A Veiled Maria Fucks her Mature Son

An adult stories – A Veiled Maria Fucks her Mature Son by BeautifulCock969,BeautifulCock969 My mother is a devout Catholic and insists that we attend Mass every Sunday. At times she is in crisis, she stops to attend morning Mass every day on her way to work. She prays for me and for my father who passed away several years ago. My father died when I was six and she keeps him close to her heart. When we attend Mass together on Sundays, she and I light a candle for him. For my mother, it is still very difficult at times not to have the closeness with my father that she once had but in her mind she keeps close to him in spirit and through prayer.

My mother’s name is Maria and I know she finds strength through these ceremonies. She is intent on keeping herself beautiful for him wherever he is. She also keeps herself in shape for him and always looks her best. Sometimes it can be difficult for her and in those moments, she cries often, tends to be irritable and gets on my case for short comings in the way I have matured or not.

Maria Rossi Gallo is still married to my father even in his death. She doesn’t suffer fools and, as far as I know, has not had a man since my father’s passing twelve years ago. Her real-world commitments are to her job and her family, which is me.

She was a gifted child who made it through law school and who now provides both of us with a very comfortable lifestyle. If there are any current disappointments in her life, I suppose one of them is me.

I haven’t tried very hard in school and my past grades as well as the fact that I barely won my high school diploma are a great source of heartache for my mother.

How many times has she said to me:

“Joseppi, why do you not do well in school?”(With my friends I’m Joe but to my mother I am always “Joseppi”)

“Why won’t you try?”

Or, if she wants to get under my skin.

“If you don’t try, girls are not gonna want you.” She will tell me in her accented English.

This last one hurts and it’s true that I don’t have a girlfriend.

I usually figure that it’s more because I’m super shy around girls than anything else. I go silent when I’m around them and find it very difficult to talk to girls.

Sometimes, when a girl flirts with me, I feel self-conscious and look away.

Thus, I’m left with porn and the fantasies I can spin from images and dirty stories. I love to look at images and videos of naked women while I lick saliva on my palm and stroke my seven-inch dick. I dream about the pussies and asses that I see on the internet and often get myself off four or five times a day. Pictures of older women can prompt me to have fantasies about neighbors or a woman I may see at a store or at church.

There are a couple of women with large asses who are always at church. I like to imagine myself running my hand up their nylons into their dresses or tasting and smelling their well-shaped asses. The fantasies go on and on.

The internet porn stories that really get me are those that portray incestuous couplings between a mother and her mature son. It always brings me to thoughts of licking and fucking my own beautiful mother.

My mother Maria keeps herself fit and always dresses elegantly. Even in the garden, she wears designer jeans that accentuate her well-shaped ass and a cute blouse that accents the shape of her body as well as her perky breasts. The perfume she dapples on her skin accents the scent of her own body well and I especially like it when we’re sitting together driving to church on a warm day after she has perspired a bit.

My mother’s perfume mixes with the smell of her sweat, and this never fails to make me hard while I sit near her. Over the years, I’ve learned to expect this so I try to remember to adjust my dick so it has room to be hard without revealing itself to the world.

On this day, unfortunately, I had forgotten to adjust my dick beforehand and the fragrance of my mother was especially tantalizing. On our way to Mass, my mother looked over at me and said.

“Joseppi, what are you doing with that? You should hide it before we get to church.”

I immediately felt embarrassed as my mother continued.

“Come-on, put it in a place that where it won’t show itself to the world.”

“You’re more like your father than you realize. I remember times when I would tell him what I’m telling you now.”

“Go ahead, just do it! I don’t want to see you like that.” She said with a gruff little snarl.

She gave me that look that says “You are going to Hell” which is a bit scary for me.

I reached in my pants and pushed my cock to the side where it would remain less apparent. As I did this, I felt the tip of my dick and a little bit of precum that I would have loved to rub. That said, I took to minding my manners while I saw my mother watching me with an odd look in her eye.

While continuing drive, my mother chose this moment to lay into me about my plans for the future and how I expected to get into college. She became adamant that I enroll at the local community college and make good grades so I can transfer to a better school and preferably an elite institution.

This discussion always pained me. My thoughts, as happens when I get nervous, turned to stroking my cock and ejaculating several times.

“How you gonna get a nice girl if you don’t do well in a good school?!!”

“You know, if you do well, some girl is gonna get very wet for you!”

That last comment hurts and takes me by surprise. Although I’ve heard the urging to community college many times, my mother has never expressed anything about girls getting wet or anything about a woman’s sexuality.

The way she said it hurts and it kind of makes me want to hide or at least run into the stall in the men’s room at church and quickly ejaculate into the toilet.

The remainder of the drive was silent. When we arrive at church fifteen minutes early as usual, I excuse myself to the bathroom.

My mother just couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“Yes go, you have a lot to take care of there.”

I went down the stairs with the scent of my mother and her perfume still resonating on my olfactory senses. I marched into the empty bathroom arriving, finally at a stall. I took out my dick which was hard and sensitive with precum oozing from the tip. I wrapped my hand around it and used my fluid to lubricate my whole hard dick which I began to rub fast. I lasted about half a minute and my penis squirted cum over the toilet and onto the wall in several dramatic spasms. Once finished, I felt the tension drain from my body and I felt weak for a few seconds.

I cleaned the wall, washed my hands and returned up the stairs to the sanctuary. My mother was sitting in our usual spot where I went to sit beside her.

She turned and whispered softly in my ear. I could feel her warm breath as the sibilants of her whispered words tickled in my ear.

“Do you feel better now?”

I nodded slightly but looked straight ahead hoping that my mother would drop it.

The summer passed and my mother didn’t bring up any more comments about girls getting wet but we did talk more about college. I saw her pray more and all this helped me to get my priorities in line.

