Emily’s Summer Vacation by David Phillips

Emily’s Summer Vacation by David Phillips..,

(Part Two of The Brat’s New Roller Skates)

Eighteen year old Emily White was the only daughter to her small town’s widower Baptist minister. This small riverside community was dull, at best. Especially now as the Depression sunk even lower, many people were forced to live as migrant workers leaving the town feeling a little deserted.

Emily was a tom-boy at heart, and could play with the best of ’em. She was as fast and as brave as any boy, and was not afraid to fight for anything. She had the admiration of every boy in town.

Just under six feet tall, Emily had a curvaceous body, and a wholesome pretty face with a speckled band of freckles bridging her pert, upturned nose. Bright, innocent, blue eyes sparkled as bright as her perfectly white teeth. Naturally red lips pouted without trying.

But, now a mature young woman, she was curious about her developing body. Lord knows, she couldn’t learn about that in school, or in church. Definitely not from her stodgy older father. She loved him, but he didn’t understand. Or didn’t want to.

Emily didn’t want to be taken advantage of like some girls in town. She caught the magician showing Becky Molson his “wand”. Becky seemed to know what she was doing, although she played dumb. Emily suspected it was all an act.

Emily had a voracious appetite for learning something new everyday, and had been spending a lot of time in the library. She was studying anatomy texts, and books on sexual development.

What got her really interested was when she found explicit writings on sex in a corner of the library no one went to. She found herself saying things out loud like, “I didn’t know you could do that,” or, “You can put that in there?”

Her imagination grew, when she discovered masturbation. Whenever her father wasn’t at home, which was often, she would explore her nubile young body. She discovered many wonderful new things.

She wanted to have sex with a boy, but not here in town, where everyone could find out. She was really looking forward to her stay at her Aunt Mary and Uncle’s John’s farm.

Her uncle was picking her up in his truck early in the morning. She had been awake for hours. She packed, got dressed, masturbated, cleaned up, and changed her clothes again. Finally, she heard his truck rattle up, and screech to a stop. She ran to the door, as Uncle John was walking up the stairs. She waited for the knock.

Knock, knock. Emily opened it a few seconds later.

“Hi! Uncle John, I’m all ready. I’m really looking forward to this summer,” she said brightly. The morning sun was just coming up over the town, and it’s warm rays turned her chestnut brown hair into gold.

“Morning Em, just want to say hello to my brother before we go, I can take your bags for you.” Uncle John was tall and lanky and in clean clothes, but his face was unshaven and haggard. He took off his hat before he stepped into the house.

“I just have one bag Uncle, I can manage. I’ll wait for you in the truck.” Emily called for her father, and ran upstairs to her room.

The two men stood looking at each other, it had been a while. “So how’s the Lord?” John asked with a smirk.

“He provides. How’s farming?” He sounded like he didn’t approve of his brothers choice to work the land.

“It provides.” He crossed his arms, and stood straightly. A moment later he started to smile. He burst out laughing, and punched his brother in the arm. “You old coot! You win,” he put his arm around his little brothers grey head, and rubbed it vigorously with a knuckled fist.

“Hey, ouch, stop it!” Levi stomped down on his brother’s steel toe boot. It didn’t hurt him, but John stopped anyway. He gave his brother a hug, and patted him on the back as he parted. “You take care of my little girl, I worry about her.”

“Don’t worry Levi, I’ll have her help with the chores, and there’s plenty of books for her to read.” They walked to the porch to wait for Emily.

They heard her heavy foot steps as she lugged a huge suitcase out the door. She put it down, and hugged her father.

“Bye, bye daddy. I love you. You be good, and stay busy. You need the exercise.” She couldn’t wait to leave.

“I’ll always be good, and I get plenty of exercise, have a good time Em.” He patted her shoulder before she heaved up her suitcase, and several determined tries later got it up onto the bed of the truck.

Emily thought she was going to need a few things. I will have a very good time, I promise, she told herself as she waited for Uncle John in the truck.

She watched as the two men shook hands, and Uncle John turned to walk away. It took her Uncle both hands and feet to start the truck, and with a little coordination, they were clunking down the dirt road in a dusty haze.

It was quite a trip to the farm, a few hours, and there were many bumps. Uncle John tried not noticing his niece’s bouncing tits by keeping his eyes forward, and not speaking.

Which was fine with Emily because she was lost in blissful anticipation. Her lips pursed in thought, as her light brown eyes wandered the countryside. Her dangling pony-tails swayed with each bump, as she felt her firm young breasts shake involuntarily.

Emily hugged her sweater to her chest to keep them from jiggling. She wasn’t embarrassed for herself, she was embarrassed for her Uncle. It looked like he was having a hard time staying on the road. Emily thought she’d better say something.

“So…who’s at the farm this summer, anyone I remember?” She couldn’t hide her smile.

“Oh, a few fellas you might remember. Then, of course there’s me and your Aunt,” he chided her. He always liked his spunky niece, and it was rare for her to visit.

Emily smiled brightly as the truck pulled into the farm. Although half the town was poor, they supported John and Mary’s farm by buying their products in its markets. Acres of green corn surrounded a small farmhouse and a barn. There were a couple of horses, some ducks, pigs and chickens. Just your every day farm complete with windmill.

But now that I’m here, Emily thought, I’m running wild. She wondered where that thought came from.

She seemed to think it came from her vagina, because it was pulsing wetly . Did it know something she didn’t? She was starting to wonder what kind of trouble she was going to get into this summer, when they shuddered to a stop.

Aunt Mary heard them coming, and was outside to greet them. Plump and good natured, she beamed at her darling niece as she ran up to hug her Auntie.

“Hi Auntie, I missed you,” Emily kissed her on the cheek.

“Oh Emily, how you’ve grown.” Mary stood Emily in front of her to get a good look at her blooming niece.

“Sugar, what’s for lunch? We’re starving,” John smiled and nodded towards Emily.

“Kiss me first you old goat, then I’ll tell you.” Mary still loved her husband after all these years. He worked hard for his family and ranch, and she could depend on him. He was a kind man, but with a short fuse. He didn’t light that fuse around her though, he knew better than that. If he did at all, he did it around the boys.

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