A Brass Bracelet Ch. 01

An adult stories – A Brass Bracelet Ch. 01 by Vintage_DM,Vintage_DM Forward: This story takes place in the same world as many of my other stories, somewhere along the northern fringes of the Conch Republic. With that said, I hope you enjoy it, and your comments are welcome. Of course, this being Literature, everyone is past the age of consent. —

I looked at the stacks of boxes and furniture scattered around my new apartment by the movers in their haste to leave and head back to the land of Jack Frost. That left me to make sense out of the chaos. In a loud, determined tone of voice, “Well, Hutch,” I announced to my two companions — Fuzzy and Wuzzy, a pair of Maine Coon cats. “You know what needs to be done, old man. And you know, your two constant companions and traveling buddies ain’t gunna help. So, as usual, it’s all about you.” Looking over at his companions, who trailed behind his every step. This latest move had clearly distressed both of them. Well, first things first, find their food bowls and food, then get the waterfall set up so they can play with the water and have a drink of water now and then. After that get both of the litter boxes set up. With that done, the boys will know this is home. By early afternoon, a degree of order began to arise from the sea of boxes, which resulted in a flash of brilliance. “I need,” Hutch yelled at no one in particular. “In the worst way, I need to go the grocery store ’cause I ain’t got no food here, and most important of all, I ain’t got no beer.”

When I got back to the new apartment, after hitting my credit card for a couple of hundred dollars. The boys were found sitting on the consul table behind the sofa, looking out the window and carefully watching the squirrels dash around the oak trees outside next to the pool. Putting the groceries and beer away, I got a serious laugh from the hunters on the sofa, watching the nasty tree rats they knew they would dispatch. With everything done for today, the next thing was to answer the call of the pool. With that voice ringing in my ears, I headed out to the pool with a cold beer to enjoy some real sunshine.

For certain, there was plenty of sunshine at the pool but nothing else. Shortly after settling into a recliner, the sunshine and a beer did its job, and my heavy eyelids closed. “Hi, I saw you moving in this morning.” A soft, lovely voice called out. “Welcome to our little oasis. If you haven’t. You should pick up some SPF 50 sunscreen at the store. Otherwise, you can get a nasty sunburn laying out here, and you’ll look like a tomato under a broiler. Newcomers here have gone to the ER with blisters from being out in the sun too long unprotected.”

My new neighbor’s suggestion got my attention. Sitting up and opening my eyes, I saw an attractive woman who looked to be in her early thirties, standing there wearing a big floppy hat and a loose coverup over what I guessed was a swimsuit. “Thanks. I just moved in today. Oh, I’m John, John Hutchinson. Most everyone calls me Hutch or a string of profanities.” Moving around on the recliner, I got a better look at the woman with the voice of an angel. The thought streaked across my mind that she was one polished, very elegant lady. “There’s a world of difference between here along the northern edges of the Conch Republic and where I just moved from in the lands that Jack Frost inhabits. They still have snow on the ground there, and here, the grass is green. I’ll hit Amazon for the sunscreen. Thanks for the suggestion.” Just wanting to keep the conversation going, I asked. “Have you lived here for a while?”

“Hi John, welcome to the neighborhood. I’m Cindy Collins. I guess you could call me a long-time resident here. I’ve lived here for three years, and for the most part, it’s a good place to live. Almost everyone is fairly friendly, but of course, there’s a sprinkling of assholes too. I’ve found a couple of friends here, but nothing serious. Working for an airline, it’s like my home is a plane. Mostly, I do long-haul international flights as a lead attendant. When I get back from bouncing around the world, I’m off schedule for a few days. John? What brings you here?”

“Hi Cindy, and thanks for the info on the complex. This place sounds a lot like where I used to live up north. I work for a large community development company. Do you know of the Stone Run community that’s just coming out of the ground here? That’s where I will be working. The communities the company builds out are similar to each other. They all have a golf course with a large central clubhouse. Surrounding it is a collection of different types of homes. The clubhouse has a pro shop and offices for everyone working on the golf course, as well as a restaurant, bar & grill, in addition to a host of private function rooms. That’s my domain, the Food and Beverage operations. When we finally get everything built out, I’ll be the Food and Beverage Manager. Somewhere an age ago, I started working as a cook and then a chef.”

