Busty Karen – Little Kelvin Ch. 02 by jealouscuck – xnxx story

Busty Karen – Little Kelvin Ch. 02 by jealouscuck

Karen and Kelvin entered their sophomore year in college well ahead of the recommended course load. At this rate they would easily finish their first degrees in three years or even less. They both had part-time jobs, maintained 4.0 GPA and still had time to satisfy each other in their sexual activity.

Albeit without actual intercourse. Both agreed to honor the intent for Karen to be a virgin when she married. However, that did not mean that they did not fool around. They continued mutual masturbation, oral sex and naked play. Karen was becoming quite popular with the male students but she was not at all interested in kicking Kelvin to the curb.

Kelvin still worried about her popularity becoming so great that she would inevitably find a taller, more athletic guy to be more compatible with her own size. Kelvin had shown Karen some porn flicks when she first became curious about oral sex. He continued to watch some occasionally and found more websites which catered to various fetishes. He liked story websites for a change of pace and found the stories to be quite informative as well as erotic. He shared some of the ideas with Karen and frequently this would lead her to ask him to get her off orally.

She grew to love oral sex and enjoyed it without any guilt. Even if they had an occasional pang of guilt, the next time they got each other off, it suddenly vanished. Eventually they felt no guilt or regret. Kelvin discovered websites that cost to enroll. He had neither the money nor the inclination to subscribe to those but noted that some of the page models seemed to be very young.

He began to research the topic. Some of the nude models seemed to have very good incomes from just sitting in their bedrooms and waiting for paying customers to request certain activities. He didn’t get far enough into the research to find out that the more popular girls had stop and go buttons. If a customer seemed too weird or asked for unnatural acts, they would just block him and move on. The sites would almost always allow a preview section to give prospective customers an idea of what they would be enrolling in.

Kelvin began forming a plan in his mind and was going to do more research before he approached Karen with his idea. He also quizzed her frequently about other guys asking her out. She admitted that she was indeed getting more attention on campus but seemed to not relish it, knowing that it was her unusual figure that attracted guys. Some girls looked at her in disdain still. She understood because she had gone through that stage at first of wanting to get breast reduction surgery.

Now she wasn’t quite so sure she wanted that. Kelvin knew that acting like a jealous boyfriend would probably end his relationship with Karen. After all, he had never had a girlfriend much less been sexually active. It was all new to both of them but Karen had the goods and Kelvin was all too aware of it. The only thing he had going for him was that his cock was not as small as the rest of him.

Not that he was large by any means. He would fool most people if they expected a really tiny dick. He would fill out more as time went by but never get over 5′-6″ tall. When she went home for a short visit, her mother was astonished to see her daughter’s slimmer figure. She still wore the unattractive Walmart bras and granny panties.

She, however, did have a few newer tops which clung to her massive breasts. Also, they clung to her quite slimmer waist. Her dad noticed, of course, but did not remark. He did mention it to his wife in private. Mom was amazed at how she had changed.

Since Karen was so much taller than her mother, she had the height to support her solid weight. Truth be told, much of her weight was in her boobs. Karen somewhat pitied her mom now. Mom was pretty but the unattractive clothing she wore to cover her boobs and waistline insured that she would never attract second looks from men. Which was fine with her mom.

She was ultra conservative, ultra-religious and had no desire to attract additional male attention. She was quite happy with her husband’s attention to her in the bedroom. One night after they had both been satisfied by oral sex, Karen told Kelvin that a friend of her roommate wanted to take her out to the movies. She was a little reluctant to mention it for fear of hurting his feelings. Kelvin had already decided that he would take the role of a really good friend to Karen and not try to be possessive.

He was sure that Karen would not end up fucking the guy or any guy. He felt that her will power was greater than that. They had been getting each other off for almost a year and there was little else to do except have actual intercourse. He surprised her by asking if she wanted to go on the date with the guy. “I don’t want you to think that what we have doesn’t matter.

” “No, Karen, that’s okay with me if you want to go out.” “You really don’t mind, Kel? I won’t go if it makes you feel bad.” “Actually, Karen, I have been wanting to run an idea past you for a while. This might not be the best time to broach the subject but here goes.

I have been thinking about some of the websites I have seen. Did you know that you can make money by being an internet model?” “What does that have to do with me going out with a guy.” “Nothing really. It’s just that I have seen some free website teasers of models who have a subscriber website.

It is easy to set up. There are even companies that handle all the business details. I mean, you are just beautiful and have such beautiful breasts, I think people would like to view them and are willing to pay for the privilege.” “Are you kidding me? I can’t do that.

What if our parents found out? Not to mention the school. I have scholarships.” “Well, I haven’t thought of all the details but I wanted to run it by you. It could be very lucrative.

If we could just find a way to stay anonymous.” “Again, what does that have to do with a guy wanting to take me out?” “Well, uh, if you broaden your horizons just a little bit you might feel more comfortable with the modeling idea if you, uh, like, uh, you know, uh, got a little closer to other guys.” “Are you suggesting that I have sex with other guys?” “No.

No. I mean, uh, well, you are a very attractive woman with a killer body. I know guys want to sample your charms. But it would be on your terms. I mean, we barely ever kissed before we kind of started making out with each other.

” “So, you want to end what we have? Is that it?” “Heck, no, no. I could hardly bear that. It’s just that if you can make the kind of money that I have been researching, this would be just a little practice at presenting yourself to other guys.

I don’t mean like we do. Just, like, accept some of the advances you are bound to get.” “You mean like kissing and making out?” “Yeah, if you want to.” “And touching?

” “Touching what?” “Like my breasts. Or my pussy?” “No. You don’t have to go that far.

