to pull his hand back and make a thumbs-up gesture where she could see.

A little while later, having emptied himself once more and cleaned off properly, they found themselves dressed and standing in the little kitchenette. It appeared to be a bit after noon outside as Kat prepared a simple breakfast for them, Mason laying down on a couch in the sitting area, his ass still sore from the pounding he received earlier.

“I don’t really drink it myself but I have some coffee that my housemate keeps in here if you want some.”

“Yes please.” Mason said grunting into the cushions face-down.

Hearing his response she put a pod into the Kuerring that belonged to her and her housemate to make a single cup of coffee. She’d use it to make herself a tea shortly. Using a portable griddle she made eggs, sausage patties, bacon and on the side she prepped toast with butter and a bit of jam.

Seeing Mason wasn’t paying attention, his face still resting against the couch, Kat got a devious idea. Pulling down her pants a bit she pulled her currently “soft” 11 inch dick free of its prison before carefully removing the condom she always wore. It was already full of the leftover cum and pre from their fun in the shower. Carefully dumping the warm, salty-sweet load into a 32 oz insulated cup she filled it to well over half way before sliding the condom back on.

Dumping the coffee from its 8 oz mug into the cup she grabbed a long spoon and stirred, quickly turning the whitish liquid a soft brown. Grabbing a small bottle of caramel sauce she kept in the fridge she added some to his coffee before setting it aside and making sure everything else was ready. Taking the food over to him she set everything down on the small coffee table before lifting him off the couch slightly.

Groaning at being moved he soon calmed down as she set him back down on her thighs. Stroking the back of his head gently as he rested on her lap. After a while the smell of food and coffee drew him from his position till he was leaning against the arm of the couch, plate in his lap and coffee at his side on a small table. Taking a sip of the coffee he was surprised by what tasted like a salted caramel latte.

Removing the lid to look at it he noticed it was really light, as if someone had added a bunch of cream or milk to it but he couldn’t taste milk. Trying some more he enjoyed the taste before noticing Kat staring at him and biting her lip from the corner of his eye. Seeing the look on her face he quickly put two and two together. Slowly setting the coffee aside he looked at her and smiled.

Once she looked away and began to eat her own food he started eating as well. Waiting until she was fully absorbed in her food and not paying much attention he slowly leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You came in my coffee didn’t you?”

Jumping a bit at the question she squeaked and turned toward him, explanation already on her lips, before noticing the smirk on his face. Huffing, she lightly slapped his arm before he burst into a fit of laughs. Seeing the indignation on her face for scaring her like that he reached over and grabbed the coffee before taking a good long sip maintaining eye contact with her as he did so.

Biting her lip at him, a smolder returned to her eyes as she drank in the display. Finishing their breakfast quickly they returned to her room to sit on her loveseat in front of her smallish flat-screen TV. Pulling up Netflix she decided on a movie at random. After a little while of only sort of paying attention and shared glances Kat felt herself growing hard once more.

Pulling her pants down a bit she pulled her towering meat free, before it could grow any harder, while Mason was distracted. “Hey, you’re looking kind of lonely over there. Why don’t you come and take the best seat in the house~”

Looking over Mason flushed at the appearance of her now near fully hard cock resting just below her chin. Taking a gulp, he stared at her as she gently stroked herself before him, her tip already beginning to leak profusely. Slowly reaching up she pulled the condom free from the top, causing the accumulated pre to spill onto her shaft, lubing her up.

Continuing to stroke she rubbed in the sticky mess, thoroughly coating herself. Finally Mason stood with a bit of tenuous excitement, stepping in front of her, his back facing her. Startling him a bit Kat grabbed his pants from the back and pulled them down over his firm rear. Angling herself correctly she stood up behind him until she was pushing her manhood into his bowels once more.

Grabbing his hips she pulled him down as she sank back into the couch once more, now thoroughly rooted inside him however. She let out a soft moan, into his ear, at the sensation. Squirming a bit to get comfortable Mason relaxed back into her, looking down at his gut he could see the prominent bulge of her full length pressing out below his ribcage. Leaning to his side against the armrest so she could see, Kat began to pay attention to the show before her, content to just sit here with her prick enveloped in the soft warm embrace of his body.

Sighing in contentment and relaxing she watched the movie while Mason tried to pay attention but was struggling to focus on anything other than the huge snake invading his inner sanctum. After around thirty minutes of unsuccessfully trying to focus and Kat leaking near constantly inside him, Mason reached down and grabbed his stomach, stroking her length through his body. Kat, not expecting the sudden feeling, moaned as her eyes fluttered shut for a moment.

Hearing the sounds she was making Mason decided to get back at her a bit. Beginning to stroke her again, he soon had her moaning continuously as she leaned further back into the couch. By the time the credits were rolling she was panting heavily with lidded eyes, a little while later she managed to get her bearings and with a dangerous look in her eye gripped him by the hips.

Lifting him up in her lap she slammed him back down causing his eyes to go wide and his hands to falter as she began to pound him as hard as she could from this angle. After about ten more minutes, the movie finished and a new one started. She finally pulled him flush to her body as she came, and boy did she cum. Apparently teasing her like that had been a bad idea because she was cumming more than she ever had before.