One evening about a week before school would start, I saw my mother kneeling at her bed with her arms stretched out and her face pushed into the bed spread. Clearly, she was in intense prayer but my gaze focused on her beautiful ass. It’s shape sublime in its contours and the sexy separation between the globes of her athletic but soft looking ass cheeks turned me on. I took in enough for a good memory but didn’t look too long.

In September, I started classes at the community college and began work in earnest. I came home and studied and made good grades. My mother checked on me often and seemed pleased. I was happy too and my interest in learning improved a great deal. Nice to be able to discover something I liked and to please my mother at the same time.

During late September as I walked by her open bedroom door, I saw her completely naked doing some chore. I couldn’t help gazing at her briefly. Amazing to see her naked well shaped ass and when she turned around to look at me, I could see the lips of her vagina poking out from her bush.

“What are you looking at?” she said emphatically.

“Do you like what you see?”

She gave me a little smile but paired it with her “You’re going to Hell” eyes. I moved on but I couldn’t unsee what I saw.

Just now, after having seen her whole body including the flesh of her pussy, I had to have a release before resuming with my homework.

I closed the door to my room.

All I could think about was that I wanted to smell my mother’s cunt.

That fleshy cunt I could see peeking out from her chestnut-colored bush. I grabbed my prick with wet tip ready for my hand. I stroked myself while feeling the pleasure of my dick stimulating the base of my spine. I lost myself in that feeling for a few minutes until I came.

I lay on my bed quiet for a moment until my mother called through the door.

“Josseppi, are you okay?”

This broke me out of my dream state, and I answered.

“Yes, I’m fine, thank you.”

“I heard you call out, just checking.”

In my extasy and excitement, I didn’t realize I had made a noise. I continued to lie there for a few minutes before I started my schoolwork.

Weeks went by mostly as normal with my mother often telling me how proud she was that I was serious about school. She seemed happy and smiled at me a lot.

One day, when I arrived home early in the afternoon, I saw her underwear on the floor by her bed. My impulse was to ignore the sultry panties but my horny curiosity drew me to them.

Her black panties and her bra were on the floor. I just had to pick them up and smell. Thoughts of smelling my mother’s pussy had been dominating my mind for several weeks and here was my chance!

I sniffed her bra and could smell her perfume along with that aroma she has when she sweats. I took a whiff into a cup of her bra and imagined her nipple hard in my mouth. Whoa! My prick had become stiff and unyielding.

Next, I took her panties and immediately smelled the crotch where it wraps around her pussy and found what can be no finer scent. I rubbed my face into the fabric and licked at it. “This is amazing!!” I thought.

I’m not sure how long I stood there but I was alerted by the sound of the garage door opener. She was home and I dropped the garments and had the presence of mind to run in my room and appear that I had been sitting there studying all afternoon picking up my reading where I had left off earlier.

I heard her come in and call out a greeting that I answered as always. She puttered around downstairs a bit and then came up and said “Hi” and, as she usually does, kissed me on the cheek. She drew back and looked me up and down for a few seconds in a way not typical for her then she got a little smirk on her face.

“You look good today, Joseppi.” She said with a nice smile

I went back to my reading but wholly distracted as my cock begged for attention. The only option was to go in the bathroom, turn on the fan and beat-off into the toilet. In the process of doing this I came to the realization my mother had smelled her pussy on my face.

“Oh, fuck! I’m busted now” I thought

This tension only made me want to stroke my hard penis more urgently.

I took him out of my pants as I focused on the smell of my mother’s pussy that was all over my face. I grabbed my hard organ and began stroking while feeling the soft lubricant of my saliva and precum cover my sensitive shaft. My orgasm welled up almost instantly in a super intense eruption while I imagined pushing my face into the fragrant lips of my Mother’s cunt.

As I washed up, I made sure to wash my face before I went downstairs for dinner. My mother had brought my favorite pizza home for dinner! It was from Gino’s Pizzeria and was owned by one of her childhood friends. Nothing like having the smell of excellent pizza interrupt thoughts that had me preoccupied as well as overwhelmed.

Mother kissed me on the cheek again. She looked at me.

“I’m glad you washed your face. There was a little bit of dirt on it earlier.”

She gave me a little wink as I set the table and she poured herself a glass of wine.

Over the coming weeks, I found panties on the floor of her bedroom several times. There were occasions her underwear smelled strong and feisty as though urging me on to consider her cunt. Other times, they smelled only of her perfume and with very little trace of her Catholic vulva.

Of course, the smelly panties were of greater divinity for my 19-year-old nose but I was always entranced by panties that had been worn by my mother! Always, I would thoroughly jack-off to my mother’s panties and loved seeing a sample of her brown pubic hair.

Sightings of a naked Mother Maria also served to keep me aroused. These sightings rarely happened and not as much as the oft found tossed panties. But there were occasions.

I saw her naked in her room a few times but didn’t stop to gawk and risk her “You’re going to Hell” look. There was a time when I heard her praying and I thought I would take a peek through the open door of her room. I crawled from my doorway to hers in an attempt to be as quiet as possible. Looking in I got an eye full.

She was kneeling at her bed completely nude. I had a good angle on the back of my mother’s ass but not directly behind her. I could see tufts of her fur brushing out and a hint of her leathery cunt lips hanging down from her fissure. I was nothing less than stunned. I watched for what seemed like at least a minute before she spoke.

“Joseppi, what are you doing?” she said softly and she continued

“I am praying for you and asking your father to watch over you.”

She paused for a lengthy stretch of time…

“Leave me in privacy and please go for a walk or something while I sort out difficulties with your father.”

“Indeed” I thought….

