Spanking The College Boy

Carson was shocked by the knock on the door. His roommate wasn’t supposed to be back from class for another two hours. It was right after Thanksgiving break and all the students on campus were busy studying for finals in the coming two weeks. Carson had been hitting the books all day. As his father had told college freshman, his religious history degree wasn’t going to earn itself.

Carson opened the door and was surprised to see his father in the doorway of his dorm. His stocky and strict father said, “We need to talk young man.”

Carson may have been taller than his father, but the nineteen-year-old still felt small when his father was angry. Carson moved and let his father in. “Dad, what is it.” Carson wavered playing with the drawstring off the neck of his hoodie. Carson’s father replied, “Do you know what your mother found under your bed at the house this morning when she was vacuuming?”

Carson swallowed as he thought “Oh no.” Carson said “I…. I don’t know.”

His dad snapped back “A crusty sock. A disgusting crusty sock from where you had been masturbating! Young man, you know damn well you are not allowed to do that disgusting thing.”

Carson shot back “I’m nineteen. I’m allowed to do whatever I want, and you can’t stop me!”

His dad stood inches from his face and ordered “As long as I fund your education you will follow my rules, regardless of how old you are. Now come here and get over my knee.”

In a flash his father had grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him over his knees sitting on Carson’s bed. His dad began raining a barrage of swats on his ass over his black skinny jeans. From an outsiders point of view it probably looked strange seeing the six-foot-tall Carson over his shorter fathers knee, but Carson wasn’t concerned about that. Even over his jeans the spanks felt like brutal stinging belt straps on his ass. “Dad, come on. You can’t spank me.” Carson Whined.

His dad pulled him up, so he was resting on his knees with his eyes level with his father. Wagging a finger his dad said “I will spank you if you damn well need it. Now, drop your pants.”

“But dad….”

“Drop them right now or I’ll get the belt.” With the threat of getting the belt Carson begrudgingly reached down and began unbuttoning his pants. Carson quivered as he pushed his pants and boxers down around his knees saying, “Yes sir. I’m pulling them down. You don’t need to get the belt.”

Carson’s penis and nut’s had retreated far into the nerdy college students black bush of pubes. His dad instructed “Get that hoodie off too.”

“Yes sir.” Carson sniffled as he pulled the hoodie off over his head leaving him naked with his pants and boxers around his knees. His dad pulled him back over his lap with his reddening ass pointing into the air. Another barrage of spanks came down on his ass. He hoped to God no one else in the dorm could hear the punishment he was getting. Carson’s dad lectured “You are strictly prohibited from masturbating. It goes against god’s will. If I look under your bed here, will I find another sock?”

Tears began falling down his face as he answered, “No dad, I promise.” Carson just hoped his dad wouldn’t look in his underwear drawer where a blue washcloth had several pearly white stains from a jerk session that morning.

His dad continued spanking him until his ass gave off heat and glowed crimson. His dad pulled him up on his knees again and looked into his red teary eyes “Now, get those pants and underwear off and get the enema kit I gave you.”

Carson desperately tried to think of an excuse “I…. I don’t think I have it anymore.”

His dad snapped “I suggest you find it, or I’ll get my belt out. Now stop stalling and go get it and meet me in your bathroom.” Carson stood and began pulling his pants and underwear off his legs. He went to his closet and opened his suitcase where the dreaded red hot water bag and long snaking tube stared up at him. The tube ended in a nozzle with small holes for the water to come out and penetrate his bowels.

He carried the bag into the bathroom where his dad already had warm water flowing out of the bathtub faucet.

Carson watched as dad filled the bag completely full and began adding an all-to-generous amount of soap to the bag until Carson could visibly see suds coming out of the top. His dad ordered “Get your jelly son, unless you want it to go in dry.” With quick breaths Carson reached under his sink and pulled out a container of petroleum jelly.

His dad sat on the toilet and pulled Carson over his lap again, hanging the bag over the rod of the shower curtain. Carson jumped as he felt his dad’s finger rubbing a large glob of jelly onto his puckered hole. His dad instructed, “Take a deep breath.” With one hand his dad held Carson’s cheeks apart and with the other began pushing the nozzle in his hole. Carson felt a small wave of pleasure in his groin and felt his dick flinch. He thought to himself “Please, no. Not that. Not now.”

With no warning his dad released the clamp on the tube and Carson jumped as he felt the warm water begin rushing into his colon. The water continued flowing until Carson felt like he was going to explode “Dad, I can’t take anymore. Please stop the water.”

“No, Carson. You are taking the whole bag. Man up. There’s just a little bit more.” Carson groaned as his bowels continued expanding. He felt like an over filled water balloon that was about to pop. When he felt like his intestines were about to erupt the bag was finally empty.

“Clench that hole up.” His dad ordered as he pulled the tube out. Carson was afraid to move, thinking if he did, he would void his bowels right there. Patting his back his dad said “Stand up, hands behind your head. You’re gonna hold it for five minutes. I assume you’ve been eating terribly so this will be good to clean that disgusting food out of your colon too.” Slowly and carefully Carson stood. His stomach was visibly distended and with every step he felt the soapy water slosh in his intestines. He felt two drips leak out of his clenched hole onto the floor.

His stomach began strongly cramping and he wanted to clutch his abdomen, but he kept his hands behind his head, nervously tapping his fingers on his head. It was all he could do to stop from shitting right there in the floor. He was also keenly aware that now between his legs his dick was bloated with blood and standing at attention. Carson wanted to burst into to tears as his dad stared at him desperately trying not to shit himself while also having a throbbing hardon.

His dad said “Hard again, I see. You have no self-control. You’d have your hand around it right now if I wasn’t here, I’m sure.”

Jerking off was the last thing on Carson’s mind. All he wanted to do was sit on the toilet and take a massive shit. As another wave of cramps ripped across his colon Carson begged “Please, I’ve learned my lesson. I need the toilet.”

His dad shook his head and moved, waving Carson to the toilet. Right as his legs hit the seat, he began releasing the enema. He didn’t even try to tuck his throbbing dick into the bowl, so it sat sticking up toward his belly, hard as steel at a ninety-degree angle.

His dad stood and watched as Carson shit his brains out. The room began to stink. As a loud wet fart ripped through the room his dad quipped “Damn, son. What’ve you been eating?”

After what felt like five minutes Carson sat exhausted and empty with a still cramping stomach and a burning, sore, red ass. His penis was finally starting to deflate between his legs.

“Now,” his dad said, wagging his finger again, “do not let me figure out that you have been touching yourself and spilling your seed again. I’ll see you at Christmas.”

“Yes sir,” Carson replied between deep breaths as his dad left the dorm.

Little did Carson know that in two weeks when he went home for the holidays his dad would have a special gift for him. A chastity cage that he would have to wear for the next three years until he graduated with his degree.

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