Bedroom Window with a View Ch. 02

An adult stories – Bedroom Window with a View Ch. 02 by gran_pron,gran_pron “You what!!!” Sophie shouted! Giggling like a schoolgirl I put my hand over her mouth trying to muffle the sound.

I had just now finally told my best friend about ‘that morning’ and this was exactly the reaction I figured she would have.

It was also the reason why I had been gathering courage for almost a month now before telling her.

Earlier that night we had a simple but nice dinner and as it was early we went to our usual hangout.

A sociable bar where we often ended up when catching up.

We were sitting in a small alcove at the side end of the bar and already had a few drinks.

The dinner and ending up at our usual bar all being part of my plan to open up to Sophie.

I knew I would need the drinks to relax a bit to be able to tell Sophie about those two days.

We both were not prudes at all and obviously had discussed parts of our private lives before, but this did feel different to me.

With us both being single Sophie had always been more than happy to share saucy details with me whenever she did ‘get some’ as she liked to call it.

She knew I had been grieving way too long over the loss of my soulmate who was so suddenly ripped from my life in that car crash.

She was always trying to lift up my spirits to try and make me start to enjoy life again.

Saying stuff like “You still have so much to give and deserve to receive even more Honey.”

Or trying to drag me along with “You need to get out more and mingle girl.”

But up until recently I somehow had not been ready to do so.

It did take until that recent first-ever nice dream about Pete that seemed to have helped and given me some closure.

I still had to tell Sophie about how happy that dream had made me feel and I would.

But just now I had started by telling her about the thing that happened at my window that morning right after waking up from the dream.

A bit less loud now she again went “Come again, you did what?!” eyes wide open full of question marks.

Leaning in closer now looking at me and whispering “Did I hear that right? You fingered yourself to orgasm in front of your bedroom window?”

“While watching a nude young neighbour across the street standing in front of his window stroking himself?”

I placed my hand over hers gave it a slight squeeze and nodded yes to confirm.

“Damn girl, you slut. Good on you, I knew one day you would come to your senses” and she pulls me in close for a warm hug.

Kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear “I am so happy for you. Now tell me all about it, where did that suddenly come from?”

So I started telling her, going back to how I did wake up all happy and warm from a dream about Pete for the time since he passed away.

She was so happy for me that she started crying as did I reliving that precious moment with my friend.

With tears on her cheeks mumbling “See girl, I always knew that day would come for you” pressing her lips on my cheek once more.

Only to take my head between her hands, look into my eyes and say “But now spill honey! how did that happy moment lead you to public masturbation?”

So I told her how events unfolded and that it did feel like it somehow was meant to happen.

That it scared me but also liberated me in a way. Sophie only listened and with a beaming face only approvingly nodded occasionally.

Why on earth had I ever been afraid to tell her? How could I of all people ever have doubted her? Of course she understood!

Just like she knew I would understand when she told me about her one-time thing with a girl.

That spur-of-the-moment thing in a changing locker of the lingerie shop with the girl selling her a bra afterwards.

Of course, I had been happy for her that she had had her world rocked, even if only for a short time.

I realized now it was her time to understand and be happy for me.

Beaming at me and still holding my head between her hands she said “I am so glad you finally found some release again. I almost wish I could have been there to see.”

Deciding to completely fess up to my friend now I placed my hands over hers and whispered “There is more!”

Her eyebrows shot up gasping “More? Tell me girl!!!!” so I started telling her.

I told her about that second time I ended up naked in front of my bedroom window after I has spotted my neighbours ‘in the act.’

Unable to restrain myself from watching my neighbours on the other side of the road in their living room as they started fooling around.

Feeling like a filthy intruder but at the same time unable to make myself stop watching.

The more I watched realizing my entire body was starting to react to their lovemaking.

Becoming more and more aroused as their play seemed to be building up to a climax.

How my hands with a will of their own had travelled down to my wet entrance standing in front of my bedroom window.