I went for a drive to a wooded park where I went deep into the woods. I thought about the forest my mother keeps between her legs and the temple of flesh that surrounds her awesome cunt. When I arrived deep enough into a mossy cove, I released my spurting dick on a small mound of pungent peatmoss and thought about the sinful lust I had for my beautiful mother.

Some weeks went by and no panties were to be found and certainly neither an apparition of a naked Mother Maria. During this time, my dick cooled off but not completely as I worked to keep my class work in order. I studied, hung out with my friends, masturbated regularly, sometimes ate pizza and had intelligent conversations with my mother who often beamed about my performance in school. She asked if I was meeting any girls.

“No Mom, I don’t know how to talk to girls.”

She looked at me without saying a word and just nodded…

Then she said.

“Well, keep working hard.”

“Some girl is gonna notice you”

“You look too good, Joseppi. I’m sure there are many girls that have noticed that!”

I continued to work making an effort learn how to be proud of myself. I was glad to please my mother at the end of Fall semester with top grades!

The Holidays went by with visits to and from friends and relatives.

After one visit, my mother was somewhat drunk and strangely flirted with me. In that state of slight inebriation, she came close and hugged me in a way that was warm and fluid with a wet kiss on my cheek. I got a sexy whiff of her body and felt seriously turned on. She whispered in my ear. It tickled my earlobe when she spoke…

“I’m so proud of you, Joseppi!”

“I know a girl who is gonna get wet for you!”

That was all she said and I wasn’t sure how to respond nor did I really want to.

School began again, life returned to its routine rhythm, and I got back into the process of study. Towards mid-January, I began to find used panties again.

I was on my way to sleep and there they were. I found a pair under my sheets. I saw them as I pulled my covers back. I typically slept in-the-raw and my hand automatically began fingering my penis just as it was turning into a rock-hard-prick.

I grabbed the soiled panties quickly bringing them to my nose and inhaled my mother’s essence. Damn, these where so smelly and I couldn’t help rubbing my face into the soiled bits.

I got under the covers and stroked myself silly while smelling the pungent essence on these pink panties. I wanted it to last and I stroked as I imagined my mother’s ass and pubic wonders. When I came, I didn’t use a towel. In my state, I wanted it to cum all over and felt happy to sleep in the wetness of it all.

I happily slept in that soiled bed with those luscious, stained panties for three nights in a row. Following that, I found the bed had been changed which was unusual. For years I had kept my own bed changed and washed with little help from my mother.

On the pillow, was another recently worn pair of panties with a note affixed with a paper clip.

“Enjoy this from a girl who is really wet for you!”

Months past without panties, sightings or flirtation. I continued to learn, took long masturbatory breaks and listened to my mother go on about her adventures in lawyering while I nurtured fantasies about her body. I did manage to meet a young woman at school but I could never bring myself to ask her out.

It was the middle of May and I was called on to help my mother move some stuff out of the basement. She wore tight jeans and a sexy t-shirt that had me looking at her up and down and sneaking peeks when she wasn’t able to notice. We moved several boxes to the trash until we came to two that she offered to me.

“Joseppi, you should have these two boxes.”

“These are things that belonged to your father and you will like these as mementos of him.”

“I don’t want to know what is in these boxes but I don’t want to throw away what belonged to him. They are yours, now.”

The boxes were very heavy and once up in my room I left them in a corner and didn’t bother with them for some weeks.

On a Saturday night, I had been hanging with my friend Jake. We had been watching music concerts online, trading stories and he was telling me about some girl he liked. It was late in the evening and I received a text from my mother.

She told me that she was having a crisis and needed me to come home as soon I could. I couldn’t remember another time when she had done this and I told my friend I had to leave to check on my mother.

When I arrived home, I found my mother in the living room with a box of tissue and her eye makeup running down her face. She looked up at me as I sat down next to her.

“What’s wrong Ma?”

“I have to let go of your father..”

“That’s all I can tell you, now. But I need you to hold me.”

I put my arm around my mother’s shoulder and she turned to latch on to me and held me very tight and we continued to hold each other for some time. She whispered in my ear…

“I want you to call me Maria right now.”

I felt her warm breath in my ear and then a soft kiss on my neck. She rolled on her side as she got closer to me with her eyes peering directly into mine when she began to kiss me.

I felt the a warm and inviting sensation hen her wet lips touched mine.

“You are proving yourself to be a man, Joseppi.”

She kissed me again then held me.

I wasn’t sure what to do but I didn’t want her to stop.

Maria’s hand went down to my crotch where it grabbed onto the hardness she could feel through my jeans. Her hand slid under my loosened belt and slipped into my pants where she wrapped her fingers around the tip of my dick.

“Your cock is so warm Joseppi.” She whispered in my ear, her breathing becoming deeper.

Her hand pulled at my prick and rubbed it while she continued to kiss my neck and ground herself into me. This woman I had come to look up to as always in control was losing herself in the moment. She brought her leg over me whereon she pushed her groin into my hip while grinding her thigh into the bulk of my rock-hard dick.

My mother’s breathing was heavy, her body was assertive and before I knew it she took my cock out of my pants as she stroked its length.

“I need this now, Joseppi” were her words as she looked at me, smiled and even laughed a bit.

She rubbed up under my shirt so as to lift it and bringing her kisses to my chest then working down my belly ending with her lips caressing and then gently sucking the tip of my organ. She did this for several moments while rubbing my balls. The wetness of her lips on the tip of my prick had me transfixed. The feeling was all about the nerves that go from penis head to balls in a resonance I had never felt before. Then she stopped….

“Let me show you something…” She said in a soft voice and winked.

I looked up at her as she stood up and lifted the hem of her skirt to reveal her bush wet and matted near her thick, glistening inner lips which hung down about an inch. I couldn’t take my eyes off them and my mother moved closer to me…

“You can come close and look but you cannot touch.”

