He Can Only Hurt You if You Let Him In by solomru

He Can Only Hurt You if You Let Him In by solomru

A witch, Sharon McLuster has another encounter with an angry Arcutus after a year of being apart. The wizard goes for his. Adaptation from another work. , He Can Only Hurt You if You Invite Him In

Sharon was still dressed in the cut-offs and t-shirt she wore while packing. She needed a shower, and quickly. She found her nightgown and was just heading for the bathroom, when there was a knock on the door. Knock was too light a word for it. It was more of a pounding. Her heart leaped in her chest. Already? He was here already?

She grabbed her wand and walked to the front door. She peered out the peephole, and saw Arcutus standing there, a ways back from the door, clothed in shadow. A heady tingling washed over her body. He was here…for her. Again. And had wasted no time.

Sharon steeled herself, unwarded the door, and opened it slowly. She looked out at him. He stood there, breathing as if he had run, and not magically transported.. He stood there a moment, in the shadows. Then suddenly he swept by her and was inside. Sharon closed the door and replaced the wards.

“Quieting charm,” Arcutus said in a low controlled voice.

Sharon turned to him, and was swallowed up by a wave of desire so intense, her legs buckled slightly. He made no move to catch her, but stood there as she recovered, still breathing heavily. She looked at him, too befuddled by his proximity to process what he said properly

“Place…a…quieting…charm…on …the…apartment,” he said again, his dark eyes hard as diamonds.

Sharon did so, then turned back to face him. He was looking at her with a harsh, intense expression in his eyes. He reached into his pocket and extracted a purple vial that held a potent pain potion.

“Drink this,” he said as he held it out to her.

“But, Arcutus I don’t need it…yet,” she said softly, even as her hand came up to take it from him.

“Drink it now. Trust me,” he growled.

She did as he asked, and handed the vial back to him. He continued to look at her, his eyes taking in her ordinary human clothing. His jaw clenched. Suddenly he began to unbutton his robes, right there in the foyer.

“Arcutus, wouldn’t you rather we went into the bedroom?” Sharon asked as his pale throat was exposed. She had expected him to rush in and ravish her with a passionate kiss at least. His intensity was beginning to frighten her as much as it excited her.

“No,” he said as his hands nimbly moved down the front of his robes, loosening each fastening quickly.

He paused and looked at her appraisingly.

“Undress,” he said.

“But…” Sharon started to protest.

“Take your fucking clothes off!” Arcutus demanded, with an almost deadly inflection in his voice as he shrugged off his robe, revealing a taunt muscled body and tented black boxers. He was aroused. Very, very aroused. And apparently, very angry.

Sharon complied. As she was pulling her t-shirt over her head, she asked him, “Why are you so angry? I would think you would be pleased that I…”

“That you what? That you finally managed to admit you needed me? That you wanted me to fuck you again? What a fucking breakthrough…what do you want? Me to applaud you for taking a year to do what should have been done months ago? No. I won’t. But I should fuck you within an inch of your life for making me wait so long. You shouldn’t have made me wait, Sharon. You’ve stretched my patience much too far.”

His eyes were positively dangerous now as they took her in. She slipped out of her shorts.

“Your panties,” he breathed, removing his boxers.

Sharon nervously stepped out of her panties. They were soaked through.

Arcutus smirked as he noted their wetness.

“Even when I frighten you, I excite you, don’t I?” he asked.

She didn’t answer.

“Don’t I?” he demanded again, taking a menacing step toward her.

“Yes,” she admitted.

This seemed to calm him somewhat, though he was still breathing deeply.

Sharon eyes swept over his body discreetly. Still hard and lean. His cock seemed even larger than she remembered, and it pointed directly at her, the swollen head weeping in anticipation. Her body began to shake noticeably as the memories of what that cock could do swept over her.

“You think you’re shaking now…” Arcutus growled through clenched teeth. Then he was on her.

He pushed her roughly back against the living room wall and slammed his body against hers hard, pinning her to it. It was difficult to breathe. Sharon was so hot, her pussy felt as if it were snapping.

“Gods…I like this,” her desire fogged brain wrapped around this revelation. “He’s practically raping me, and … I want it, just the way he’s doing it. What is wrong with me?”

Arcutus shifted against her.

“I didn’t get a chance to take you like this the first time. I think I’ll rectify that, right now, “ Arcutus purred into her ear, as he hoisted her up, her back sliding painfully along the wall, and slipped his arms under her legs, hooking her knees over them so she was hanging mid-wall, her thighs wide open to him.

“You don’t weigh much, Sharon. I should be able to hold you here for a long, long time,” he breathed, “and there’s no give on the wall, nothing but your body to absorb the … impact. It’s going to hurt, you little minx, it’s going to hurt like I hurt all these months…”

Them he licked her earlobe. It was all she needed. She came, and came hard. Sharon convulsed against his body, groaning, shuddering and whispering his name over and over. He held her there, pinned, his cock hard against her belly, just letting her release as he whispered softly in her ear.

“You’re wanton. Even the thought of my cock slamming in you makes you come. And you think you can control this? Didn’t I teach you anything, Sharon? When it comes to fucking you have no control. I thought you learned that about yourself. You just open up and let me possess you. You want to be slammed. You want to be stroked until it hurts. Your passion’s not gentle. Even when I made love to you, you wanted more. You want to be fucked like an animal. Well, I will oblige you. When you finish coming, I will fuck you and fuck you and fuck you and you will come again, and again, the right way, the best way impaled on my cock, screaming at the top of your lungs until you can’t scream any longer.”

He ground against her impatiently as she continued to throb, sobbing at her own continued arousal even as her fluids coated her thighs in release. She needed him to penetrate her, now.

“Arcutus, please…please,” she groaned.

“That’s what you were trying to make me say, all these months, wasn’t it? Please. You wanted me to beg you, didn’t you? Make me lose my pride, crawl to you on hands and knees begging for just another little taste of you. Well, it didn’t work. You asked for me…dying for my cock to release you. I will cajole, influence, use all my powers of persuasion, but never beg, especially for something I know will be given to me in the end. Finish, Sharon. Then I’ll shove my cock so far up inside you, you’ll think its come out the top of your beautiful little head.”

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