I had still been playing with myself when suddenly it seemed my neighbour was looking right as he started orgasming into his girlfriend’s mouth.

The thought of him catching me peeking at them having that intimate moment startled me to my bones but it also made my cunt twitch.

The wonder in Sophie’s eyes grew as I related my story, but I could also see them start to sparkle.

Suddenly she pulled me close again and this time her kiss did not land on my cheek but her lips briefly and gently ended up brushing mine.

“Oh my god Sarah, that was so hot” releasing me from her hold again. Smiling at me with that pretty freckled face, cheeks slightly red.

Now her turn to giggle while saying “I am all tingly from it girl. I am sure you will guess which of my toys I will be using later when at home.” winking knowingly at me.

I was feeling ashamed now that I had been afraid she would somehow react negatively to my recent adventures.

We talked for a long time about how it made me feel and what had happened since those two days.

Did that part of me make me feel good or bad? Would I let it happen again if there was a chance?

Would I perhaps even be the one to try and create a situation for something similar to happen?

Did I actually somehow like the neighbour? Would I somehow try to reach out to him, or avoid him as if he had the plague?

What about his wife or girlfriend, could I be the bitch flirting with her friend?

Sophie obviously had all the same questions I had been asking myself without finding answers.

But after telling Sophie it somehow did not feel quite so scary anymore not having the answers myself.

She understood this would be a process and she would be there for me to help figure things out, as she always had been.

She kissed me once more on my lips and said “Baby, I am sure whatever happens, things will turn out for you exactly the way they should, and you will love it.”

To drunkenly giggle again while adding “And you better always tell me all filthy details, you lovely slut!”

We left the bar late that night both quite tipsy and I could not resist myself as we were about to part ways.

This time it was me who drew her close once more, for a close hug and it was I initiating the kiss.

Her lips felt nice and I let the kiss last a bit longer than she had before.

Now I giggled as I pulled away and whispered “Have fun with the purple twister at home.”

She smiled at me and softly moaned “fuck you bitch, I knew you would guess that and you betcha I will!”

winking back at me “Perhaps I will go stand right at my window to look for something enticing to watch”

She pressed one more kiss on my lips, smiled at me saying “Things will be getting better from now on, you’ll see.”

As she got in the Uber she left me standing there grinning like a fool until my own Uber arrived, and I was realizing she was right.

It began to drizzle and still smiling like a fool I got in the backseat of the car.

The driver was an attractive young blond guy, reminding me of my neighbour a bit.

Just what I need after this evening, I thought, to be reminded of him even more.

The poor guy was almost desperately trying to get a conversation going.

Looking in the mirror back at me I got the feeling he perhaps was even trying to chat me up a bit.

But I was not in the mood to talk. At least this time I did pick up the signs and while not up for it I did appreciate his efforts.

I realized it finally made me feel good again to still be noticed by men.

Even if his signs this time may only have been my imagination.

But there was a very different reason why I did not want to talk.

Talking with Sophie about my neighbours with her asking for all the saucy details had brought back the memories very vividly.

The lingering memories in my brain had started to spread very distinguished feelings to other parts of my body.

The thought of Sophie using her purple friend on herself while thinking about what I had done and kissing her twice only added to the intensity.

Plainly spoken I was soaking wet between my legs, right there on the backseat of that Uber.

I did not want to talk to the driver, in truth I wanted him to fuck me, fuck me hard, but obviously could not let it show.

So I sat there in silence, pretending to be looking outside while at the same time I started grinding and circling my hips over the backseat.

Pressing my wet pussy onto it and from the corner of my eye watching the driver to make sure he does not notice it.

I was dry-humping his backseat as I think I caught him glance back.

Oh my god, did he look just now? My cheeks must be going red, did he notice?

Why am I so horny, I need to stop this!

But I kept on going and was just about to slide a hand between my legs to add some pressure when his sudden voice startled me “Miss, almost there, where should I stop?”