I mean if you want to. Just establish a broader comfort zone. If you draw a red line, the guy is bound to honor it. If he wouldn’t, then you don’t need to go out with him in the first place.” “How would we know?

” “Well, you carry yourself very properly. Other than your big boobs, you are conservative. I know you are dressing a little more fashionably now. If you did the modeling thing, it could finance a wardrobe. You already have a part-time job.

If it works out, you can use this as you part-time job. Think about it. It is a real step from how we grew up. But we both want more than how we grew up. Values are great but spreading our wings a little more now that we are out from our homes is also quite appealing.

It is like a little relish on a hot dog.” “So, let me get this straight. You want me to consider modeling nude for a part-time job? And you want me to practice by letting a guy kiss me and, I guess, feel my boobs?” “Yeah, I mean, well, okay, yeah.

” “And you still want to share what we have been doing? You want me to do that with other guys?” “No. No. Not really.

I mean a little foreplay doesn’t mean you have to take your clothes off.” “So, if this guy wants to touch my boobs and I let him, wouldn’t he expect me to touch his penis?” “No. Not necessarily. He can take care of himself when he gets home.

Like I still do sometimes.” Karen had trouble digesting the conversation. It started out with her telling Kel that a guy had asked her out. It ended up with him encouraging her to accept advances and even make out with the guy. After more thought, she became agitated.

Who did Kelvin think he was? She had opened herself up to him and they had enjoyed sexual activity short of intercourse. Now he was dumping her? Not really dumping her, almost like, well, she couldn’t think of what he meant. Having intimate contact on a date.

She would show him what he was missing. She would go out with the guy just to spite Kelvin now. But she could not share herself with this guy. Not even nearly as far as she and Kel had progressed. But where to draw the line?

She made up her mind to go on the date and let whatever happened happen. She felt comfortable that the guy would be polite enough to stop when she indicated. Then she would tell Kelvin all about the date. Maybe she would embellish a little to teach him a lesson. She had to consider the proposition that he suggested for her to become an internet model.

There was no way she would ever do that. What if someone found out? This could get all the way back to her parents. They would certainly condemn her. Just the idea was outlandish.

She never should have let him show her the porn flicks about oral sex. She would be better off if she had never seen this. Then she thought of her progression from masturbation guilt to actually sharing oral sex with Kelvin. She smiled involuntarily. No.

This is something that could never be taken away. She had made the hard decision to wait until marriage before she lost her virginity. She would not even try to unring the bell. She was a mature young woman and her sex drive was in overdrive. But what if Kelvin stopped seeing her.

Could she go back to just getting herself off? It felt good, but not as good as when Kel did her. She didn’t think he could give it up either. Unless he had found a girl who was willing to go all the way. They had already determined that his dick was not undersized.

Listening to her dorm mates, she thought he might be average or a little above. Certainly not up to the porno standards but those men were exceptional otherwise they wouldn’t be making porn anyway. As for the modeling, she did know that she was better endowed than any girl she had ever seen or met. Her limited exposure to Kelvin’s porno flicks assured her that she was far bigger than any actress. But showing her body to anonymous strangers online?

That was a stretch. She no longer wished to have breast reduction surgery. In fact, the positive comments from her dormmates had a real effect on her psyche. The girls had seen her in nightgowns with her huge breasts and nipples mostly on display. Guys always did double and triple takes when she walked on campus.

But she could not consider baring her breasts to make money. However, the sheer thought of men ogling her breasts caused her pussy to heat up. She wished that Kel was there to suck her to orgasm. The next day, she called Dan, her roommate’s friend and accepted his invitation to go out. He was thrilled.

He was to pick her up at six o’clock and get a quick bite to eat, then go to the movie. The next evening, he picked her up and they drove to a popular beer and burger hangout near campus. He was proud to be see with this tall, buxom brunette. She looked great. Karen had listened to her roommate and they did her makeup a little more dramatic than usual.

If her mom and the church ladies could see her now, they would just keel over wondering how the plain chubby girl had transformed into this curvy swan. She noticed guys checking her out at the café and even saw one girl elbow her boyfriend in the ribs for looking too long. She had to suppress a smile on that one. Dan was a gentleman and paid careful attention to her while they were eating. He worked up his courage and asked her, “So what exactly is your and Kelvin’s relationship?

” “Kelvin? We are friends. We grew up together. We were the only ones of our age in our little church where we grew up.” “Oh.

Because Heather didn’t exactly know what the connection was. At least she didn’t say. I have seen you two together and I was just wondering if you were dating.” Karen didn’t want to lie to Dan but she didn’t think she could explain the relationship with Kel in a short answer. It wasn’t any of Dan’s business, anyway so she just left it a little vague.

“Yeah, no, we grew up in a very small community. We didn’t even go to the same schools but we were in Sunday school class together. Little bitty church so no one else to talk to.” If Dan knew what she and Kelvin had actually been up to, she was sure he might not be such a gentleman. They went to the movies and sat down.

He asked if she wanted something to drink or snacks. She declined since they had just eaten. About fifteen minutes into the moving, Dan reached for her hand and she held his softly. With their arms touching, there was no way her bulging right boob could keep from spilling over and Dan got a little arm shot of a massive J cup breast. Just the proximity of her breast on his arm caused him to get a half hard on.

Karen could not see because of the darkness and it was just as well for she had seen erect cocks both in person and on the videos Kel had showed her. She was even getting more used to Kel shooting his cum on her. She loved the silky feeling and the whole erotic sensation of making a man cum. Dan thought that the date was getting off to a good start. They were holding hands and her massive boob was resting against his arm.


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