“You could call me a corporate nomad, I suppose. This is my fifth move in the eight years I’ve worked with the company. The promise is that I’ll be here for a while. But who knows? Anyway, is there someplace nearby where you can get a decent pizza?”

“YES! There is.” Cindy exploded. “So, you know, I used to fly into Naples occasionally. When you’re in Naples, what do you eat? You eat pizza! The pizza there is my gold standard. No pineapple and junk like that on a pizza for me.”

“John? Do you know the main road that leads into the complex? Take it to the highway, turn right, and go about a half mile. At the light, you’ll see a strip mall. In that building, there’s a small Italian restaurant. They have serious, legit pizza. Tell you what, I have to run by the drug store and see my favorite pusher to get me some drugs. No, really, I have to pick up a couple of scripts. Can we meet at Fabio’s in, say, a half hour?”

“Cindy? How can I say no to a lovely young lady and what promises to be real pizza? I’ll see you there.”

Twenty minutes later, I was outside of Fabio’s. The sweet smells coming from the restaurant sent my noise into overdrive. A few minutes later, Cindy walked over to where I was standing, holding a paper bag. “Thank you for being on time; that’s a biggie for me. OH! I got you some sunscreen while I picked up my scripts.”

“Cindy, I appreciate you getting the sunscreen. That was very kind. Young lady when a lovely woman tells me there is legit pizza to be had somewhere. I will gladly follow her to the ends of the earth. The aromas from the front door make me think this place is legit.”

John held the door open for Cindy to walk in. When she did, the bartender greeted her and commented on her coming in with some new guy. “What is he, competition? Cindy amore mio, you are breaking my heart.”

Ah, yes, the joys of being a regular in a family-owned restaurant. As they sat down, a waiter came to the table with a terracotta pitcher and poured them a glass of red wine. “Fabio, who owns the place,” Cindy began. “Gets a homemade wine shipped here from Italy. It’s not a vintage wine; it’s a wine you’d find in a small osteria in Naples. I like it. I hope you do, too.”

At first, John took a small sip of the wine to taste it. Then, a smile spread across his face. “Cindy, this is nice,” Hutch exclaimed. “I’ve tried different house wines, some of which can be disappointing at best. This is good, thank you.”

“John, are you always so unfailingly polite?” Cindy half-said and half-giggled. “It’s a pleasant surprise.” The waiter stood beside Cindy; when she looked up, letting loose with a magnetic smile, then turning to the waiter, she asked, “Can I get my usual pie? Please?”

John looked up and asked. “Please understand, this is my first time here, so I don’t know your menu. But, can you make a thin-crust Pizza Bianca?” The waiter’s answer was a knowing smile.

After a simple tre colori insalata (that is, a salad of radicchio, white endive, and arugula) as well as another glass or two of wine, the waiter came out and presented their pizzas. Out of habit, he ran his eyes over the pizzas. “Cindy, all I can say is ‘WOW.’ You were correct. This place is seriously legit. Your Margherita and my Bianca both look amazing. Thank you for suggesting this restaurant.” They both concentrated on their pizzas and wine for as long as they lasted. “Cindy, now I owe you twice. Once for the sunscreen, but now for introducing me to this fantastic place.”

“John, no … no, you don’t owe me a thing. I love coming here, especially with someone else who appreciates the food that they make here. This place reminds me of when I went to Naples and my happy memories of that crazy city.” After a piccolo dolce (a small dessert), Cindy began. “Unfortunately though, we need to get a move on as I’m leaving in the morning. I have a two-week set of flights. Usually, the flight crew I work with has three flights into Amsterdam and four into London in two weeks. Then we’re off for about ten days. Yes, it’s tiring, but we’ll get a mandated day of crew rest, and that’s when I can go out and explore where we happen to be. When I moved here, I knew I would be giving up some of the international flights I did from Miami. But, for me, it’s worth it. I like being here.”

Looking towards her lap, Cindy almost mumbled. “John? I’d like to see you when I get back in town. May I have your phone number? That way, we can stay in contact while I’m off dashing around the skies?”

“Cindy, I’d like that.” John reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his cell. “Give me your number, and I will call you now.”

