From Mother to Slut – 2 by Fatman50

Susan had been going over that conversation as she sat waiting for Paul, especially how she had felt when Julie had bent over and kissed her cunt when she had finished, Susan had no experience at all with other women but she had to admit that that kiss had seemed so erotic and had sent a tremor through her body.

“Come on, let me see,” Paul’s words dragged her back to the present.

Slowly she lifted her skirt and parted her legs. She could see the man across the river almost falling off his stool and she laughed.

“Come round here,” Paul said, he had moved behind the bench.

She got up and walked around to him.

“Turn and face him,” he said, “get your tits out.”

“Paul!” She stared at him.

“Do it,” he ordered, “get them out then bend over the bench.”

“You can’t do that,” she said guessing what he intended.

“Just do it,” he said.

She felt a surge of heat deep in her belly, the excitement of what she was about to do taking over. She undid the buttons on her top and pulled out her breasts, staring at the man across the river as she bent forward. She didn’t need to be told to spread her legs, all thoughts or proprietary gone, she wanted to feel Paul’s cock inside her.

She didn’t have long to wait as he took hold of her hips and in one movement he was fully inside her. She gave a big sigh as his cock filled her. She heard the man across the river call out and within seconds there was a group of four of them watching and jeering as Paul fucked her hard, ramming his cock deep into her.

It didn’t take long for him to cum, driving deep into her, feeling the heat of her as she came with him, her legs buckling.

The men were clapping and cheering as she collapsed down onto the bench, Paul’s cum running down her thighs.

“Come on,” he said, tucking his cock back into his trousers. “I’ve bought some sandwiches, they are in the car, then l’ll take you home and you can get ready for your randy postman.”

Susan wasn’t sure if she could stand let alone walk, her legs felt like jelly. She managed to stand, holding the bench for support. She knew her breasts were still exposed but she daren’t release her grip on the bench. Her skirt was still pulled up at the back exposing her bottom.

Paul gave her bottom a smack, “Come on, shift your arse, you don’t want to be late for your date.”

The men across the river were still jeering and calling her names, Paul had already started walking towards the car and she felt exposed and vulnerable as well as humiliated but her pussy was still throbbing and it took all her power of resistance not to put her hand between her legs.

She began to follow Paul, tottering on her high heels as she tried to cover her breasts. The car was parked on the road just outside the entrance to the park, she saw Paul standing by the door waiting for her. There were people walking along the pavement, many of them staring at her. She had lived in the town all her life and she was sure that some of them recognised her. She saw someone stopping to talk to Paul, he looked across at her as she approached, he said something to Paul and Paul replied. As Susan got closer she heard the other man say, “You lucky fucker, give her one for me,” as he patted Paul on his back.

She heard Paul reply, “Will do mate, give me a ring and you can come round and give her one yourself.”

She reached the car.

“Take your top off,” Paul said.

“I c…can’t, not here,” she replied, holding her top tight against her.

“Take it off and put it on the seat,” he ordered, “l don’t want spunk stains on the upholstery.”

“Please Paul,” she begged.

“Fucking do it or l’ll drive home and you can walk,” he said.

Susan looked around, she could see people staring at her as they walked by, two young boys had stopped and were staring at her, exchanging comments and laughing.

Susan began to cry but at the same time had to clamp her thighs together to try to control the sensations in her tummy and the pulsations in her cunt. She removed her top, trying unsuccessfully to keep her breasts covered with her hands. Paul opened the door but by bending forward and laying her top on the seat it left her breasts free and swinging.

As she bent forward, Paul flipped up the back of her skirt, he heard the two boys giggling like girls. “That’ll give them something to think about when they wank later,” he said.

Susan didn’t speak as Paul drove them half a mile to a car park. She kept her arms crossed across her chest to hide her breasts but still felt that people were staring at her. Paul parked in a quiet corner away from other vehicles, he reached over to the back seat and retrieved a bag, opening it he took out some sandwiches and two cans of drink. He offered some to his mother.

“You need to eat,” he said, “you’ll need your strength later if you’re going to give Frank a good time.”

Susan hugged herself, shivering, not with cold but with emotion.

“I can’t believe you did that to me,” she sobbed, “there were people who would recognise me, l’ll never be able to show my face again.”

“Bollocks Mum,” he laughed, “give it a couple of days and you can walk into any pub in town and they will be queueing up to buy you a drink in exchange for a blow job or a knee trembler up against the wall, believe me Mum, you’ll thank me when you’ve got more cock than you can handle.”


“No buts Mum,” he said, “you can complain all you like but you have to admit it gave you a thrill showing your tits to those lads and you came as soon as l got my cock in you. You just need to relax and enjoy it Mum, open your mind, there is a world of sex to enjoy.”

“I think l’ve experienced enough for the time being,” she said, finally accepting the sandwiches and taking a drink from the can.

“Rubbish Mum, you’ve only just started,” he replied. “When l come home next weekend l’ll take you dogging, you’ll love it.”

“Dogging!” She stared at him wide eyed, “what do you mean?”

“Not what you’re thinking,” he laughed, “at least not yet. Surely you’ve heard of dogging Mum.”

“Well excuse my ignorance,” she huffed, “this whole situation is new to me.”

“It’s like this Mum,” he said, “l take you out to a quiet spot in the country and strangers come to the car, some just want to feel your tits or finger your cunt, most will either want to wank onto your tits or onto your face, some will want a blow job and the odd one may want to fuck you.”

“You mean complete strangers?” She said.

“Yes, well obviously there are some who are regulars so l’ll know them.”

“Do you take your other women there?”

“Yeah most of them,” he said, “in fact l took Julie there last Saturday. You never know how many punters will turn up but the place l go is well known so there is usually a few there, Julie had three last week it was a bit quiet because there was a football match on tv.”

Susan stared at him.

“Oh come on Mum, you’ll love it,” he laughed, “plenty of cock and no complications, you know you enjoy showing yourself off. Be honest Mum, when you were waiting for me, l bet you were tempted to flash your cunt to that chap across the river.”

Susan blushed bright red.


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