Mason’s stomach ballooned rapidly, going from 3 months pregnant all the way up to 6 months in minutes. A full ten minutes after she started she was still releasing smaller spurts of cream on and off. By the time she was done he was once more reduced to a blubbering mess. Relaxing once more Kat let out a sigh, grabbed the remote from beside her, and started another movie.

They wound up watching a total of three movies, though how much they actually watched is anyone’s guess. Kat managed to cum once more during each of the following movies; though not as much as the first time, each load was by no means small, and Mason was looking just as full as he had that morning by the time they were finished.

Kat really enjoyed seeing him stretched out like that. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have found someone so willing and able to take her monster in stride. It was so lovely she couldn’t help but give him a couple of thrusts before taking him to the shower once more. Standing up and holding him like this once more gave her another idea, though that would have to wait for tomorrow.

Bobbing him up and down as she walked, Kat took her time getting to the bathroom, enjoying the look of his stomach jiggling almost hypnotically. She could get used to this. It was almost a shame the weekend was going to end and they’d have to go back to classes… Guess that meant she had to make the most of it.

Taking advantage of the opportunity this position gave her, this time she didn’t set him down when they reached the shower. Instead she leaned back against the wall and had him start the shower. As soon as it was going and warming up she slid her back against the wall a little and then thrust upward with all her might. Feeling that gut punch Mason cried out “Ooph, W..What are you doing!”

“ your… capacity!” Kat called out in reply. Each word grunted out between hefty thrusts, each so powerful they sent her balls swinging up into his own, absolutely beating them into submission with her massive family makers. It didn’t take long of her thrusting before her arms began to give out. Lifting someone who not only weighs more than you but is also carrying a couple gallons of your cum is surprisingly hard for a 5’6″ mouse of a girl no matter how abnormally strong she is.

Luckily the wall was there for her to slide down as her legs turned to jelly when she came. Her nuts pulsed against the shower floor as she filled him with a new batch of baby batter. Sitting there being filled beyond capacity Mason was practically catatonic; yet when the cum filling him found that it couldn’t stretch his stomach any further, and there was no hope of it fighting back against the flood of its virile brothers, it only had one place left to go.

Feeling a sensation bubbling up the back of his throat, Mason choked as the flood of cum that should have been stopped much sooner plowed through his body’s natural barriers. Instantly his mouth was filled with the taste of her cream as his cheeks bloated shortly before cum began to erupt from his mouth. He felt like he’d just become the mount vesuvius of cum and it wasn’t stopping soon.

By the time she was finished Mason’s entire face was caked in semen and on the floor in front of him the water was a murky white before finally clearing in the absence of more cum being introduced. Choking for air, unable to breath through the thick nut clogging his airways he dragged himself off of her on his hands and knees to kneel in the water so he could use it to clear his mouth and throat. Kat remained leaning against the wall, her eyes having never once left him since she began to cum.

As soon as Mason had managed to clear his throat and had regained his breath he turned to Kat to say, “Never again.”

Having the decency to seem a little ashamed, Kat still said, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. God, I love it when you look like that.” Face flushing at that declaration Mason looked away, his cheeks almost burning under her gaze.

Eventually they managed to get their strength back enough for them to stand and her to help Mason empty himself, though after a point his stomach still remained bloated. Unable to get the cum out they’d simply have to wait for him to digest it. That is if he could without it being replaced by Kat’s insatiable desire to ‘breed’ him.

Yeah… it didn’t take long for Kat to get hard again. Though she was still really tired from earlier so instead of a rough pounding Mason found himself sitting in her lap once more, leaning forward so Kat had room to eat. He wasn’t really hungry but he did drink a ‘protein shake’ Kat made for him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out it was like 80% cum mixed with blended fruit. Annoyingly, it was actually really good.

As for Kat she was actually eating a lot of protein. It took a lot of energy to maintain the level of strength and cum production Kat was at. She had grilled chicken, steak, eggs, and leftover bacon from breakfast. Not to mention, mashed potatoes, beans, broccoli, and a bowl of extra fruit (with extra pineapple for obvious reasons).

It was amazing to see someone so small pack away so much food. By the time she was finished she had a bit of a food baby herself. Throwing her plate to the side she grabbed the empty cup from Mason’s hands and put it aside as well. Now that that was all out of the way, she could make sure he really got his fill.


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Pulling him off of her cock, after getting a few good thrusts in of course, she had him sit on the floor beside the couch with his back to the armrest. Stepping up to him she stuck the tip of her dick into his mouth and began to push forward until she couldn’t go any further. She managed to get herself into his throat but at this angle she’d never get all the way in. Luckily for her, she had a plan.

Getting onto her tip toes she leaned forward till she was holding onto the armrest behind him causing his head to tilt back. Inching forward now that his throat was being kept a fair bit straighter she pushed in until her legs came to a stop spread on either side of his body. Her balls resting on his chin and his throat bulging as she held him in the sword swallowing position between her thighs.

His head, even when sitting, came up flush to her crotch. Which meant there wasn’t a lot of room for thrusting like before. Lucky for him she was already pretty close from dinner and sliding into the silky confines of his throat as he swallowed around her had put her right on the edge. Getting up onto the tips of her toes once more she gave herself enough room for a couple short quick thrusts before she was cumming directly into his stomach.

“Ahhhh~ you really are perfect for me baby.” Kat moaned out as she crossed her arms over the armrest and laid her head down on them. Standing with her legs straight and back bent as she ‘fed’ him his real dinner.

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