I mumbled “There over on the right is fine.” and as he did I tried to compose myself a bit.

He grinned at me as I paid him and I swear his eyes briefly travelled down my body stared at my loins and said as he winked “Nice meeting you, hope you will have a nice night.”

I got out on slightly trembling legs realizing he must have seen me or at least guessed. What have I done?!

Only to receive another flood of desire hit me between the legs. Fuck girl, get inside and go and sort yourself out.

Not daring to look back again at him I practically ran to my doorstep on what felt like slightly unsteady legs.

Once inside my jacket was the first thing that hit the floor as I ran upstairs almost skipping steps to reach my bedroom.

As soon as I got to my bedroom I turned off all the lights.

So atypical of my always neat me, now I was hastily tearing off my clothes. Dropping them to the floor in a rush to get naked.

All naked I let myself fall back down on my bed. There was already a hand between my legs groping for my pussy while not even in a comfortable position.

The index finger of my right hand found my clit and the middle and ring finger of my left hand found my soaking wet entrance.

It did take no pressure at all to make those two fingers slide deep inside my wet slit, and a small gasp escaped me as they did.

I did not need to wet the index finger at all as my entire pussy was all nice and slippery.

With my left-hand fingers, I was rapidly fucking my cunt, making sloppy wet sounds and my index finger was pleasuring my greased clit.

My mind kept on changing scenes, at times I was seeing how Sophie was making her vibrator slide over her clit and moaning loud.

The next moment my mind wandered to my neighbour being sucked into an orgasm by his girlfriend, his cum flowing everywhere.

To switch my mind to that other moment, see that young stud of a neighbour standing at his bedroom window wanking his big hard cock.

It was too much, my fingers wouldn’t do. Stretching and reaching behind me at my bedside cabinet I opened the drawer.

Not having used it for so long it took me a while before I did feel its shape lying hidden underneath my underwear, my dildo.

Tonight my fingers won’t do, the memory of seeing that big dick had made me feel the need to get something big inside me.

I fumbled around between my garments for the dildo but finally did get hold of it.

As I closed my hand around it, shivering slightly at its girth, my eyes went to my bedroom window.

The place where it had started a while ago, my mind went blank into a trance and I was magically drawn by the window.

Without consciously realizing what I was doing I got up out of bed and slowly shuffled towards the bedroom window.

It was an almost full moon outside and together with the lampposts outside it was not a particularly dark night

I partially pulled aside the blinds and stood there for a few seconds, naked and only one step away from the window.

Not being entirely dark outside with me standing there made me feel exposed but still safe enough at the same time.

My right hand was holding the dildo, my arm went up and I softly caressed my mouth with my playtoy.

In my mind a voice was going “Girl what are you doing?” but I stood there legs slightly apart, and opened up my mouth to lube up my fantasy lover with spit.

All the while looking across the street at his (unlit) bedroom window, in my mind seeing his ghost stroke that big young cock.

Suddenly feeling that burning desire between my legs again I placed the head of the now-wet dildo over my entrance.

By putting some pressure on it, slowly opening up my lips and making it find its way inside.

I was still so wet that it took no effort at all to make it slide in and I started fucking my pussy.

Legs slightly apart that big blue girthy dildo sliding in and out of my cunt filling me and making sloppy sounds as I stood there groaning.

My mind going mad now “Stop this foolishness, get back into the safety of bed” but my body did not obey.

Standing on shaky legs I kept on pumping that big piece of bendy rubber into my soaking cunt.

Imagining my neighbour standing at his window on the other side of the road stroking his dick while watching me thrusting the dildo in and out my wet pussy.

I was moaning out loud and very close to an orgasm when suddenly across the street the light of his bedroom became lit.

Fuck Fuck Fuck, somebody is home! Suddenly out of nowhere, he was standing there right at his window!

