Fucked Up Little Twist Pt. 02 by fainting_goat

An adult stories – Fucked Up Little Twist Pt. 02 by fainting_goat

Cori was bored. She had been watching nature documentaries on the national Geographic channel on television in her and Cheryl’s basement suite. She loved watching the powerful and exotic animals. She envied them, their lives, though harsh, were simple, lions and zebras never questioned their purpose. Or felt bored for that matter.

The door at the top of the stairs opened and Cheryl came bouncing in, her fiery red hair curly and long on top but shaved on the sides of her head accentuated her punky attitude.

“What’s goin’ on?” She inquired as she perused the basement suite littered with takeout containers, crumpled heaps of laundry and liquor containers.

“Nothing much.” Cori replied sleepily. She had been dozing in and out of consciousness all morning, stretched out on the couch in her pyjamas with the T.V. on.

“I can see that.” Cheryl prodded with a wrinkling of her nose to convey her disgust for the condition of their abode.

“We should clean this place up. We could take these bottles and cans in for some cash and get some weed or some more beer.” She added as she took off her leather jacket and tossed it on an old orange fabric recliner.

“I guess so.” Cori said as she stretched and yawned. Her spaghetti strap top was loose but still accentuated her beautiful bust as she stretched languidly.

Cori and Cheryl rummaged and sorted through the small basement apartment gathering empty flats and boxes to sort their recycling.

“You seem pretty worn out, how did it go with dreamboat?” Cheryl asked smiling curiously as she picked up cans and bottles.

“Holy shit Cheryl! His name is Dale, and he manages a rental agency. He bought me a coffee and we went for a walk. Then we went to his apartment and he fucked me so good!” Cori admitted with a gleam in her eye. Her pussy started to moisten thinking about Dale.

“You little slut! I’m fucking jealous. Where does he live?”

“He’s not far from us, we walked across Hawthorn bridge from downtown to get to his apartment. He’s on Southeast Clay street.” Cori explained, her gorgeous smile was ear to ear as her cheeks flushed.

“You’re in love with this guy! You should introduce me to him.” Cheryl said as she observed Cori bend over to pick up some cans littered under the coffee table. She admired her friend’s delicious ass stretched against her flannel P.J. bottoms.

Cori looked at her friend admiringly. Cheryl was a punk through and through. Her tight black jeans were torn up one leg. Two belts with studs sat across her ample hips below her pierced belly button. Her bare midriff called attention to her plentiful bust which was strapped back by a sports bra under a purple mesh shirt. She wore dark makeup around her bright blue eyes and brown lipstick on her full lips showed off her pretty freckled face. She looked like a well put together trashy mess.

“Maybe we could use this bottle return money to pick up some Chinese food from that place with the lemon chicken and bring it with us?” Cori said hopefully, trying to persuade her friend to invest her share of the can money in something other than booze or weed.

“Holy shit, Cori! You are in love with this guy. I knew he looked good when I pointed him out to you but I didn’t know you were going to turn into his little love slave.” Cheryl teased.

“That’s just it Cheryl, exactly, just being around him makes me want him to dominate me. He’s… potent.” Cori flexed her knees and grabbed her chest, revealing she was getting excited just thinking about him.

Cheryl was fascinated, if Dale was this exciting she wanted a taste. Cheryl was mostly into girls, especially Cori. They had been living together for about a year or so. She wasn’t opposed to attraction or sex with men, it just hadn’t worked out that way so far. The basement suite they rented together had been a big upgrade from the boarded up house they resided in previously. When their squat had burned down they found this illegal basement suite to rent for cheap. When Cheryl and Cori met one night after a concert they had shared a bottle of gin and been friends ever since.

One night, over too much wine and some porno, Cheryl seduced Cori and they had been lovers subsequently. The two young women cared for and admired each other. Both girls shared a punk aesthetic, a love of fun and adventure and a spiritual connection that transcended their physical attraction for each other.

“Let’s pack this shit in my car and we can go get some Chinese food and meet Dale.” Cheryl said as she lifted up four flats of empty beer cans.

“I’m excited to see what’s got your panties all twisted up.” She teased.

* * *

Some time later, the two beauties had cleaned up and dressed. They returned their recycling for deposits and used those funds to procure delicious Chinese food from their favourite take out establishment. Cheryl drove her beat up Hyundai hatchback up to the brownstone where Dale lived and parked in a vacant visitor parking spot.

Before leaving their place, the girls had discussed their plans. Cori had explained to Cheryl that she definitely wanted sex with Dale tonight and wanted Cheryl to be a part of it.

“I want you to bring some kinky sex stuff with us, so we can have a wild time.” Cori had said.

Cheryl had packed a bag of her favourite sex toys, her wi-fi enabled vibe and butt plug, her strap on harness equipped with removable dildo as well as some lube and a couple of collars featuring rings for a leash. She had ordered them from a vendors catalogue from the time she spent working at an adult love shop. She had a dream of one day hosting parties for women and selling sex toys and marital aids.

Both girls looked especially cute, Cheryl in her studded leather jacket and Cori in her purple hoodie. They exited the car and carried the warm bags of take out food up to the door of the building.

“1027 Dale Simmons” Cori smiled as she pushed the buzzer.

The girls waited shivering in the cold with anticipation. It was fall weather and the setting sun diminished the warmth as daylight failed.

“Hello.” A deep male voice crackled through the intercom. As the buzzer opened the door and the two girls bustled into the warm lobby then into the elevator.

They giggled as they relished the idea of warm food and warm bodies. Cheryl liked sex and was the more sexually adventurous of the two girls. She and Cori had been exclusive for months, but her feminine instincts craved strong male attention. She was extra excited at the prospect of sharing her sapphic lover with a virile attractive man.

The elevator doors opened when they reached Dale’s floor and hurried to his apartment. The ladies found the door slightly cracked and let themselves in. Dale was in his boxers and a tank top doing squats with dumbbells in his hands. He smiled over at the girls and greeted them with a warm hello, the smell of fresh warm takeout and pretty faces was a welcome sight.

“This is my friend Cheryl.” Cori explained as she set the bags of takeout on the clean counter. Dale’s apartment was sparse and immaculate. He kept his appearance and possessions in top condition. Dale nodded and smiled at the girls as he continued his set of squats. The girls giggled as they admired his muscular, sweat covered body.


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