Starting from Scratch Ep. 130: LEAN CUISINE by SZENSEI,SZENSEI

Ten minutes before Lunchtime…

Josie McKellen finished up her freshmen class without a hitch. Experiencing only minor jolts to her numerous burrowing lush toys up inside her holes. At the relentless mercy from either Reese Teller or one of his Four Musketeers sneaking from classes and striking like lightning to catch her off guard alerted her students that something was wrong. She played it off as sneezing when she squealed and tightened her muscles to embrace her lush inserts and clit stimulator. Reese and her 1st. Period class had spared no expense when buying the toys, high quality, high impact. The worst was yet to cum. Best in their eyes.

“Good lord! They’re messing with me in small doses and my legs are already feeling like rubber.” She thought as she hurried to finish writing on her black board. “I can only imagine what lengthy sessions might be. I’m afraid to even go pee, taking them out might not be so easy putting back in.” With the dinner bell nearing she sat back at her desk and gave out a reading assignment mentioning a quiz tomorrow. That went over like a ton of bricks.

Just as the bell sounded and her class began filtering out Josie’s cell received a text from Reese. “Lunchroom NOW!”

“Yikes! He intends to destroy me in the cafeteria. I better go pee first or I’ll need a mop.” Texting him her need to pee first he agreed and informed her she had 5 minutes. “Bless you!” She wrote back. “Be there shortly!”

Hurrying she hid her cell in her purse and locked it in her desk drawer. She needed to be free. Hurrying she tugged her dress down and headed to the main floor below. Seeing a bunch of students clustered by the lockers she wondered if maybe Piper was doing something devious. Nope! The crazy Counsellor was outside under her favorite tree. Being bad as usual! Shrugging off what was going on she hurried to the restroom and into a stall. Good thing she didn’t get nosey she might have caught her daughter Dakota showing off with Angus Furlong. That would have gone over like borrowed bricks.

Pulling out her two lush vibrators and clit stimulator she tinkled with a sigh of relief, she had held it in waaaay too long. Once done she stuffed her twin terrors back up inside her cunt and toyed with the stimulator to make sure it was a tight fit. Once installed Josie washed her hands and let them air dry just to make it to the cafeteria on time. Pausing only briefly to look down the hallway at the wall of Football players she almost wished she had time to tease a few. No biggy! Dakota had their attention. Sable too having interrupted her sister briefly. At any rate Josie headed the other direction for the lunchroom. Wise decision!

“After this morning’s rendezvous my hormones are on edge. Even more so after that freak encounter running into my old classmate Ted. After all these years to discover him on the school bus driving was incredible. I know he had a crush on me back in my teen years, who didn’t? Still, it will be fun talking old times this afternoon. Kissing my hand tells me he was definitely driving down memory lane. Pretty handsome still I must say. If only Henry hadn’t knocked me up, I might have… I know I would have… lots of boys back then.” Ah the guilt of missing out.

Reaching the entrance to the cafeteria Josie stepped in to search for Reese. Seeing he and his crew on the Basketball team she realized she hadn’t even mentioned helping their new Coach Tony Gunther get hired. Maybe she would just let Carl surprise them when he starts. Waving at them cautiously Reese pointed for her to get in line and grab a meal. With the line fifteen deep she frowned but did as motioned. So far so good! No unexpected buzzes in her holes. Wearing three vibrators, two up her pussy, one in her asshole she was fearing an eventual attack.

Noticing a few Ballers in line that had nailed her in the courtyard fountain at dawn, she snuck and cut in line. Students behind them were grumbling over how she rated but knew their arguments would go unnoticed. The students all loved Josie McKellen so their beef was simply waiting for the servers to fill their dinner trays.

What bothered Josie most was the Freshmen, Sophomore class. Juniors too, but at least a few of those Juniors were 18. She was eternally grateful that there were well over 600 students of age, so it kept things less stressful. Bad enough she was breaking the law in engaging sexually with a student. Old enough or not! With zero intent of playing with underclassmen Josie had her boundaries. Sadly, she was hooked on how badly she was wanted by those of legal age. Let others have their petty crush on her, she knew her limits.

With her boy toys behind her she played it cool and simply bantered with them as a distraction. Showing her one of the lush remotes gave her pause, the second boy revealing that he had one of her Lush Puppies tied into his cell meant five remotes. A leer toward Reese watching she discovered his remote poising high, three others joining. As soon as they lowered theirs the rest of his table lifted their cells to show her, they too were tapped in as well. Her eyes bulged, “Sweet Jesus! They can attack me from every angle all day long.” A moment of fear she turned to smiling, “Fire away!” That they did!

Storming her in waves of high-power vibrations she fell back into her behind the scenes bandit, and he pushed her away. “On your own Bitch!” Hearing him meant they wanted her to not have any safe zone. She was on her own and trying to cope without showing off her nerve endings making her crazy. Sucking on her lower lip she trembled, her fingers even struggling to maintain a hold on her empty food tray.

“FUCK!” Was her only breath as the vibrators destroyed her holes and sent a cascade of sensations throughout her entire body. They weren’t slowing down either. The clit stimulator alone was making her faintly squeal, struggling to hide her reaction from those around her. Her back door man wouldn’t have it carefully grabbing her arm as if concerned but offered no sympathy verbally. His whisper was authoritative enough that she looked up smiling as if nothing wrong. No words exchanged on her part she merely rode out the waves praying they might stop. Not a chance!

Forced to face the tray ledge and grip it with both hands her body shook dramatically. It was obvious something was wrong because her skirt was shaking along with her limbs. With her dresses hemline bordering her cheeks it was hard hiding those pink tails sticking from her cunt and asshole. Barely witnessed if at all, she was trying hard not to bend forward. There were just too many younger students who might see, and she couldn’t allow that.

“God help me please don’t let me faint.” The assault was never ending even as the lunch line progressed. Finding the energy to shuffle sideways while maintaining her grip, she did her best to keep up. Eyelashes fluttering over white orbs Josie could not contain her juices. A sudden shower down between her legs went for the most part unnoticed. She simply stepped away from her tiny puddle. As did her snickering Ballers tailing her. Streaks down her legs easily visible were seen by some but ignored. Bellies growled!

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