But how, why, I could not believe my eyes, fuck, look he is fully naked and exposed.

Holding his hard dick in a hand stroking and looking right at me.

How long had he been standing there in the dark? He must have been looking at me!

Me standing here masturbating making that dildo slide in and out of my cunt.

He must have been stroking himself in the dark while watching me shove a dildo up my dripping cunt.

I did feel so ashamed but at the same time I was transfixed!

I was too far gone to stop and so I just kept on ramming the dildo deeper and harder into my itching wet gaping hole.

I kept on looking at him and his hard cock, both his hands stroking his cock now.

Thinking “do I see it glisten? Is it perhaps wet with cum for me?” and that thought sent me over the cliff of ecstasy.

It shot through my mind “he must know I can see him and he does not care” as I started to orgasm.

I came as hard as I never had before, on trembling legs I kept on pumping and slamming the dildo with force inside me.

Grunting and moaning “Hnnggg, yes fuck my cunttt deeeper givvve mnnee that hard cock I need ittt hnngngfh.”

Sliding in all of its seven inches to make the balls slap hard against my pussy lips.

“Hnnnghgh cummm nng cummikng gg, fuck meee”

My legs failed me and I collapsed to the ground spasming with orgasmic aftershocks.

Breathing hard, my hands turned into clenching fists, legs twitching I could feel the dildo slip from my wet still contracting and slime oozing cunt.

It was right when the realization hit me what I had just done as another wave hit me hard.

Lying on the floor my fingers found my clit rubbing it hard and I started orgasming again, ashamed and grateful for being the exposing slut I am.

Knowing he must have seen me gave me my second orgasm “hhngngn oh cumminnggg”

It took me a while to get to my senses after that second orgasm. An experience I never had before, multiple orgasms in a row.

Getting up still feeling somewhat dizzy, making sure to stay clear of the window, I slipped back into bed.

Lying on my back looking at the ceiling the orgasm flooding from my body I could not help it I suddenly had to giggle.

Softly giggling thinking “Wait till I tell Sophie about this, I am sure it will make her all wet and itchy”

“Perhaps I should text her right now and tell her.” but thinking how Sophie looked when making her intentions for this night clear.

I might interrupt her while being at it herself so perhaps better not now.

As soon as I pulled a blanket on top of me I fell into an exhausted and very satisfied deep sleep.


This morning he had done it again. He had stood at their bedroom window watching his neighbour leave for work.

Each morning when alone he secretly watched her leave her house and his mind went back to that afternoon.

Pete was sure she had stood at her bedroom window that day.

Their neighbour had watched how his loving wife had given him a blowjob and let him blow his load in her mouth.

Right as he unloaded his balls into the mouth of his wife he had looked up at the window across the street and she had been standing there masturbating.

Pete remembered how the thought of her watching him while fingering herself had somehow made him cum so quick and hard.

Completely wasted with that explosive orgasm he hadn’t even taken time to return the favour and pleasure of his young pretty wife to an orgasm.

Being a loving husband later that night in bed he made sure he took care of her needs and made her orgasm several times.

However, she was unaware that while he was lovingly licking her tasty cunt to make her reach an orgasm he was still buzzing from the feeling that they had been watched.

Over the past weeks, his mind had often wandered to their neighbour.

Now again while watching her leave for work thinking to himself she is a bit older than us but not by all that much.

Perhaps not a glossy-looking model type but she somehow has this middle-of-the-road kind of beauty to her.

For sure way too young and pretty to be alone for as long as she seems to have been.

He and Sarah not being the nosy neighbouring type at all but it was fairly obvious that there had not been another man in her life recently.

Unable to help his horny mind once again drifted “What has she been doing about her needs all that time?”

Thinking “Sarah and I could not do without it for more than a couple of days before going crazy with sheer lust.”

He watched his neighbour get in her car and drive away thinking “Did we somehow perhaps do her a favour and in a weird way satisfy some of her needs as she watched us?”

