Emily’s Summer Vacation by David Phillips

As she fucked herself, she twisted the cob, creating a vibrating effect. Emily rolled over with a squeal. Jesus, that’s great! But it could be even better. She reached for the next biggest ear, and replaced the small one.

Good heavens! Emily almost screamed as she felt her ass widen considerably. She knew that it could go up a notch with something else though. She got another ear and slid it into her hot pussy.

She laid on her arm as she spread her legs widely, jutting her ass high in the air. Emily rolled her hips onto the bottom ear, and plugged away slowly at her ass with the second one. When she started twisting it, she went wild and started going faster.

As Emily fucked herself to climax, she started drooling. She tried to suck it up between clenched teeth, but it leaked onto her overalls. She could always spit better than the boys, and often won spitting contests. But she had never drooled before.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she rattled loose. “Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD! SWEET JESUS!”

Emily shuddered rhythmically as words escaped her… and dropped into a wonderful new world. Her orgasm crested higher with each twist and plunge of either ear of corn. She pushed herself as far as she dared to go until the violent twister left her body on it’s own.

When it did leave, Emily lay gasping for air in the quiet cornfield. It took a while to come down, but eventually she had to part with her new friends. I will have to remember that for sure, Emily said with great satisfaction. And remember it she did. She would come to the corn field two or three times a day when she didn’t have anything else to do. Like, look at that boy.

He’s really more of a young man, Emily confided to herself. He has to shave, and he’s got the most beautiful muscles… Emily felt herself drooling as she thought about him. She had better not look at him anymore, or else she might do something she would regret. So, for a month Emily tried not noticing him, but she still couldn’t help it.

Roy looked back at her, more with curiosity than with anything else. But was very careful not to rile John. He saw him fire someone for looking at Emily the wrong way. He kept his nose to the grindstone, but found himself thinking about her much too often. He made a mistake one night when putting the pigs away while thinking about her.

The next morning on market day, John pulled him round to the back of the barn.

“You were supposed to lock the pig gate last night, Roy. I spent most of the night looking for them while you were off, god knows where.” He looked greatly agitated, his gentle eyes burned. “I can’t afford to let that happen again Roy, so I’ve got to let you go.”

“No, please,” Roy blurted, “I swear it won’t happen again, please don’t fire me. I need this job.” Roy pleaded with some dignity. He would never tell John the reason he couldn’t find him, that he was in the corn field jerking off while thinking about his niece.

John was having none of it, “Since you’ve been such a good employee up to this point, you can stay the night. But in the morning, you’d better be gone. We’ll leave your pay and some food in a basket for you.” He sounded deadly serious. This was the part he hated, but you can’t have a successful farm without stompin’ a few toes.

“Will I get paid for today, if I kept working while you were gone?” Every penny counted during the Depression, and Roy needed that penny.

John thought, I’m getting rid of this boy? Yes, I have to. “Yes, I think I can trust you enough not to just take it and run.” He looked steadily at Roy to emphasize the point.

“Yes John, you can trust me,” Roy said honestly.

John nodded and walked away to load up the rest of the produce and leave. John, Mary and all the hands left him there alone. Or so he thought.

Emily had been watching him work when Uncle John fired him. She ran off almost crying before they finished speaking. Emily and was crushed, she ran off to the corn field for an hour. Not to play, but to think.

She knew she had all day because she had told her Aunt and Uncle she didn’t feel like going to town, she was having too much fun here. Now Emily almost wished she had gone, but it was too late now. She heard them pull away soon after she left.

As Emily sat there, she got horny again. But she was tired of corn. She wanted something hot and meaty. She started heading back towards the barn, lightheaded with desire. Emily heard the excited whinny of a horse.

I couldn’t possibly… Could I? Emily walked in the general direction of the corral, gaining the courage with every step, to even think about what she was thinking. Her knees wobbled as if made of gelatin, yet continued to propel her towards God-knows-what.

The smell of the horse pen grew nearer, but she decided to investigate further before rushing headlong into something really dangerous. Just then, she heard a grunting noise behind the barn.

No one else is supposed to be here, she thought. She wasn’t afraid, just curious, and felt very lucky to have a distraction. Emily peeked around the corner and saw him.

Roy had his shirt off, bucking hay. Sweat glistened off his golden muscular body as he grunted with his final chores.

Emily backed away quickly and snuck around to the other side of the barn. Oh my, she thought wickedly. And he’s fired too, he’ll never tell. How perfectly delicious.

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