For the next two weeks, Cindy and John talked or texted each other daily. Cindy had the vibe of a relaxed woman at home. She was very at ease and comfortable with herself and her environment. At work, she was micro-focused on a thousand details most travelers never saw or were aware of. At last, Cindy made it home. The first thing she did was call John, let out a huge sigh of relief, and then said. “The first thing on my list is to schedule a pedicure. Those damm shoes we must wear can kill a girl’s feet. Thankfully, I’m off for ten days.”

John listened patiently and smiled to himself. “Cindy? As I told you on the phone. I stopped into Fabio’s, well, more than a few times. I’ll call there, order us pizzas, and pick up a bottle of their red wine. While I don’t know how to do a pedicure, I do know how to do a foot massage. Interested?” Cindy’s response was a soft, muted thanks.

Half an hour later, John rang Cindy’s doorbell and called out, “Pizza delivery.”

The door flew open in a second, and there was the woman he had begun to discover over the last two weeks or so. “John? I owe you big time for this. You, mister, are a lifesaver.” John walked into Cindy’s apartment with everything in his hands. Cindy followed her nose and was a short step behind John. “What kind of pizza did you get us?” She asked between giggles in a soft tone of voice.

That got a smile from John as he opened the box that held her Margherita pizza. With that, a smile washed over her face. When he opened the other box that held his pizza. At first, she looked at the pizza almost questioningly. “John? I’ve never seen a pizza like this one. What is it?”

“It’s called the ‘Four Seasons,’ or a Quatro Stagioni, and it is like getting four different pizzas in one pie. And no, it is not on the menu, but I asked Fabio if he could make it. He was surprised that an American knew this style, and he readily agreed to do it. He told me that doing this reminded him of when he was an apprentice, and they would do this when requested. The four different toppings aren’t fixed. They can be swapped around to fit the seasons or whims of the customer.”

While he was talking, Cindy got them two café glasses for their wine and plates. “John, I hope you know you will share that pizza?”

Her question was answered with a warm smile as he nodded his head. “Lady, I’ll get an extra large one next time so we both have plenty to share.” It was as if, by a miracle, the pizzas and a couple of glasses of wine had disappeared. John got up, went to the sofa in her living room, and sat down. “Girl, it’s time for your foot rub. Sit on the sofa with your head on one end and put your feet in my lap.”

The expression on Cindy’s face was almost priceless. “I thought you were kidding. But I guess not.”

With that said, she moved about on the sofa so her feet rested on one of John’s legs. While she was getting settled in, John had reached into his pocket and pulled out a tube of massage cream. After warming the cream in his hands, he massaged her feet. Then, a series of soft moans and cries slipped out of Cindy. “Whatever you are doing to me, please don’t stop. It feels so good.”

“Lady? I believe I said before. I owed you a favor. Well, I have just begun to repay you for your kindness. So, you know, on the front end, I’m the type of guy who enjoys spoiling his lady. Nothing big or elaborate, rather something like this foot rub. Something personal, something just for you.” Cindy’s eyes closed as he worked his fingers and thumbs across her feet as her work world faded into the mists.

“John?” Cindy mumbled. “If you ever need a side job, I just happened to know a place that’s been looking for a masseuse for quite a while now.” Saying that, a smile slipped over her face as her eyes closed, and a soft giggle escaped. “Ohh, yes. You have those magic fingers that make this girl feel so good.”

“Miss Cindy Lou?” John called out.

“Hey, you! How did you know my middle name? I never tell anyone that!”

“Well? It just seemed like it fit. I don’t know why, but it did.”

“My Dad used to call me that. I’ll never know how he came up with it. Dad was from Austria, and my Mom was from Denmark. Both of them were fluent in almost every major European language. They would talk with each other using different languages that they changed with every sentence. As a tike, hearing many different languages was normal for me. It wasn’t until I went to school here in the States that I started using English full-time. Working on international flights, I use my language skills daily. The nice part is that I get premium pay for being fluent in a half dozen languages.”

“John, I have to tell you something. You are a dangerous man. Along the way, I’ve been burned too many times. I have trusted the wrong people and well. The results weren’t nice.”