I brought my face in close enough to smell her pussy which came across to my nose as an arousing mix of sweat, piss, a touch of high pitched perfume as well as a low tone of indescribable female funk.

She brought her crotch in close to where I could feel her brown bush wispy on my forehead and tickling the tip of my nose.

“You cannot touch” she repeated.

Maria’s scent was driving me to dive into her meat and suck her juice into my mouth.

But I held there, feasting my eyes as they burned in the hot aroma of my mother’s cunt. In a quick swipe over my face, I felt her pussy compress into and quickly wipe over my face. I will never forget the sensation of soft, wet, pliable flesh brushing over my cheeks and nose then taking a quick rub on my mouth.

She came down to kiss me while grabbing the head of my dick with her hand. Maria’s tongue entered my mouth in and out in a flash and the next thing I knew she was feasting on my super hard cock.

She seemed in a frenzy as she licked all over my meat and took intermittent sucks. God-damn did she suck me while pushing the area at the base of my length just at the point between my cock and its balls. The palm of Maria’s hand pushed as her mouth sucked up in a rhythm that coaxed the muscles underneath my balls to launch a fast steam of warm cum into my mother’s mouth. Nor did she stop but continued to suck the spunk of my orgasm into her mouth. As she did this, she made the sound of one who is unabashedly enjoying an excellent meal.

“Mm.. Mm, MMmmm……” was what I heard mixed with slurps and a smacking sound.

Once I came, she didn’t immediately release her mouth from my now softening cock but continued to fondle it with her tongue. She released it only after the passing of time and even licked it a bit before laying her head on my belly where she rested for a few minutes. She turned her head to face me and looked at me for several seconds.

“We can never speak of this.” She said with a very serious look in her eye while she held me with her gaze.

My mother got up to stand but continued to hold the hem of her skirt. I got a plain view of her matted bush, shiny wet inner thighs and her large inner cunt lips.

She dropped her skirt smoothing it around her hips.

“Did you hear me?”

“We can never speak of this.”

She flashed me the “You are going to Hell” look, turned, proceeded to the stairs and up to her bedroom. I heard her shut the door.

Everything seemed super quiet at that moment as I began to process what just happened. My immediate thought was the look of my mother’s pussy as she pressed her aromatic crotch into my face and how the strong smell of her cunt attracted me to get closer to its essence.

I considered her knowing way of handling and bathing my dick in her warm, soft mouth. Then too, the way she looked at me while sucking on my hard member.

It occurred to me that, in all the heat of our embrace, I hadn’t fucked her.

I wondered if I ever would fuck my mother. She seemed wholly hot for me and it was difficult to imagine that she didn’t want fuck me in the future.

I considered that she wanted me to call her “Maria”. This request puzzled me and especially in the context of what just happened. Confusing is an understatement regarding her identity as my mother or my lover. This knotted up the thoughts in my brain.

I gathered myself and went to my room and closed the door. I needed another release and did just that in a matter of a minute…… Now what?

In the corner I saw the two boxes of my father’s belongings and decided to unpack them and maybe remember who he was. It seemed an easy task in my present state of mind.

Opening one box, I found stacks of porn magazines from the 1970s through 1990s.

Many of the classic titles were there. I opened one randomly and found a grainy picture of a young woman showing her meaty pussy. My cock responded to this.

As I looked at the gallery of cunt shots, I began to think of my mother’s cunt and the way her pungent aroma cleared my nose and stung my eyes. I got naked and stroked myself with one hand while I rubbed at my asshole with the other. I thought about the cunt I saw in the fuzzy magazine while I imagined my finger pushing inside my mother’s twat as I began to probe the inside of my anus.

The sensation was great and I vigorously finger fucked my ass and it felt good. My prick was super hard and came in waves of spurting cum that spilled over a towel. I took my middle finger out of my ass to bathe it in the cum on my hand and in the cum towel then pushed that finger into my mouth and imagined myself sucking the cum from my mother’s sweet, smelly pussy lips.

The night was long and I masturbated again and again until I was spent. I managed to sleep only three or four hours,

I woke up from a knock on the door and my mother announcing that I only had an hour to get ready for Sunday Mass. I felt in a daze but managed to shower and dress for church.

Our talk during the drive to St. Mary’s was sparse but cordial. I addressed her as “Mother” or “Ma” and felt no tension from her about it.

Once at our usual spot in the sanctuary, we sat close. The perfume she was wearing was the same as I had smelled on her the previous evening. The fragrance had me entranced with thoughts about my mother’s body and all her sexy bits. All those bits were right here next to me but I couldn’t touch any of them.

The service proceeded and all I could think about was my mother’s cunt even though I realized that I was unlikely to ever have my face that close to it again. This is what I tried to keep in mind because I was wary of the shame I felt about my desire for her.

The day continued, I managed to study, went for a walk and masturbated in the woods. When I came home, I received a text from my mom announcing she was picking up a pizza and could I please make a salad. I felt the ice between us beginning to break as I made a salad with fresh parsley, cilantro and finely cut fruit. This began to put me back into the routine of interacting with her.

Mother arrived as if on a regular day. When she poured wine for herself, she offered some to me which was a first. I took it, drank some and lightened up as we ate our dinner and talked about events of the past week.

I didn’t dare speak of the previous night although it was in my mind as plainly as a creepy creature in the room. She was animated and happy on this evening as she spoke of her plans for the week. I enjoyed her smile and the sight of her nipples showing through her blouse.

Completely sexy those nipples. I wondered if she knew what she was doing to me?

It wasn’t the first time I had seen her nipples poking through a garment but given my newfound lust for my mother’s hot body, I felt very distracted by the sight of those springy little nobs during dinner.

