Jenna Marbles by truebutchanged

Jenna Marbles by truebutchanged..,

A new friend witnesses man’s best friend getting a treat , A new story I might make into a 2 or 3 parter if it gets good feedback (I know this first one is short, but it’s just a market tester). If you share my interest in “Jenna Marbles”, I think you’ll like this one. Be careful to read ALL of the tags, as you may not enjoy certain topics. For those of you who don’t know who Jenna Marbles IS, she is a youtube webcam star that excels in juvenile humor. She’s not just a random internet idiot though, as she has a Masters Degree in Psych from Boston U. Oh, and she is smoking hot. I think she’s a Go Go as well? might have just been a rumor… Either way, here it is for your enjoyment. Again, if you like it, I’ll continue it. So make sure to let me know your thoughts!

“Hello sexuals!”

I watched from the other side of the room as my friend started up with her webshow.

Every Wednesday, she got on cam and did a video for everyone. It wasn’t live. She actually took snippits from here and there and added them together. The final result was usually pretty good, and it showed with her millions of fans.

I hadn’t known Jenna for long. I was actually a friend of her boyfriends before they broke up, and I couldn’t say I was heartbroken about her being on the market again. What I wouldn’t do to hook up with her………

My train of thought was cut off and I was pulled back into focus by a dog barking.

“Marbles, stop barking, my goodness! He’s excited to have a new friend in the house!” she explained to the camera, looking over to me, but with the camera not moving, I knew her viewers couldn’t see me, and I was okay with that. “Now I’ve done a lot of videos in the past about what I’ve learned from various subjects. Rap music. Disney. Romance movies. You name it! Today, I’m going to share what George Lucas taught me!”

She paused for a moment, shifting herself and laying her mini greyhound on the floor.

“First and foremost, he taught me that if I ever make one successful movie, it is my DUTY to drag it out over the span of 50 years, adding sequals, prequals, books, games, and wiki pages that construct a time period of over 20,000 years!” She paused for quite a while, which I knew was destined to be cropped in the final cut. “Also, if there are any other popular trilogies that are nowhere near my genra, I should no doubt buy them out, then remake them 15 years down the road, changing the main story line completely, just so you can sell box tickets!”

This went on for quite a while, her touching on the sellout to Disney and the multitude of games Lucas had made over the years. Finally after she felt she had made her point, she began wrapping up. “Now if you didn’t know, I have a guest staying with me for a few days! Caleb, come say ‘hi!'” she motioned for me to come join her, to which i grumbled but stood up and made my way to the computer. “This is our good friend Caleb. Now he used to be best friends with an asshole, some of you might remember be ex-boyfriend Max! He threw this nice, lovely gentleman out of their apartment because he wanted to remain my friend after our nasty little breakup!

“What a mother… fucking… dick! Right? Well anyway, I figured the best way to help him out AND spite my ex, was to invite him to live here with me until he found his own place! Isn’t that great?” she started giggling, which I was certain would also be cut. She picked up her older dog, Marbles, starting up again. “Now we’ll see you all next week! Bye Spiderman! Bye Spiderman! Bye Caleb!” she signed off, before adding, “Make sure you subscribe to our channel! We put out new videos every Wednesday!” As she spoke, she moved her dog’s paw as if it was waving. Finally she reached up and shut off her webcam, turning to me.

“Alright, well! Another week in the bag. Sorry you had to witness it raw and uncut,” she smiled.

“No, that was cool. It’s interesting to see it live, that’s for sure,” I assured her.

“Really? I think it sucks major dick until I’m able to crop the SHIT out of it,” she admitted, standing up. “Oh well, now you know how amazing my editing skills are, right? But anyway, it’s hella fucking late…” I looked at my watch and was shocked to find it was already 2:30 at night. She had been filming for a good 45 minutes, although it only seemed like fifteen. I yawned, as if my brain was just acknowledging it was tired, now that it was aware how late it was.

“I would totally give you my bed, but the dogs will bark at you non-stop all night. Does the couch work? or I may be able to like… get them all dosed up on some med shit until they’re used to you being in there.”

“Nah, the couch works fine. Thanks again for letting me crash here!” I again thanked her, making sure my gratitude was heard.

“Don’t even mention it, kiddo!” she playfully patted my head. “You stood up for me, so I got your back Jack! Anything I can do to help you out. And if it pisses Max off, then you can count on it!”

My mind reeled as I was tempted to tell her that sex with me would “help me out” and it would definitely piss Max off! But as if she were reading my mind, she cut off my thoughts with a “Except sex, you dirty boy!” My brain snapped out of its sex-fueled trance as she smiled, knowing she had hit the mark. “Anyway, let me go get your sheets!”

“Honestly, I’m not picky. A blanket and a pillow and I’ll be set,” I informed her. Jenna shrugged, heading off to grab the bedding, coming back with two pillows and a very thick blanket.

“I’m going to take the dogs outside really quick. Do you need anything else before I head for bed?” she perfected her role of host.

“No, I think you about covered everything. You’re pretty good at this,” I complimented, smiling.

“Okay, well remember. The kitchen is fair game, and if you need anything else during the night, let me know. I usually don’t sleep in very late on weekdays, but I’ll be quiet. Oh, and I sleep with the hallway light on, so the dogs don’t freak out. It should be out of sight and not keep you up, but if it ends up bugging you, just turn it off. I can always close my door and turn a light on in there. Anything else, you just let me know,” she signed off with a smile, heading toward the back door so the dogs could do their business.

So ended my first day there. It was all-in-all pretty uneventful, as were the next few. We got into a rhythm together and learned that we were actually pretty compatible roommates. I had made her breakfast a couple times, and helped out however I could, making sure she knew I wasn’t taking advantage of her invite.

Sure, I flirted a little bit, and I’m pretty sure she did too, although I wasn’t sure if it was intentional. Mostly though I kept my distance, not wanting to piss off the girl who was helping me out so much.

She didn’t make it easy on me though. She was drop dead gorgeous, and she knew it. She always pranced around in the tightest fitting clothing you could imagine. Tank tops, boy shorts, sometimes even just towels as she exited the bathroom, searching for other clothes to wear. I don’t think she did it to tease me, it was simply her home and that is what she was used to. She apologized once, but I assured her that I didn’t mind.

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