“Cindy, you and I are just beginning to get to know each other. I haven’t been married, and I don’t have any kids, thankfully. But I’ve had a couple of serious relationships. I guess that’s a good way of saying what they were. We’ve both been burned. I am not going to try to get in your pants today, tomorrow, next week, or whatever. I want a solid relationship with a lady, not a woman, a lady first and foremost. Someone I am comfortable with, someone who makes me feel good, and hopefully, someone who I make feel good, too. It’s like yin and yang, complimentary. Together, the two opposites become one and are better for that union. At this moment, what I want for us is for us to become friends who understand each other. Hell, I’ve been in a relationship that was almost totally physical and sexual. God, we would burn the sheets up. But when we got out the front door, shit Cindy we wanted nothing to do with each other. What I want is the whole loaf and not just a small crumb. I hope that makes some sense to you.”

“Yeah, it makes sense, John. I hadn’t thought about it that way, but that says what I feel. I want someone I trust and can share my life with. Someone who likes me for who I am, what I am, and the people I like. Together, we share a mutual attraction. You know my parents were, on the surface, total opposites. But they matured into an amazing couple. That’s what I want. I know it takes time and work to develop that. I am in a hell of a slow. For certain, I want the brass ring.”

Cindy’s Tale.

After John left and went back to his apartment, Cindy sat on her sofa wondering. How, just how in the world, could she let another man into her life? The last guy had fucked her life up. Thanks to the wonderful Master Fredrick, she had damm nearly lost her job. She was forced to take a transfer that she didn’t want. All of her so-called friends, except one, Alma, disappeared. Alma was the only person who stood by. To this day, Alma was the only person that Cindy would trust.

“ALMA! Help!” Cindy wailed into her cell phone. “It’s happening again. I can’t handle this shit again.”

The voice on the other end of the phone screamed out. “Cindy, what the hell is going on? That asshole is where it should have been ages ago. Jail. No one is going to hurt you again, Cindy. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, let all the bullshit go. Now! What the hell happened?”

“Alma, honestly, I don’t know what happened. I met a man. A nice man who knows nothing about me or anything else. And I think I’m scared to say this. But, damm it, Alma. I like him and worst of all I think he likes me too. I’m scared; what if he finds out? He’s the first guy I’ve met in ages that I think there’s something there. What can I do? Alma, I won’t get back on that roller coaster again. I can’t take it.”

“Cindy? Do you need me to come up there and kick your ass? You know I will do exactly that. Woman, get a hold of yourself. You’re not twelve years old; you’re thirty-two. You’re a grown woman, a very capable woman. A woman who in the past got fucked over by a serious player. That was what? Four; no, that was five years ago. Cindy Lou, you fought like hell to get that asshole buried in jail where he belongs. You have a new life. You have made a better life for yourself than you had here. You know that, and so do I. Don’t you dare let the ghost of that asshole pull on you? Kick those ghosts in the balls and laugh at them. Then look at this new man with clear eyes and ask yourself. Is there something there for me? Allow him to see you as you are. Yes, with all the dings and scrapes. Baby, be honest with yourself and who you are today. Not what you could have been five years ago. You walked away then and went on. You have no reason to look back. There is nothing there. You walked away from dirtbags, losers, and users. You are none of those things, and you know it. If the two of you are honest with yourselves and each other, you can build a place you will fill with warmth, happiness, love, and for each other.”

“Now Cindy Lou, go and get in the shower and wash all this bullshit away. Woman, get a move on. Call me in the morning. Hey, you, you know that I’m here for you.”

John’s Tale

The second John walked into his new apartment after being at work all day. He was immediately attacked by his two Maine Coon cats, Fuzzy and Hairy. The boys always demanded that they get their due attention when he walked in the door. After a quick swing in and out of the kitchen, leaving the latest collection of junk mail on the counter and getting a glass of wine, he fell on the sofa, and the twosome bounced on him. Scratching Fuzzy’s ears and tickling Hairy’s chin, they gave him a little space. John’s mind drifted back to his conversation with Cindy last night. What played on his mind was her comment about the brass ring. That brought back a flood of happy, warm memories from when his folks would take him to the zoo, which always meant going for a ride on the Merry-Go-Round. It was like watching a video of his folks taking him for a ride on that magic carpet and reaching out for the brass ring. Once in a great while, he’d get lucky and grab ahold of the ring, which meant he would ride again, this time for free. The sense of joy that filled him when that happened was priceless. Then, fast forwarding to now, the question out there was. Is this what Cindy was feeling? Is this what she wanted?