I let myself think of her as “Maria” and better recognized how much fun she was having while being in a relaxed mood with me. I tried to be spontaneous with her, but I feared I might violate the spirit of not talking about what our encounter which was front and center on my mind. As her son, my feelings had always been recognized and allowed by her. As her lover, I felt trapped at the end of a coercive bargain where I could only be desirous of Mother on her terms.

As the evening progressed and we went our separate directions to get work done, I made a good effort to get some time in to prepare a paper I had due the coming week.

On my way out of my room, I saw her naked through the wide open door of her bedroom. I caught a quick glimpse of her pussy and could clearly see that she had trimmed her fur and exposed the details of her mound and amazing cunt lips. It was all I could do to hurry past the door and not risk violating her privacy. Nonetheless, I was hopelessly aroused. My mind was on cleaning up getting ready for sleep. I would stroke myself to sleep when in bed.

Once in bed, I was ready to masturbate myself to sleep. In the dark, I felt myself and gently rubbed the tip of my dick. I thought about Mother’s prominent mound and the fleshy flaps that protruded from the cleft of that mound. As I thought this, I began to relax into a rhythm of pleasure waves that flowed back-and-forth through my cock. It was dream like until I heard a rhythmic moan coming from my mother’s room.

I listened more carefully and I heard her grunting and moaning in an alternating sequence. My prick became super hard. I wanted her but didn’t know if I should enter her room. Mother’s moaning continued with occasional loud yelps. She got louder and my thoughts were about her cunt. That amazing piece of flesh I had seen and smelled the night before

I stroked my stiff prick with more vigor while I listened to a beautiful woman get herself off in the bedroom across the hallway from mine. With each stroke, I could feel my own wetness oozing through the tip of my dick. It’s her rhythmic moans that did it as I imagined her fucking herself with the dildo I had found and sniffed the week before.

Maria pushed and pulled it, in and out of her ravenous cunt. Oooing and ahhing with each stroke of the fake phallus and especially when she pushed down on it so to cause it to pressure the G-spot that lusted deep in her pussy. I could hear the pitch of her moaning go up until one final thrust into her g-spot brought her off and she expressed a guttural grunt that had me oozing with the thought of what it must smell like in her bedroom right now.. She went quiet and I realized I had started to moan with her.

As my wet hand fondled my oozing prick, I squeezed and stroked and let my mother know what I understood her by moaning. I lustily spoke about sexy four letter words. I thought of her listening and taking her pleasure. I thought of her cunt and what it must be like to suck her long labia while inhaling its fragrance as I stroked my eager cock.

I built up a rhythmic frenzy humping my meat into my hand. As I felt myself about to cum, I humped louder until my hard penis erupted spurting over my belly into my face.

My mind felt it all while imagining the smell of my mother’s just relieved vagina.

The house was quiet now. I thought about what had just happened. I wondered if I had crossed a line. I was worried…

I lay awake pondering the excess of my response to hearing her masturbate. It was so hot yet was it right for me to respond to her moans? Time went by and I heard my mother snoring and I knew she had relaxed. This gave me to believe that there would be more of these events soon. It’s what I wanted to believe, for now. I felt content and fell asleep….

The next morning, Mother was up earlier than usual. I opened my eyes from a depraved dream of fucking a woman I had seen in one of my magazines.

I was eating her out and fucking her on a pile of rotting fish.

I heard my mother getting ready to go and began to get myself together for a day at school. As I came down to the kitchen, my mother was on her way out but stopped to give me a smile and kiss. Not unusual but the kiss was, shall we say, sexier than the typical “mom” kiss. I was tweaked but kept cool as though I had noticed nothing.

Once I heard her car pull out of the garage, I quickly finished my cereal and rushed up to check her bedroom for any “souvenirs” of our separate romantic encounter. Indeed, on top of a folded towel on her freshly made bed was a balled-up pair of damp black panties.

I opened the mangled wet treasure and took deep whiff. I could only imagine that she had soaked these gems in the fluid of her arousal last night. The smell was suggestive of the sounds I had heard her make. I needed to relieve myself now just a few minutes before I should be out the door.

Undoing my belt, my pants dropped to the floor and I pulled back the covers of the neatly made bed while bringing my face in contact with her sheets. The scent of her bedsheets was unmistakably of my mother and combined with the panties a smell that

would have me distracted all day. I lay on her bed and began a quick jerk lathering my palm with saliva then grabbing my dick.

I stroked hard and in two or three minutes shot cum into my mother’s damp panties.

Time to get to school! But first I quickly made up her bed leaving the panties underneath

the covers. “I hope she gets a kick out of them!” I said to myself.

School went well that day, although I was distracted by thoughts of my mother moaning in the dark as well as the odor left in my nose after deeply inhaling her damp panties that morning. I got through the day but felt a bit reluctant to go home even after receiving a text from my mother telling me dinner would be ready at seven.

My thoughts were insecure feelings of how I would face my mother. Would she scold me for making noise last night? Would she come on to me like a bitch in heat?

Would she make opaque remarks about the sexuality of men or the modesty of women? What trial might I have to endure? I decided that I would do my best to act as though nothing had happened. I would hold myself together.

I entered the kitchen and there was a flurry of activity. Mother was busy chopping vegetables and pointed to an uncooked New York strip steak that she told me to cook.

“I’ve already seasoned it Joseppi.”

“Please cook it as you normally do which is how I always like it!”

It’s true, we would make this dinner every few weeks and it was always satisfying.

As we ate dinner, mother reminded me that next week, Sunday would be the anniversary of my father’s passing. I remained silent other than offering my condolences as I knew that every year this day was deeply mournful for her. She always wore a vale even when if she had to go to the office. Being Sunday, she would no doubt wear her “Mourning Dress” that had been especially made for her by Pierre de Cadeau in Paris.

