From Mother to Slut – 2 by Fatman50

It took a few moments for them both to recover. Frank was lying on the floor, Susan still on the sofa. He looked up and saw her smiling down at him.

“Was it good?” She said.

“I can’t believe l did that,” he said, “l was in a different zone, my god l’m sorry, did l hurt you?”

“Don’t be silly,” she said, “it was fun, l’ve never been raped before, now l know how it feels.”

“Oh god Susan,” he said, “l’m so sorry.”

“Shush,” she replied, “as long as you enjoyed it, that’s all l want, l wanted it to be good for you.”

“But that’s not me,” he said, “l’m not like that, l could never do anything like that for real.”

“It’s just a fantasy,” she smiled.

“You were so tight, was it really your first time?”

“Yes,” she said. “Paul made sure l was well lubricated, but yes, l’ve never been fucked there before.”

“Will you do it with Paul?”

“Oh l don’t know,” she laughed, “his cock is massive, l’ll need some practice before l can take him.”

“You’re amazing, you know that?” He said, “l should have married you years ago.” He glanced at his wristwatch, “shit!” He said, “l had better go or the miserable cunt will be sending out search parties.”

He began to replace his clothes.

“I hope you are satisfied,” she giggled.

“I still think l’m going to wake up in a minute and find it was all a fantastic dream,” he said, “can we meet again sometime?”

“We’ll l’m sure we will,” she laughed, “after all you deliver my post every day, perhaps you could come in for a quickie now and again, l’ll try to wear something sexy when l answer the door, or would you prefer me naked?”

“Fucking hell Sue,” he replied as he finished dressing, “l think l’d better rearrange my round to put you at the end otherwise no-one else will get their post.”

“Go on with you,” she laughed, walking with him to the front door. She opened the door, making sure that she was screened from the road. “Thank you for a lovely fuck,” she said, kissing his cheek.

Frank just shook his head. “Fucking amazing,” he said as he walked out of the door.

Susan closed the door and turned to see Paul coming down the stairs.

“You were fantastic,” he said, “even better than l’d hoped.”

“How do you know?” She asked, “l thought you were going to join us.”

“I was watching you upstairs on my computer,” he replied.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

He took hold of her hand and took her into the lounge. He pointed out two tiny cctv cameras, one next to the tv, the other on the sideboard. “I bought them when l was in town,” he said, “and set them up when you were getting ready. The picture quality and sound is brilliant, l’ll let you see later.”

“You naughty boy,” she laughed.

“I’m going to edit it and put it on one of the porn websites,” he said, “don’t worry, l’ll pixilate your faces. Now go upstairs and get cleaned up, put on a nice dress, nothing too tarty, l’m going to take you out for a meal.”

“Yes sir,” she giggled, turning towards the door. She gave a squeal when he smacked her bottom hard, then giggled as she carried on.


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