Looking at her driving away and having been lost in his thoughts he realised his hand had somehow slipped into his jeans and he had slowly started stroking his by now rock-hard dick.

His dick twitched as he softly moaned “hmmm would she perhaps have liked to see me standing here like this?”

Only to be abruptly shaken from his thoughts as Sarah called out from downstairs “What is keeping you baby? Mind the time, you are getting late.”

With some difficulty, he pulled his hand out of his pants and away from his itchy cock.

Inwardly grinning about the choice of words yelling back “almost done, am coming.”

He hurried downstairs the image of his neighbour fading from his mind, trying to switch to work mode.

Only time left for a quick breakfast together with Sarah and time to leave for work.

Having make himself late he stepped over to Sarah for a quick pecker but she had different plans and stepped in front of him.

Smiling and lovingly looking up at him into his blue eyes he suddenly felt a hand in his groin.

“Hmmm I can feel what was keeping you late. Don’t get any funny thoughts buddy. Keep that monster of you under control.”

“I told you I will be home late tonight after the evening shift, you better not be asleep but have that monster waiting and yearning for me.”

“I will need you to make me relax from work and want you to be ready to unleash the beast on me.”

Squeezing his cock with her small hand she whispered “I will be soaking all day long thinking about it and tonight I will be ready to devour it with at least two of my pleasure holes and who knows perhaps tonight might even turn out to be a special lucky night for you and this thing.”

To pinch his dick once more before she kissed him smiling saying “Now piss off to work my lover and think of me!!!”

Easy to imagine that Pete had a hard time concentrating at work that day.

Each time he used a tool and let it glide into a well-lubed-up crevice of an engine his beast stirred in his pants.

In his mind he was seeing his wife jump in bed with him ripping her clothes off.

But also imagining that somehow the blinds of their window would be left open.

In his mind, Sarah was riding him with the both of them orgasming.

He was shooting his cum inside her as her orgasming clenching pussy was tightening over his cum spraying throbbing cock.

In his mind their orgasm was immensely intensified as while cumming hard they both would be looking outside their bedroom window across the street.

Together with his wife looking over to watch how her neighbour would be standing at her window naked seeing them fuck while she was fingering herself to a climax.

The three of them would be apart but also united in that orgasmic moment.

Standing in the workshop with a rock-hard cock in his pants when suddenly a voice yelled “Pete, wtf mate careful dude or you are gonna wreck that cylinder!!!!”

That sure did bring him back down to business and helped to be less distracted for the remaining part of the working day.

Only after work when driving back home his mind started drifting again.

Of course he would wait up for his wife to get back from the evening shift.

And yes he would be more than ready to fuck her as she had this morning had told him she would need him to do.

Now in his mind thinking would he be daring enough to leave the lights on and the blinds open as she arrives.

Sarah had made it very clear that she would be in heat horny as hell once she got home and require a great fuck.

Perhaps she would be so needy she wouldn’t notice the light and unblinded window or better yet maybe she wouldn’t mind.

With a huge boner between his legs from these thoughts, Pete suddenly got confused.

Why does the thought of our neighbour standing there watching us having sex turn me on so much?

Feeling guilty thinking “Having sex with Sarah should be more than enough for me as I know it will be great as always.”

Why do I keep having these thoughts? I know they are only thoughts but still.

He shook those images away and fully focussed them on looking forward to enjoying being with Sarah later that evening.

Once home he made sure to keep himself occupied and not let his mind wander off again.

Taking his time for dinner and doing the dishes before dropping on the couch to watch a soccer match.

At times the game was slow and more than once Pete caught himself looking outside across the street.

Each time only to find all windows of his neighbour’s house dark.

Thinking too bad she must be out only to immediately after have his inner voice go “Or is at home, standing in the dark behind one of those windows watching me?”

Interest in the game lost the thought of the possibility alone of her secretly watching him had his dick growing hard again.