The dress is black with a subtle sheen of violet and made from a fabric woven from the best silk and linen. She had a thing couture and, in particular, for Pierre’s designs. In my recent sexually aroused state of mind, I was especially interested to see her in this outfit which always draped her so well.

In the meantime, there was a week to get through combined with my uncertainty about how to act around my mother.

That evening as I was getting ready for bed mother called to me asking me into her room. I walked in but remained near the entrance as she spoke from within her bathroom. She recited stuff she had to do tomorrow including an appointment with her tailor to replace some fabric on the veil she would be wearing on Sunday. I continued to stand calmly while I listened and tried to respond thoughtfully. I glanced over at her bed to see that the sheets had been turned down and the panties I had placed there earlier were gone.

Mother came out of her bathroom naked from the waist down but still wearing her blouse. She continued speaking nonchalantly about her plans for the week and asked me if I had any thoughts about what I would wear on Sunday. I fumbled a bit and considered my black suit.

“No, no, Joseppi. That will be too dark. I know you’re mourning too but deference should always be given to the widow and your mother.”

“I want you to wear your gray suit with a black tie. You’ll look excellent to accompany me while I’ll hold your arm.”

As she was saying this, I used all my will power not to look at her pussy and naked hips. I tried as much as possible to look her directly in the eye. It’s the best I could do although I couldn’t help taking quick looks at those pussy lips that jutted out from between mother’s legs.

“Fuck, what is she trying to do to me.” I thought.

The week continued.

After we had both turned in on Thursday evening, I heard her rhythmic moaning coming through the walls punctuated with halting grunts. My hand squeezed at my dick. Mother’s sounds were as though from some animal taking her pleasure in the glade of a jungle.

I imagined her with her ass pushed up while being fucked from behind by serpent headed Minotaur with a giant cock organ. Mother grunted and screamed as the organ rammed her fashionable ass and took its pleasure in her overheated, smelly cunt. She whimpered as the organ withdrew to be replaced with the muzzle of the beast that had seduced her. Its snout probed the fissure of her ass while its snake like tongue slithered into her cunt so inviting and needy.

Mother was beside herself as she lost control to the ministrations of the jungle beast. She moaned and grunted in a way I could never have imagined. In the heat of this scene, I stroked my rock-hard prick quickly. The Minotaur fucked mother hard giving her no relief from the continuous orgasm she felt on the g-spot deep inside her pussy.

She screamed and I screamed with her as I let my cum fly from the tip of my penis. Mother didn’t stop but continued deeply moaning for some time until silence…..

In that moment, I didn’t think too much but just relaxed and fell asleep.

Mother had told me that we would have a special dinner on the eve of the anniversary of my father’s passing. She would prepare a special dinner in his honor as well as a prelude to a rite of passage for herself. I didn’t consider what she may have meant by a “rite of passage”.

On the day of the dinner, she worked in the kitchen all afternoon and didn’t want any help and almost no assistance from me other than sudden demands to go get this or that from the store as well as to set the dining room table and arrange flowers from the garden as a center piece. She was very focused and asked that I stay out of the kitchen. It all smelled very good.

As dinner time got near, I could smell all sorts of spicy sensations including Italian sausage as well as a spicy sauce she usually used with fish. What a mysterious combination! I couldn’t wait to find out!

I was invited into the dining room to carry our plated food. The first plate I took was to be mother’s plate. On it, a long thick Italian sausage with two large beets at one end of it covered in sprouts. At the other end, it was partially sliced in just a few close sections. Oozing out between each section was a yogurt sauce with fennel. A nice combination to cool the heat of a very spicy sausage.

The next plate would be mine. On it, was a salmon steak in a darne cut. In the pussy shaped cavity of the cut was a cream sauce with chives to bring out the flavor of the fish. Asparagus accompanied the meat. Looking at and smelling my entree, brought me back to thoughts of my mother’s pussy. My thoughts were digressing and I felt I had to bring myself back to a serious standard.

Mother will drink 2007 Gaja Barbaresco. The fruity raspberry notes will offer a sweet counterpoint to the Italian spice of her sausage and beets. I will drink

¬2007 Prager Grüner Veltliner Achleiten Stockkultur with the fish. The light citrus notes will complement my dinner well.

Mother offers a toast to the memory of her husband and my father. She smiles and winks at me just as we take our first sips and begin our dinner.

I look over and see mother sniffing the end of the sausage.

“I love the smell of a good Italian sausage well prepared!” she said huskily.

I went down on my fish to smell the chive sauce which emited a very sexy seafood aroma. Cutting into the soft flesh of the darne section, my dirty mind is drawn closer to thoughts of the raw meaty cunt between my mother’s legs.

I stop to think…

“I have to get myself together and stop pretending there are slutty intentions to be read in this dinner my mother has thoughtfully prepared.”

“This is a very important moment for her and I have to stop thinking about myself”

“I must be there for her and keep mother’s feelings in mind.”

“How do you like your fish, Joseppi?”

I snapped out of my inner thoughts and remarked at how beautiful it all was. It really was beautiful. The amazing flavors that touched various sections of my tongue and the way the wine accented those sensations. The beauty of the bouquet on the table and the appearance of my mother’s visage that, in that moment, glowed in a way I hadn’t often witnessed.

I looked toward her and couldn’t help smiling.

Mother looked back at me with an impish grin and winked with both of her eyes.

It was all I could do to try to ignore her flirtation, but I looked away and I imagined my face was turning an embarrassed shade of red.

“I love the way the salmon is cut and the texture is so soft and attractive.” I said softly.

“The cream sauce with chive gives me a firm sense that this is a gift born from Aphrodite.” I said waxing poetically.

“I enjoy eating her gifts.”

I felt I was pushing my luck at this juncture. I figured I could claim that I was showing off the poetic sense I was gaining from readings assigned at school.

I asked her how she liked her sausage and beets.

