The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins Chapter 27 by SSelxuyt

The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins Chapter 27 by SSelxuyt

Captured by the Paladonic Knights, Eldon and his loved ones have little hope of making it out alive. Especially since their enemy knows everything about them. , = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Chapter 27

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Eldon stared at the blood dripping from Megan’s chin. His mind focused like a laser on the runnel as it pumped from the small cut, traveled down her smooth neck, and stained her shirt. He knew he should be more worried about the Paladonic Knights that managed to not only track the Orange Bubble but actually attack it. But his mind couldn’t fasten onto something he thought was impossible.

It was better than admitting that he knew the voice of the female calling out to them. The voice he knew almost as well as his mother’s commanding tones. The voice that taught him magic and healed his scrapes after a tough weapons training stint.

The voice of a woman who was supposed to be dead.

No. It was much better to worry about the tiny scrape to Megan’s pretty chin. His mind refused to think about that other subject.

“Is that…” Shlee started to ask, looking around at the ashen faces around her.

Don’t say it! Eldon thought, afraid that saying it would make it any truer than he already knew it was.

“You can’t hide in your magic car forever, Lyden!” Becky’s voice rang out before three pounding knocks sounded against the door that was still above them.

Everything in the car looked odd since it was on its side. One door was under them, half covered by the mattress and bed frame. Thankfully no one was on it when they were attacked.

He glanced at his father, wondering how the stoic and robust Lyden Snow was handling the fact that his dead wife was demanding they leave the safety of the Orange Bubble.

“I don’t think they can get in here,” Lyden said, his voice hard as he glanced up at the door. “If they could, they would have stormed in and taken us already.”

“But how did they attack in the first place?” Eldon asked. “I thought the Orange Bubble was invincible to everything.”

Lyden grimaced as he met his son’s gaze. “It’s impregnable to any mundane forces,” he said, his voice growing even harder. He dropped into a squat and ran his hand lovingly over the wall-turned-floor. His voice dropped to soothing timber as he continued speaking. “She has a portion of Angela’s soul in her, from before she became the Pillar of Fire. She should be as well hidden as any succubus when she doesn’t want to be noticed.” He glanced up as more pounding sounded from outside. “But if a friend were to come calling, she would respond.”

The last of his statement sent a shiver down Eldon’s spine. Antarctica would seem warm and hospitable by comparison. He watched his father stand, eyes locked on the door above them, shoulders rigid and back straight.

“Best not to keep her waiting,” Lyden said, though his voice managed a fine line between soft and hard. “Becky had the biggest heart of any of my wives, but it was always best not to make her wait.”

“Dad—” Eldon tried to argue with him, but Lyden held up one hand to forestall him.

“That can’t be my dead wife out there, Son,” Lyden said as he nodded to Mei, who had taken up position below the door. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m not going to wait in here and let them hurt my car anymore.”

Eldon considered arguing that they were better off waiting for help to arrive, or for the Orange Bubble to right itself and get them out of there. Instead, he watched in silence as mei flew up and gripped the handle. Who knew how long it would take before help arrived? And if the car could have gotten them out of there, it would have by then.

Mei met everyone’s eyes, took a quick breath, and released the latch. The door flew up and off its hinges. Bright lights flooded the interior, blinding them a second before Eldon heard a pop, followed by a fizzing sound. Eldon shielded his eyes as best he could, and saw multiple smoke grenades spewing noxious gas. Mei, who had remained silent throughout the turmoil, disappearing into the smoke.

He opened his mouth to warn the others not to breathe but hesitated. Something about the way the gas swirled made him smile. He couldn’t tell what it was but soon found himself chuckling as soldiers in dark uniforms and gas masks dropped inside the car. When he saw Becky float down and give them all a glare, he outright guffawed.

The woman looked much as she had before dying in the White House bombing. Her greying hair might have been a little tighter as it swept back into a bun atop her head, and her eyes held more disdain and disgust than he could remember, but it was her. Her stomach was larger than he recalled and remembered that while it wasn’t that long that he was in the other world, months had passed here.

His joyous hysteria didn’t appear to be lessening despite the danger he knew they were in. His knees buckled as he doubled over from laughing. He was laughing too hard… He tried to breathe through the giggles, but they were stronger than him. As darkness began a slow creep in around his vision, Eldon wondered why Becky didn’t need a mask. His unasked question was answered as she bent over her husband, and he saw the gas swirl around, but not touch her pregnant form.

“We have the betrayer of Humanity,” Becky’s grin split her lips, hard and cruel. “Take him and his ilk to the van.”

“This one is human,” a muffled voice responded as they examined Megan with some sort of machine. “What should we do with her?”

Becky glanced at the redhead as Megan gasped for air. The woman didn’t miss how Megan reached out for Eldon, as though he could do anything for her.

“She appears to be under their spell,” Becky said. “Take her. We’ll break her of their hold as they did for me.”

Eldon felt a boot impact his lower back, right at his kidney. He would have laughed at the whole absurd situation, but darkness finally claimed him.

* * * *

A dwarf and a minotaur shared Eldon’s skull, using it like a drum, pounding out a throbbing rhythm and making him groan. Eldon would have laughed, knowing that the two races didn’t particularly like one another, but he didn’t know if he could ever laugh again. Instead, a slow groan escaped him as he rolled onto his back. His chest hurt, his head throbbed, his throat felt raw and swollen, and his mouth was dry enough to make the Pillar of Fire’s domain jealous.

“He’s awake,” a rough voice he didn’t recognize said nearby.

Eldon opened his eyes and saw Shlee leaning over him, her muscular arms squeezing and running across his body. Her arm appeared to have healed already. Werewolves had excellent healing capabilities.

I Guess she won’t be singing anytime soon if her mouth and throat feel anything like mine, he thought and groaned as she helped him sit up.

“What…. Where?” He tried to speak, but his mouth wouldn’t cooperate.

“Drink this,” Shlee commanded. Something pressed against his lips, and tepid liquid filled his mouth. The water tasted awful, but he couldn’t stop himself from gulping as best he could. He didn’t get nearly enough before it ran out.

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