He knew that there was one way he could get an answer to the question. That was to call his best friend, Amir. The two of them had worked side by side as interns in a large industrial kitchen that made thousands of meals for airlines. Amir is a Sikh who always wears his turban and a brass bracelet like the brass ring that enticed him on the Merry-Go-Round ages ago.

There was one way to find out what Cindy wanted, and that was to give her a brass ring, a bracelet. The question was, would she take it? When he said he enjoyed spoiling people, that resulted in a seriously questioning expression. It was as if she was asking, what do you want from me? What’s in it for you? Sending her this might not be the smartest thing to do. Doing that might push her away from him. Or, doing so would be unexpected and open a path she was comfortable with that could lead her toward him. Because, for sure, John hoped they might hit it off somehow.

“Amir! It’s your oldest, only, and best friend. I need a small favor, my old friend. Where can I find a brass bracelet similar to the one you have?” John tossed out before Amir could say a word.

Hearing that, all Amir could do was laugh. “John, you know you remind me of the old pictures of the city I am from in the Punjab, my Grandparents would show all their grandchildren. There was one of the gates to a city where a beggar sat holding an empty bowl, hoping for someone to drop a coin in. To answer your question, yes, I know where a brass bracelet can be found. Should I have it sent to you or some lovely woman you are trying to entice into your bed?”

In the background, John couldn’t help but hear Amir’s wife, Mata, calling out to her husband to be grateful for the open hand of friendship he was being offered. “Amir,” John cried out. “You should listen to your lovely bride, for she only tells you the truth, my old friend.”

That got Amir laughing. “My old friend. I am still drawing in the breath of life. I do that because I listen to the woman who navigates my life through the turbulent seas. Of course, I will be happy to serve you, my old friend, and get this trinket on its way. Where should I have it sent to?”

Together again

During the week, Cindy and John talked on the phone every evening. They were catching up with each other and what they were doing. Their nightly chats weren’t earth-shattering. Just a friendly warm chat, hi there — how are you? Me? I’m good, thanks. That was about the extent of their chats. They had vague plans to do something Saturday afternoon, maybe go to a Farmer’s Market and have an early dinner. But nothing was set in stone. She had more than a few other things hanging out there that required her attention. John was covered up with a thousand details of building a new community.

Friday evening finally arrived, and John was free of architects and general contractors pushing one way or another to complete the project on time. Neither of them accepted that the clock was ticking. John’s ears were filled with a thousand ‘yes, but’ arguments.

At last, John could get home and be nudged and kneaded by his two cats. Both demanded that they had to be the ones to have his undivided attention. As he began to settle down on the sofa with a cat on each side of him, the phone rang. At first, he was sorely tempted to let the call go to voice mail. He’d had way too much of being an adult all week long. Now, all he wanted to do was enjoy the company of Fuzzy and Hairy. But he glanced at the screen on his phone and saw that Cindy was calling. “Hi, lovely lady, how’s the most wonderful woman I know of this evening?”

“JOHN!!! I have to show you something. I’ll be at your place in two minutes.” Two minutes later, the doorbell rang, and he opened the door to find Cindy holding a small box that had been opened. Her eyes were bloodshot, and there were still tears in her eyes. “John, Oh My God, why? Oh, why did you do this?”

“Cindy? Please come in and sit down. It’s clear as dawn you are very upset.” This was the first time she had been inside of John’s apartment. She quickly looked around and saw a coffee table and a long sofa. Dropping the box on the coffee table and then collapsed at the end of the couch as she took a deep breath. Then, the guardians of the house sprang into action when they saw a new lap they could camp in. In an instant, both cats landed next to Cindy and began demanding attention from her. As the duo arrived, John looked out from the kitchen when he heard her shriek. “Ahhh, my highly trained attack cats have found a new victim. Cindy? If you want them to leave you alone, there’s a wooden box on the console table behind the sofa. The box has some catnip in it. Sprinkle a pinch or two at each end of the sofa. And you will be deserted in a flash. Otherwise, know that those two are total attention hounds. Here’s a glass of wine for you. Please, you look like you have been fighting with all the demons of hell. What’s going on, and how can I help you?”