Absentmindedly switching channels with his remote desperately looking for some distraction.

Thinking why does this get me so horny?

Sarah please get home soon, I know you want and will get a good fuck but I seem to be in even more need.

That was when his mobile buzzed and a text appeared.

A long text from Sarah “Hi Love, I am so so so sorry. I know you expected me home later tonight for some fun and I was yearning for it also.”

“But Karen has a situation and has asked me to cover and take over her night shift.”

“You know I still owe her one, so I simply can’t refuse. So I won’t be home until tomorrow morning.”

“Again I am so sorry!!! I will probably be leaking by the time I can make it home but will also be knackered after a double shift.”

“I promise I will make it up to you in any special way of your choice as soon as I have recovered a bit ;)!”

“Sleep tight and don’t let that beast of yours bite :D”

Pete could not help himself and groaned out loud in disappointment before answering the text.

“It’s okay love, no worries I understand. I will make the beast wait for you. You can count on it that he will be very hungry by the time you will be ready to play”

“So better prepare yourself, you will be in for a real treat. Love you baby, be safe XXX.”

Pete let a deep sigh escape whilst thinking “damn that for sure is a real bummer.”

He sat there for a while longer randomly switching channels in a slightly foul mood now.

He even forgot all about his neighbour and did not look outside anymore.

Thoroughly disappointed with how this otherwise so promising-looking evening now suddenly turned out to end badly.

At least I have a day off tomorrow so Sarah better be prepared for some fireworks.

Maybe I will crawl back into bed with her tomorrow when she has slept a bit and cuddle up real close.

Cuddle close, wake her up and feel her up to see if she has stayed horny all wet and leaking for me as promised.

Being distracted by his thoughts Pete had not noticed, but it had become rather late.

As there was still nothing interesting on telly, no fun action with Sarah to be and being after midnight he decided to call it a day and go to bed.

So he turned off the tv and the lights and went upstairs.

As he walked into their bedroom he took off his clothes and dropped them on the chair in the corner being used to sleep naked.

He sat down on the bed turned out the bedlights and got ready for sleep.

As he lay down he briefly stroked his cock and considered having a quick relief wank but decided to save and keep it for a later session with Sarah.

He was already getting drowsy and almost falling asleep when he remembered he did forget to brush his teeth.

Reluctantly he got out of bed again and in the dark walked over naked to the bathroom to brush them.

Right as he finished he heard a car stop outside.

As he was up anyway his curiosity peeked, typically there were no car’s in their street this late.

So he walked back to their bedroom and looked out the window.

There she was getting out of a car. The neighbour that had kept his thoughts busy.

He could not help but stare as she got out. Looking great in that dress.

He noticed how she glanced back at the driver over her shoulder before she seemed to hurry inside.

Pete could feel something stir between his legs simply watching her again.

Thinking I should not but I can’t help it, as she scurried inside thinking look at that ass, it is lovely.

His hand went down and grabbed hold of his dick.

Forgetting all about his resolve of saving his stamina for Sarah as he absent-mindedly started stroking his cock.

Seeing the light go on in the hall of his neighbour able to see some of her movement.

Thinking where she might have been and in his horny mind making her do all kinds of things next.

Standing in front of their window feeling his cock grow in his hand slowly pulling his foreskin back and forth over his gland.

While stroking he watched how she turned off the lights downstairs and some lights briefly became lit upstairs.

Suddenly his hopes and cock went up that this might somehow end up as a pleasant night after all.

The lights upstairs also went out and Pete was staring intently across the street trying to see where she had gone.

As his eyes got more used to the darkness he could make her out.

Moving around in the darkness of her bedroom, but was still visible in a bit of a blur somewhat like a ghost.

His dick was rock hard by now and he started pumping harder, breathing hard and captured by her blurred outlines.

He could just about make out how she seemed to be in a state of hurry, undressed dropping her clothes down to the floor.