“It reminds me of a bull I saw at a fighting ring in Spain when I was a teenager.”

She said.

“The animal’s phallus hung down between its legs while its testicles hung separately. They were red and angry looking.”

“The phallus would swing in an arc as the animal maneuvered around the matador who taunted the bull with his cape.”

Mother paused to take a drink…. Then continued..

“Nonetheless, I couldn’t take my eyes off the steer’s low hung appendage. It was art and I swooned as the animal swung its great body and dangled its fruit.”

“It’s as though the beast was making a final statement that all vaginas belonged to him.”

“The matador was not impressed with this display and vanquished El Toro with a slice to the neck and a jab into his heart.”

She licked her lips before taking another sip of her wine.

“Since that day, I have never been able to eat a sausage without thinking of the beast and his deadly burlesque.”

Mother took a gulp of her wine finishing the glass then looked at me with a serious gaze.

“I agree, Joseppi. This was a fabulous dinner.”

She paused looked down then back at me with a sad look in her eye.and said…

“Please take care of me tomorrow….”

When I opened my eyes at 7 am, I realized I had to be up and get ready for 9 am Mass. I felt nervous and pained for my mother. Worried is a more succinct description. On my way to my bathroom, I stopped by my mother’s door and could hear activity. I called and asked if everything was on track for her. She called back “yes” and that there was breakfast for me in the kitchen. She would be out in time to go to Church.

I cleaned up, had my breakfast, got dressed in my freshly pressed clothes, took out the car and got it percolating with the air-conditioning, then read the news while I waited. I heard her door open and watched her come down the stairs.

She had her mourning dress on which fit her like and evening dress. The black with a tinge of violet colored fabric hugged her body to show the flair of her hips from her narrow waist. The fabric of the hem flowed and opened from my mother’s body highlighting her muscular hips and thighs then flowed into loose smooth waves as it extended down to her feet.

On top, the dress followed the shape of her body and suggested the musculature of her abdomen and tapered up over her breasts. She wore a half cup bra underneath for support that let her nipples poke out into the delicate fabric of the garment. I had seen this over the years but today her nips were more prominent than I had ever remembered seeing them.

The most striking piece was her vail. A pill box hat with a very dark vail. The veil was made in several layers that made her face very difficult to see and covered back to her ears. Mother’s dark brown hair was pulled back into a French twist that look wholly sexual to my mind.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and asked if I would zip her in the back.

She turned for me and I pulled the zipper up to a small button which I fastened at the nape of her neck. Next, she directed me to put on her shoes.

Her four-inch stilettos had to be strapped to her feet. Mother sat and raised her dress, I took her foot raised it, fitted her foot with the shoe and strapped it. She crossed her other leg and raise her dress again but in an exaggerated manner up over her knee.

I could see clearly that she was wearing black see-through pantihose and I caught a

subtle whiff of her musk which distracted my thoughts.

I continued… She complained that her foot was cramped this morning and asked if I could please massage it briefly. As my hands pressed the contours of her foot, I heard her sigh and take a deep breath. The light scent of my mother’s body continued to penetrate my nose and I became aroused. Finally, I strapped her shoe, and we were ready to go.

I stood up and my mother pointed at the bulge in my pants saying…

“Joseppi, you need to adjust yourself. You can’t have that at Mass.”

She giggled a little.

I opened the door for her to go to the car. I stayed back momentarily to adjust my cock so to keep it concealed and then rushed out to open the door of the air-conditioned car.

It was very hot that August morning and it was important that she stay cool in that dress and not muss it up by perspiring too much before she made her appearance. As I drove, she remained silent. I understood that this would be a big day for her and that mother becomes contemplative on this occasion every year.

We arrived at St. Mary’s and now was my moment with her. My mother took my arm and I escorted her to the church and over to our usual place. As we walked, mother clutched my arm more firmly than in the past. She whispered…

“I want to thank you, Joseppi, for being with me today and supporting me.”

I remained silent but touched her hand softly with my free hand and during the service she held my hand.

We took communion together as always but somehow, I felt closer to her in that moment when I saw her lift her vail just above her mouth to accept the host on her tongue. The sexiness of that act in the context of this very grave sacrament had me going stiff in my pants and I prayed that the way I had tucked my member away would protect him from uncouth revelation.

We went back to our seat in the pew and listened to the Priest’s intonations, sang the final hymn and crossed ourselves as we prepared to leave the sanctuary. I walked to the end of the pew and waited for mother. As I watched her coming slowly towards me, I was transfixed by the sight of her. The way the dress hugged and draped her body highlighting her most alluring features. Mother’s hips framed with the fabric receding into her pussy where her shapely crotch pulls in from the meat of her hips. This concave contour of the fabric rises gently up to her athletic abdomen following her shape that softly tapers out from the nest just below her waist.

Her small full breasts were on display with their nipples pushing without subtlety against her couture and I continued to pray that my cock would continue to be unnoticed by other congregants and particularly the several nuns that were in attendance.

Mother took my arm and I escorted her to the door. We walked past the typically jovial ushers who remained silent and bowed their heads in deference to my mother.

A valet who I had tipped before the service brought the car around. I opened the door for mother and she got into the car. As I drove home, she spoke to me.

“I need you to be with me this afternoon, Joseppi.”

Once in the house, Maria asked me to please take off her shoes. She sat down on a chair in the alcove and I knelt to reach her feet as she lifted the hem of her gown just to her knee. I reached over for to unbuckle the straps of each shoe while I made a point of quietly inhaling the subtle scent of her musk interacting with a sweet perfume.

I couldn’t help taking a second to lightly rub her calf. Maria parted her legs slightly and my hand wondered up to her thigh just above the knee. I felt nervous about doing this and withdrew my hand as I got up to stand.