Cindy sat there for several minutes, occupied with the cat’s demands for attention and trying to take an occasional sip of wine. “John, I know you meant well by sending me this beautiful bracelet. Of course, you had no idea how many memories it could or did awaken without going into a thousand details. A brass ring was one of the most precious things I had as a child. My Mom was from Denmark, and my Dad was from Austria. Every summer, we would visit Denmark or Austria to see their families. When we went to Denmark, it was almost like a pilgrimage. We always went to Tivoli Gardens, and I got to ride the most magical ride in the world. I rode on the Animal Carousel. One time, I might ride on a pony, and another time, on top of the elephant. There was, I guess you could call it, a dispenser, but if you were lucky and timed it just right, you might catch ahold of a brass ring. I can’t tell you how many times I tried and tried to catch that magic ring. I might touch it now and then but never actually grab it. One magic day, I did. I got the brass ring. I would never give that ring up for anything. I held on to that ring, knowing I was the world’s luckiest girl. I had the brass ring.”

“John, that ring was the most precious thing I had ever had. When I got on with the airline and moved to Miami, the ring stayed in my old bedroom’s top right-hand dresser drawer. To be honest with myself and, yes, also you, many things happened in Miami. Some were good, very good, and others were horrible. I won’t go into a lot of details. That was then, and this is now. But the capstone was when my parents’ home burned down. When the fire happened, they were asleep upstairs in bed. The house was a total loss, and my parents died in the fire. My brass ring was also destroyed in the fire. I don’t know or want to know all the details, but the fire was ruled arson. After an investigation, the man whom I had a relationship with was arrested and charged with a host of charges coming out of the fire. Because of all these crazy memories, I had to leave Miami. Thankfully, the airline I work for arranged a transfer for me here. But, even now, John, you need to know I have changed from the person I was into someone else. I have a very hard time trusting others, even myself.”

“Cindy? I can’t say anything now that you haven’t heard from countless others. We’ve walked along the same road. I lost both of my parents way too soon.” With that said, John put his glass of wine down. I took a moment and looked up toward the ceiling and the heavens. Then he continued. “I can tell you from my experience that I had to mourn and grieve what was their untimely death. Honestly, I felt cheated. I want them to see what I have accomplished. That wasn’t to be. But Cindy, I can tell you this. Not a day goes by when I don’t take a moment and say, ‘Folks, I’m doing good. Thanks for everything you did for me.’ Then I move forward. Cindy, I know how easy it is to slip into a rut.”

“I have to make a decision concerning work this weekend, Cindy. I have been here for the better part of a month. A lot happened in that month. On the personal side, I met a fantastic woman who is like me in more ways than I know. She thrives on giving to others. I told you before that I like to spoil and do things for the people around me. Doing that makes me feel whole, feel good. It’s like when we first met, you picked up that sunscreen. You didn’t have to, but you did. I felt spoiled at the instant. Did you realize that?” Cindy’s answer was to look up and smile as she shook her head no. “Yes, I arranged to send you the bracelet for a couple of reasons. One, I thought you might like it. Of course, I had no way of knowing anything about the whys you had attached to a brass ring. I also had the opportunity to talk with my best friend and his wife. Talking with them always makes me feel good. Amir and Mata are a perfectly matched pair. They love each other for certain, but also they support each other. I would love for you to meet them. I do need to tell you that they are Sikhs from India. So, they dress a little differently than you and I do. But they are just as crazy as you and I are. They love to do things for others and each other. It is in their nature. As it is, I believe in your nature.”

“Cindy Lou, with all that said. I hope you are comfortable accepting my small gift.”

What was funny was that both of the cats were happily settled on Cindy’s lap. Now and then, one of them might nudge her, demanding some attention, which she happily provided. “John, you are the most amazing man I think I’ve met in ages now.” Then, she pushed both cats off her lap as she leaned forward, opened the box that she had tossed on the coffee table, and took out the bracelet, which she held in one hand, and looked at it. After a few minutes of indecision, she slipped the bracelet on her wrist. “John, thank you. You had no way of knowing how this could affect me. But, I will tell you this. I look forward to us finding new paths together and the both of us spoiling each other in countless undiscovered ways.”

“Now, I need to go back to my apartment for a few. Stuff some things in a shoulder bag so I’ll have some necessities here as well as a change or two of clothes for the weekend. I’ll be back in five minutes. You have changed my world this evening. And thank you for what you have done for me.”

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