Entrapped Enslaved Chapters 1-4 by bav86

Entrapped Enslaved Chapters 1-4 by bav86

A man and his journey into owning two beautiful slaves. , Please note: This is my first story and I am very interested in any criticism. Please comment, pm, send emails if you find any part lacking in my writing style. Also comment/mail if you like what your reading 🙂

Thanks in advance!

Disclaimer: There is no action in these first chapters. There will be more than enough later, but I want to set up the mood first.

Disclaimer for the stupid: No, don’t go out kidnapping and stuff. I don’t condone it. It’s bad mkay?

Entrapped, Enslaved

Chapter 1) Carpe diem.

It all started in the autumn of my career. I had done quite well for myself, starting a few startups, selling them and keeping stocks in the more successful ones. As I was always able to keep my interests ( IT, chemical engineering and law) at the center of my professional career I was able to build quite a few successful companies. At the age 40 I was rich enough to never think about money again. However, even with all the success I had, I was always missing something. What’s all the money in the world worth if you can’t spend it on anything? Even my hobbies required relatively little to no money. The obvious solution to this problem would be to get a family. But, while I wasn’t opposed to the idea, I never really got around to that. Oh, there was plenty of interest. Why wouldn’t there be? I wasn’t the fittest guy in the world, but I was nice, didn’t look too bad, smart and rich. Plenty of interested women, but none of them stuck around. For this I mostly had myself to blame, as I could never really bring myself to trust them fully. Or, to be more specific, I was/am very into BDSM and was always too timid, cowardly and introverted to tell this to my bed partners. So in the end we always kind of drifted apart. Luckily I could always pay some high class escort girl who didn’t mind doing whatever I wanted.

And then it came to me. I had just finished my latest business deal and was wondering why I was still working, I certainly didn’t need to anymore. I had no goal in life. I had nothing to work for, nothing to really accomplish anymore. I needed to vent my existential midlife crisis, so I invited my friend Ray to a bar. I knew Ray from my college years and we had quite a few business ventures together. His life was quite a bit more defined than mine, which made me a little jealous. He had an expensive hobby, a lovely family and a charming wife. He had a goal in life. After having explained the general aimlessness of my life he said:
“Peter, I felt this was a long time a coming. Your entire life you only worked and partied. Never making a long term commitment. Hell, even your companies you sold after a few years. Mind you, you’ve done really well for yourself, but ‘now what?’, right? It’s a difficult question. But rest assured, you’re not the only one struggling with it.”
“Well, what would you suggest then?” I asked.
“I don’t know man. That’s up to you to decide. But, why dont you get away for a while, clear your head up, go into mother nature, back to your roots and stuff. Maybe you’ll find it there. You don’t need to work anymore. Your set for life and staying here isn’t really helping you…” He replied.
Ray called a waitress and ordered more whiskey. Just before the waitress turned he asked her: “What would you do if, one day, you came to the conclusion that you had no goal in life anymore?”
She laughed and smiled and replied: “Carpe Diem.”
“You hear that?” said Ray. “The world’s your oyster now!”
We laughed and toasted our whiskey glasses: “Carpe diem!”
Talking with Ray always helped clear my head up. I knew what I had to do now, what I wanted. And what I wanted was a slave.

Chapter 2) Getting there

The talk with Ray really helped me put perspective to things. I had a goal in life again! My very own slave! But what kind of slave? It would have to be very different compared to the escorts I always booked. I get my kicks from being in control, from being able to force a slave girl to do something she doesn’t really want to. And escorts are really bad for that: they are always in control, at least the good ones are, the pretty ones. No, a reluctant, unwilling, beautiful slave was what I was looking for. Once home, the planning began directly.

First I would need a place to keep my slave. Anything in the city would never do. So many eyes and ears everywhere. No, I would need to go to the countryside. Something nice and rural, but also a place without a large sense of community. A place where nobody cared about newcomers or each other really. A place where I could do whatever I pleased. A place without people rushing at my door with sweet welcomes once I moved in. The house should preferably be old, large and with a basement. No better place to discipline a slave than in an old damp cellar! Furthermore, my slave would need to go outside sometimes, both for my entertainment and her health. So the house should be quite a distance from the road with enough shrubs and trees to make the house invisible from the road, or any other vantage point. I obviously didn’t want any trespassers either making a wall around my property a must.

Secondly I obviously would need to find a slave somewhere. But what kind of slave was I looking for? What age? Haircolor? Size? Character? Luckily, this part was easy. I had often fantasized about having a slave and all my ‘fantasy slaves’ had the following in common: Not older than 20, any haircolor, slim with perky breasts and a very pretty face. I didn’t really care about my slaves character. I was mainly interested in some young fuck meat which would reply “Yes Master” to my every request. You don’t need character for that, just discipline. I figured I could always train her character to be something else if I wanted. And where would I find such a prize? I figured there are five different ways of obtaining a slave.

1) I could buy one from a slave trader.
I didn’t really want that. I wanted my slave to be mine from the beginning. Plus, where the hell was I going to find a slave trader?

2) Finding a willing slave through contact ads or something.
I didn’t really want this either as I was really into the non-consensual thing. And a willing slave? no thanks. If the world really is my oyster, i’ll take its pearl.

3) I could find a girl with nowhere else to go. Who would be willing to do anything as long as it was better than where she was now.
Again, I crossed this one off for I was really looking for an unwilling slave. Carpe diem!

4) I could blackmail a girl to do whatever I wanted.
This one sounded fun, but relatively difficult to accomplish. I would first need to find something “blackmailable” and then make sure the target would comply. And abducting after blackmailing isn’t really blackmailing anymore.

5) Abduct or kidnap a girl from somewhere.
I decided this would be the easiest and quickest way to go, if implemented correctly.

The next question I asked myself was: “Where do I kidnap her from?”. As the old chinese proverb goes: “Don’t shit where you eat.”, so I chose a cluster of high schools about 200 km from my place.

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