Maria offered me her hand standing up as I took it. She led the way and I unquestioningly followed her lead up the stairs and through the hallway to Maria’s bedroom.

We stopped in the middle of the room just at the foot of her bed and she told me to unzip her gown. Of course, I did this first unbuttoning the top button. I could feel the warmth of her skin and detected a slight shiver in her breathing as I pulled the zipper of her dress down her back past the hooks of her bra and down to just above her lovely ass.

Maria brought her arms up and asked me to help her pull the garment off up over her head. I leaned down to gently lift up the hem gathering it loosely as I lifted the fabric and observed her body as it became revealed. Her calves then her thighs. The dress came up over her head. I opened the bundle and lay the dress flat over the couch. When I turned back towards Maria, she was facing me and she had a look in her eye that I had never seen before. She ordered me to remove her slip and pointed to the zipper on her backside.

I got down on one knee, undid the zipper and the slip fell to the floor which left me face to face with her pantihose clad ass. I looked at its shape and that she wore no panties underneath. I couldn’t stop looking when I heard her say, “I want you to touch me, Joseppi”.

I put a hand on my mother’s ass cheek feeling its cool warmth as I softly caressed it. I brought my face closer to smell the musk of her body. Without thinking, my hand descended down to the cleft between Mother’s legs and I felt the wetness that drained from her pussy.

I instinctually moved my face in to smell her ass at the point where it gave way to her pussy.

Mother grabbed my hand and pulled it away from her as though she were angry that I had gone too far. She pulled me up and I realized she was still wearing her veil. Clasping my hand, she led me to the side of the bed asking me in an abrupt harsh tone…

“Do you know what I need right now!”

“Do you know what I Need RIGHT NOW!”

I nodded shyly.

“Show me you know what I need!”

“I want to see you naked and I want you to show me you know what I need!”

She laid on the bed opening her legs where I could see her inner labia folded and pressed down by the pantyhose.

I removed my tie, shirt and dropped my pants finally peeling off my black underwear. My cock bounced out standing very hard. I reached over her, grabbed the tops of her hose pulling them down her legs. She lifted her legs as I pulled the hose over her feet and up to my face to take a whiff of my mother’s morning ordeal at the church.

She left her legs raised and I got a look at her well adorned cunt with its meaty appendages. Maria rotated her hips while moving her pussy in a seductive way that caused her cunt lips to open and close slightly. As she did this, she softly moaned and whispered that she wanted me to take care of her needs. I went down on her sexual flesh smelling her animal scent.

My face rested on the cool warmth of her pussy while my nose drew in her sexual aroma. The fleshy feel of her genitalia on my face buried, immersed in her fragrance was something I could only have previously dreamed and I found the dreams to be lacking. It was the softness and her movement of grinding her wet, delicate, pungent mound into my visage.

“Lick me, Joseppi.” She whispered through deep but halting breaths. I looked up momentarily and saw her still wearing the vail with her head laid back. I knew she wanted to remain mysterious to me in her present incarnation as a sexual provocateur.

I slipped my tongue into her soft pussy as I sucked in Maria’s pungent, sweet nectar and she began to shove her heated sex into my face with the purpose of one who is determined to take her pleasure. This went on for maybe a minute and then she became demanding.

“Stop teasing me and fuck me.”

“Show me you know what I need!”

My prick was more than ready to satisfy her lustful cunt. I pulled her to the edge of the bed where her vulva remained at the precipice. With her legs raised, the tip of my penis lightly touched the bud of her anus as she took it in her hand and rubbed it there for a brief moment. Next, she guided my dick to her open vulva where I slid my cock slowly into her welcoming vagina. Maria’s legs were lifted high, I hooked my arms under her knees as I pushed forward lifting her ass off the bed and driving my seven-inch dick deeper towards her center. I pumped her…

‘Fuck me.”

“Fuck me”

“Don’t stop”

“Fuck me”

“I need this”

“Fuck me”

• While I fucked my mother, her face remained hidden by the veil, and I could barely see the features of her face. She continued to urge me to fuck her and fuck her hard.

“Yes, Fuck Me!”

“Give it to me!”

“Come-On, Give it to me!”

“Fuck Me!”

“Fuck me like you mean it”

I fucked her harder and faster. I could smell her pussy. The aroma rising in waves of heat wafting into my nostrils. My mother’s gasps were very hot to hear as she let me know the deep pleasure she felt.

“Ohhh.. Yes”

“Don’t stop..”

“Keep fucking me!”

“Cause I’m gonna cum”

“Yes, I’m gonna cum”

This veiled woman who I was meeting like this for the first time contracted her pussy.

The mass of flesh felt soft but firm against my stiff cock and I fucked her faster, harder.

Maria, gasped and moaned…

“Fuck Meee!”

“Oh God, Fuck Me!


“Ahhhh, Ahhhh, Ah, Ah, Ah..!


All of this action put me over the top. I felt her pussy muscles contract and as I thrust in and out, I could feel the spasm building as my dick began to release sperm into my mother’s sweet cunt. Then it happened and the sensation of my orgasm launched into my groin and up my spine. I plowed into my beautiful mother one last time and held it deep within her as the last final climax of my cock released into her very wet pussy.

All felt silent but for our heavy breathing.

Maria still veiled, I could see her neck

though her chin was covered as well as the rest of her face.

As I stood by the side of the bed with my softening cock still part way in her pussy, she sat up and wrapped her arms around my torso. A veiled Maria held me for some time and then said

“We can never speak about this unless in this room.”

She motioned to get up and stood before me wearing her veil but otherwise completely naked. I felt both stunned and entranced by my mother’s beauty. She turned to walk to her bathroom.

“Let’s get ready for lunch. I want to eat well, today.”

Still stunned, I watched her sculpted ass while she walked to her bathroom shutting the door behind her.

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