Emily’s Summer Vacation by David Phillips

The old couple kissed, and they all went in to eat chicken soup and fresh bread. They laughed about some of the funny things that have happened since the last time they saw Emily. She told them about the strange thing she saw on a man’s head.

“It looked like a dead rat, so I ripped it off his head, ran out of the library and mashed it with a stick!” They all laughed at the unfortunate man. “I learned later what it was and offered to pay for a replacement hair piece. He thought I owed him an apology instead, thankfully. I didn’t have a penny to spend.”

They knew she was a good girl, and tended to let her run around on her own. She was so damn curious and exploring all the time, they rarely saw her but for a few hours a day.

After lunch, Emily helped her Aunt with the dishes, and asked if there was anything else she could do for her.

Aunt Mary knew she was looking to play, so she said with a knowing smile, “No sweetie, you go ahead and put your things away in your room. It’s the one on the right, the one you stayed in last…” She was calling after a quickly fleeing Emily, her suitcase bouncing on the stairs loudly after her.

After Emily closed the door, she dropped her suitcase, opened the window, and flopped onto her bed. She rolled over to the window that was over it, and surveyed her classroom. She had challenged herself, this summer, to fully explore the possibilities of her young body, no holes barred.

While her fingers wandered over her body one day, she found much to her surprise that her anus was quite a pleasure spot. If she tickled it just right, and put a little spit on the end of her finger, her masturbation sessions were ten times more exciting and satisfying than normal. She thought it was strange, and a little gross at first, but Emily soon saw her asshole in a whole new light. She was pulling up her dress now as she looked out the window.

There was Uncle John, walking to the barn, chickens scurrying out of the way as he went. Some men were in the barn, fixing a tractor, He must going to help. She couldn’t quite see clearly, Wait, ooh, who’s that new one? He’s kinda cute, Emily thought. Best to keep a distance though, I still don’t want it to get around. I’ll just…ooh, yeah.

A hand had wandered beneath her to her moist pussy and was rubbing it lightly, separating the lips. She lifted her hips slightly, and spread her legs as she propped herself on the other elbow. She fantasized about the new boy.

He looked older than her, but still quite young and quick. He seemed to have a good sense of humor, because he laughed a little when the tractor rolled onto his foot. She imagined his big strong hands exploring her body for a change, and touching her in ways she hadn’t yet discovered. She was sure there were plenty.

Emily rolled over, put a finger in her mouth and generously coated it with spit. It dripped down her knuckle as she brought it to her tiny rosebud. Her fingers were busy on her clit as she inserted the wet finger in her asshole, and heaved as the pleasure intensified. She wanted to be quiet, but she couldn’t help but moan a little.

She worked the entire finger in, past both knuckles and was fucking it in and out as she rolled her hips to her clit strumming. Emily was going to try something different. She moved a second finger to her asshole, and tried putting it in. It was quite a job, but she did it. She decided that spit wasn’t a very efficient lubricant, and she would have to find something else later.

The new boy’s face entered her mind as she brought herself towards orgasm. She bit down on her lip to keep from screaming, as her breathing became rapid and her cheeks flushed. Emily shook uncontrollably as her body arched up in release, her fingers a blur as she rode her wave to the beach.

Her forehead had a thin sheen of sweat as she calmed down and relaxed. Wow, that was good, Emily congratulated herself. Now to clean up, and put things away.

Emily went to the washroom. Hey, an inside toilet! I have a feeling I’ll be using this room a lot. The last time she was here she had to go to the outhouse. She was glad they were doing so well during this difficult time.

After Emily washed her hands, she started looking around for lubrication. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but was certain she’d know it when she found it. The only thing she found was some Vaseline, but she thought it might irritate her delicate asshole. She went back to her room to put things away, and saw the stranger again.

He was looking back at her through the window, then shyly turned his head. I hope he didn’t see me touching myself, Emily worried, but dismissed it quickly to put her things away.

Ten minutes later, she bounded down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. Her Aunt wasn’t there, Perfect. On a hunch, she headed to the pantry.

Yes, there it is, she smiled when she saw the can of lard. This might work better, it’s natural. She found a small tin, and scooped it in until it was full. She put the lard back and put the tin in her overalls pocket.

Emily went outside to check in before she went off somewhere else. She told her Aunt, who was watering flowers outside, that she’ll be back before supper, and not to worry about her.

“I don’t worry about you sweetheart, you’re too smart to get into real trouble.” Her Aunt smiled and waved goodbye to the retreating Emily. That girl is always off and running, smiled her Aunt, and went back to watering.

Emily was looking for something special. Not a man, because that would only cause problems, but a substitute. Then it hit her like a tornado. There it was in front of her. Acres of privacy, and long ears of corn. She ran full speed into the corn field.

Emily didn’t stop running until she felt she was far enough away from the farm, then cleared a spot on the ground. She took several ears of corn off the stalks, all of varying size, and sat down to shuck them.

She started whistling as she worked. A bright cheerful number, that lilted along happily until she finished. She stood up, removed her big overalls and laid them on the ground. She sat on them and removed the tin, setting it off to the side.

Emily laid back and rested on an elbow as she bent a knee and laid on her side. She spread her wet pussy apart, and pushed an ear in lightly. She lost her hymen long ago wrestling hard one day with the boys. She pushed harder, and her head fell back.

Why didn’t I think of this sooner? We have plenty of corn at home, thought Emily. She fucked herself slowly with the corn, pushing it in until it stopped. The nubbed ridges felt like nothing else, and she was hooked. I bet it would feel great back there…

She opened the tin of lard, and removed the small ear from her pussy. She coated it liberally with lard and moved it to her asshole. She relaxed her pucker as she pressed against it.

Oh yeah, that’s good, she heaved. Ooh, it’s big, it hurts a little. Ungh, keep at it Emily, you’ll get there, she coached herself. She sucked up the pain and turned it into pleasure through her spirited determination. It wasn’t difficult, and she soon had half of it in her tight little backdoor.

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