Pete’s dick throbbed as he glimpsed a brief glance at her white asscheeks before disappearing from his view.

Figuring she must have jumped into her bed, he stood there transfixed rubbing his hard cock wondering what she might be doing right now.

Unable to make himself stop he stood there, fondling his itching pole hoping for another glimpse.

He did take a few steps back from his window, masturbating, slightly shaking on his knees feeling the anticipation of an orgasm building in his balls.

Right when he had started stroking in full fast-forward mode to reach an orgasm not expecting to see more of her out of nowhere she suddenly appeared at her window again.

Pete almost orgasmed at the mere sight of her appearing. She did not only appear at her window in clear view but was naked just as he was.

Not only naked like him but obviously also just as horny. The hard nipples of her tits were visible even from across the street.

And her hand, his cock jumped and hardened, it was between her legs. It was holding something and she was moving it.

Fuck, look at her she is fucking herself with a vibrator or dildo. Oh my god, this is so hot.

She must be in such need to be putting herself out there like this, such a horny slut.

That’s when it hit Pete. Could she perhaps be thinking about me and that other time?

Is she doing this on purpose? Does it perhaps turn her on just as much as it does for me?

His cock immediately reacted and started leaking drops of precum.

His loins going wild, shaking on his legs he started stroking his raging dick ferociously now.

Thinking “Yes, she must be enjoying this as much as I am.”

Can she perhaps see me? Is it making her cunt itch even more?

What if she is unaware and can’t see me, do I dare?

Unable to resist his line of thinking, shaking on his legs Pete wobbled over to the bedroom door.

Flipped the light switch and promptly stepped back right in front of the window.

Looking at his neighbour’s window again, his big young hard cock out in full display while wanking in earnest now.

He could see her body react and shake, hitting him as well “She has seen me for sure now!”

He started making fucking thrust movements with his hips towards her all the while giving long strokes over his leaking beast.

Drops of precum made the dark purple swollen head of his beast shine almost angrily in the light.

He could see how his neighbour’s body shake as she started rapidly slamming her pleasure toy deep into her cunt with force.

Her body was shaking all over and Pete realized she must be orgasming.

Both hands on his cock now pulling and pushing at the same time as he did see her stumble down backwards away from the window.

His hormones going wild, and not a spot of decency or shame was left.

No guilt about cheating on Sarah about sharing this moment with his neighbour, both crazed and driven by sheer lust.

As she fell away from the window he could tell she was still orgasming.

His balls contracted and as he started to orgasm his tip started spraying big blobs of cum.

Shooting several big long strains of his private egg yolk all of them splashing right onto their bedroom window.

“Fuck nhhg, yes slut take my hnhn big cock poundnggg deeep innnhgh your wet cunt you slut.”

Buckling himself now, staggering to stay on his feet “I will make ynnnh cum wiitzzhhh meeeee and fill up your sinkhole!!! aaarch”

While cumming he kept on stroking his cum covered glitchy cock and suddenly it went into overdrive.

His mind was blown away as never before had his dick made him feel like this, another orgasm overwhelmed him and his cock erupted again.

“hhnn yseess aagagaggaaiaian cummmm…” as another load of jizz forcefully shot from the mouth of his beast.

That second wave took the last part of his strength and he shakily collapsed to the floor.

As the orgasm start to dwindle away and he realized what had just happened “Oh my god that was awesome but what on earth have I done?”

“Why was that so intense? What have I done? Should I tell Sarah? Can I even tell Sarah?”

“What about the neighbour? How is she feeling and what was she thinking? What is she thinking right now?”

“Did anybody else see me?” and as that last thought got in his mind he could feel his dick twitch slightly again.

He ran to the light switch, turned it off and jumped into bed.

As soon as he pulled a blanket on top of him his thoughts seeped away.

Right before falling into an exhausted and very satisfied deep sleep thinking “We will see about all of that tomorrow.”

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