From Mother to Slut – 2 by Fatman50

Susan breathed a sigh of relief as she tuned to go back, then realised than her back was completely uncovered. She decided to shuffle backwards.

Paul signed for the parcel, he handed back the pad then winked at Frank. Picking up the parcel he said “Here Mum,” and tossed it toward her. Instinctively she made a grab for it, her towel falling away and revealing her naked body. She tried desperately to grab the towel but it was a few moments before she could cover herself. She turned and ran back into the kitchen, giving Frank a perfect view of her naked bottom.

“Jesus Paul,” Frank said, “are you giving her one?”

“What do you think,” he replied with a sly smile.

“You jammy bastard,” Frank laughed, “l’ve fancied her since we were in school but never got a look in, she’s in fucking good shape, l wish my mother had looked like her at her age, l might have been tempted myself.”

“Do you still fancy her?” Pau replied.

“To fucking true mate,” he said, “god those tits are amazing, my missus has got fucking tiny tits.”

“Would you like to fuck her?”

“Fuck off Paul, are you serious?”

“I’m serious mate,” Paul replied, “she’s got to go into town this morning to get that hair off her cunt but if you want to call round this afternoon l’ll make sure she’s ready for you.”

“You’re kidding mate,” Frank said, “there has to be a catch.”

“No catch mate,” Paul replied, “l only started fucking her myself yesterday and believe me mate she’s gagging for it, she’s a real horny bitch, you come round this afternoon about three and you can have her, what do you want, blow job or fuck.”

“Does she do blow jobs, jeez l haven’t had a decent blow job in years, the wife won’t do it, she used to when we were courting but once we got married it all stopped, turned into a right frigid cow.”

“She gives great blow jobs,” Paul said, “and she swallows mate so you don’t need to pull out.”

Frank agreed to return in the afternoon and Paul returned to the kitchen. When he returned, Susan was holding onto the kitchen worktop, trembling.

“You’re going to use me like a whore?” She said, “you want to use your mother like a whore.”

“Not like a whore Mum, like a cum slut,” he smiled. “You don’t think l was going to keep you just for myself do you, l’ve got other women to satisfy as well, l need to get some help to keep you well fucked.”

Suddenly her shoulders started shaking, then she started giggling. “D…did y….you see the …look on his face?” She managed to say, “the dirty bugger, he took me to the pictures once when we were in school, he put his hand up my skirt and l slapped his face.”

“Well you won’t be wearing a skirt this afternoon,” he laughed, “l’ve promised him you’ll give him a blow job but he can fuck you if he likes.”

“That’s kind of you,” she laughed, “l could do with a fuck right now after that.”

“You’ll have to wait,” he said, “l arranged with Jean Simmonds last night for her to sort out your cunt hair.”

“Her that runs the beauty parlour at the bottom of town, you mean she knows about us.”

“Don’t worry,” he said, “l’ve been fucking her for years, she knows how to keep a secret, l booked you in for this morning so go and get dressed. Your shortest skirt, no panties, thin top and no bra and the highest heels you’ve got.”

“You want me to go out like that,” she laughed, “l’ll look like a prossie.”

“You’ll certainly look like a slut,” he said, “but that’s what you are, now fuck off and get dressed.”

She stared at him for a second then turned towards the hall. As she started to walk he gave her a firm slap on her bottom. “Yeooowww!” She shrieked, “you bastard.”

“Fucking move your arse then,” he said, “l’ve got things to do in town, l’ll drop you off at the parlour then meet you in the park by the river when you’re finished.”

“So l have to walk through town like that,” she said.

“Yeah,” he chuckled, “l bet you’ll turn some heads. Use that footpath that runs along the river, there’ll be a few fellas along there fishing, it will brighten their day.”

“It’s very isolated along there, l could get raped.”

“Yeah, could be your lucky day,” he laughed, “all l can say is, just open your legs and enjoy it.”

“You’re a callous bastard,” she said.

It was almost lunchtime when Paul finally arrived at the park, Susan was sitting on a bench.

“Let me see,” he said as he approached her.

“What, here?” She replied.

“Yeah, lift your skirt and open your legs.”

Directly opposite her, on the other bank there was a middle aged man fishing, he had been watching Susan since she’d arrived, he had a clear view of her. She couldn’t deny that the walk along the footpath had been exciting, the rough path made it difficult to walk with the high heels she was wearing and her tits bounced violently when she stumbled, the bank had been lined with men fishing, the older ones openly staring at her but some of the younger ones were bolder, some whistling or calling after her and one in particular who took out his cock and asked how much she charged for a blow job. By the time she had reached the bench, her pussy was wet and her nipples rock hard. As if the experience at the parlour hadn’t been enough, lying there stark naked while another woman went about the business of removing her pubic hair.

“He’s quite a lad your son,” Julie had said to her, “he tells me he’s only just started fucking you, what took you so long?”

Susan had been shocked that not only did this woman know about her and Paul, she seemed to accept it.

“Oh don’t be shocked,” Julie had said, “he’s been screwing me for years, he was in school with my son Simon. We were in a similar situation, my husband had cleared off and it wasn’t easy for a single mother to get sex, l knew of course that Simon was masturbating, these boys don’t realise that we do the washing and see the stains on the bed sheets. Like all lads his age he was wanking at any opportunity, then one day he’d left his bedroom door slightly open, l could see his reflection in the mirror, l was so randy, l hadn’t had sex for three years, l just took the bull by the horns and walked in, he was shocked but once l’d knelt in front of him and taken his cock in my mouth l knew l had him, of course he came almost straight away and he was upset but l calmed him down, we talked about it and when he got hard again l asked if he would like to fuck me.”

“You make it sound so natural,” Susan had said.

“I can’t believe it took you so long,” she’d said, “the first time Simon brought him round l took one look at his cock and l just had to have him and he’s got bigger since then.”

“But doesn’t it bother you,” Susan had said, “with Simon being your son.”

“Not at all,” she’d said, “but then again l grew up with incest, both my father and uncle were screwing me when l was a teenager, l loved it, they made me feel special. Simon is in the Navy now but when he comes home we always spend the whole day in bed it’s beautiful. You’re so lucky having Paul, he’s got a beautiful cock and he knows how to use it. We should get together sometime when Simon is home, it would be fun. You’ve got a lovely pussy by the way.”


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