The Monster – Part 11 by charlieflemming

The Monster – Part 11 by charlieflemming..,

Author’s Note: All Characters are over the age of 18

This story begins in 2022

Main Characters

Jack-18, 16″ cock, light brown hair, blue eyes, 6’3″ tall

Sara-Mom-36, GG-sized tits, black hair, brown eyes, fit but very tone and curvy.

Rita-Aunt-37, FF-sized tits, blonde hair, blue eyes, similarly amazing body to Sara but not quite as hot

Josephine (Jo)-sister, 18, EE-sized tits, twin to Jack, red hair, green eyes most popular girl in school

Clara-Cousin, 18, EE-sized tits, brown hair, kinda dumb but very kind

Beth Ryder-teacher, 28, FF-sized tits, redhead

Naomi Moore-38, doctor, FF-sized tits, African American, nymphomaniac

Rose (Ro)-18, DD-sized tits, Jo’s best friend and a popular girl in school, brunette hair, kinda mean

Tuesday, September 27 (cont.)


Jack came back to lunch but didn’t have much time to eat before the bell rang for the next class. He and Jo didn’t get to say much to each other but Jack assured her they’d talk more during the night.

Sara picked Jack, Clara, and Jo up, but dropped Clara and Jo off at home before driving to the doctor’s office. On the way over, but after she dropped off the girls, Sara talked with her son.

“I’m going to tell the doctor about what I saw this morning,” She told Jack, “I hope that’s okay.”

Jack shrugged, he’d had a strange day already, making out with two people he never thought he would kiss, and now going to a doctor that the other two times he’d gone he’d at least had an orgasm, “Tell her whatever you want to.” He said.

Sara could tell her son was being distant but didn’t push it. She had something else she wanted to mention to him, “There was another thing I wanted to talk to Dr. Naomi about…something else about your condition.”

Jack was suddenly worried that something else was wrong with him, “Oh?” He asked, pensively, “What is it?”

Sara concentrated on the road, knowing she was having a hard enough time as it was without having to look directly into her son’s eyes while she talked about it, “Well,” She said, “It’s about your, um, inability to orgasm. I was thinking about what happened last time we were in the doctor’s. That you were able to orgasm by yourself. Do you remember?”

You mean, Jack thought, his cock getting hard in his pants at the image, when I came all over your face and body? “Um, yeah, I remember.” He said.

“Good,” Sara said, “Well, I was thinking that I would mention to the doctor today that, um, maybe a woman should do that for you when you need to, you know, um…” Then her voice got really low, “Masturbate…”

Jack glanced nervously out the window as if someone was listening right there while the vehicle moving at 55 mph, “Um, well, I mean that would be nice and all but there’s not really anyone to-”

“I was thinking maybe I could do it for you,” Sara suggested.

Jack looked at his mother incredibly surprised. His mouth opened in total shock. His cock throbbed in his pants as if trying to tell him something. He had no idea what to say to that.

“Um, I’ll suggest it to the doctor and we’ll see what she says,” Sara said about a minute of driving in silence later when she realized her son wasn’t going to tell her what he thought of that plan. “I think it’s for the best.”


Dr. Naomi made sure she had no other patients for the day after Jack’s appointment. Once they were back in her examination room, Naomi just got into it before Sara could explain her idea about posing for her son.

“We got the results of Jack’s semen sample,” Naomi explained. But Jack and Jo blushed when they remembered what happened when they got that sample. Dr. Naomi ignored the mother and son’s reactions as she continued, “I think I’ve determined what at least part of the problem is.”

“Oh?” Sara asked.

“Yes, the semen sample biopsy has concluded,” she explained, “that Jack’s semen is very dense. It seems that Jack produced about 10 billion sperm per milliliter. If you want that in context most men only produce about 30 to 400 million per milliliter. It’s obvious that Jack is not only very potent, but his testicles are producing sperm at an amazingly alarming rate.”

Sara thought about this, “But why would that keep him from being able to masturbate?” She asked after a moment.

“That might take a little more time to figure out,” Naomi explained, “But, theoretically, it could be there’s so much cum coming out of your boy’s cock,” Naomi loved how Sara squirmed at her dirty talk, “That it just gets blocked up unless the orgasm is just that strong. Or it could be something psychological, but I don’t think so just because Jack is obviously able to both get a full erection and achieve orgasm as long as somebody helps him with it. It’s a strange condition, and the human body does all kinds of crazy things that medical science can’t explain.”

Sara thought about it and decided to just tell the doctor what was on her mind, “I was thinking,” Sara began, “That perhaps I could start taking, um, a more hands-on approach to Jack’s condition at home.”

“Oh, what do you mean by that?” Naomi asked as she cocked an eyebrow at Sara. Her choice of words made her think that this mother wanted to jerk off her son (which she approved of, but couldn’t act too eager or they’d find another doctor). She also noticed Jack get extremely embarrassed and look away and she wondered what was going on between these two already.

“Well, I was thinking about what happened in the last session,” Sara explained, “That Jack was able to orgasm through masturbation as long as someone was posing for him.”

“Right,” Naomi said, thinking she knew where this was headed.

“Well,” Sara continued, “I was thinking maybe I should be the one who, um, poses for him at home. Just so Jack can masturbate and have a normal, healthy life,” which doesn’t involve him fucking his sister, Sara thought but didn’t add.

“Hmm,” Naomi said as she pretended to consider it. The doctor’s pussy started getting very wet.

“What is it, doctor?” Sara asked. She was worried maybe her plan had made the doctor freak out.

“Well,” Naomi said professionally a moment later, “like I said this is a very complicated situation. Personally, I think if you want to do that with your son, and he’s comfortable with it, then it would only help. Jack’s condition is complex, to say the least.”

“But, um,” Sara mumbled then as she felt as embarrassed as her son did at that moment, “Should I do it? I mean, I am his mother. But I also don’t know anyone else who could do it.”

“It’s unfortunate that Jack doesn’t have a girlfriend, huh?” Naomi commented. Jack blushed even more than he was already, “But I also think that people do many strange things for medical reasons and neither of you has anything to be ashamed of.”

“So…” Jack said, “It’s okay?” He had basically felt like some kind of pervert, well, for a while, in all honesty, but especially since his mom told him about this “posing plan” in the car on the way over there.

“Absolutely,” Naomi said happily, “And if you’re both comfortable enough with each other to do something like that, I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t!” Naomi’s pussy was very wet, and also doing all of the thinking for her.

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