Help! – Part 9 by WebCam

The truck driver butted in saying “Well alright but at least let me drive you to the hospital”.

“Well, I don’t wanna cause you any more hassle Bill…”

“Yes,” Jake interrupted, “yes, it would be great if you could give us a lift, that’s very kind of you Bill”.

“Really,” Bill acknowledged, “it’s the least I can do”.

Danny gave Jake an evil look as he reluctantly followed Bill towards the truck. Jake rolled his eyes in annoyance and then slowly followed after him.


At the hospital, Jake sat impatiently in the waiting area as Danny was being taken care of by the nurses. Bill had already left because he had to get his shipment to London later that night and thanks to this, he was already behind schedule. Jake tapped his feet on the shiny white hospital floor, nothing to do but sit and wait. He looked around the room reading the boring posters which offered him advice about various illnesses and problems, all of which he didn’t have. Then, he noticed the red payphone in the corner of the waiting room.

It was as if it was calling him, luring him over, persuading him to pick it up. He had a few coins in his pocket and wondered if he should call his parents to let them know where he was. Then he thought about calling Danny’s parents. He knew that Danny really didn’t want him to, but he didn’t know why and deep down inside, he thought that they really ought to know what the situation was. He decided to do it. He didn’t understand what Danny was talking about. `They have to know` he thought as he walked over to the phone.

He pulled the loose change out from his pocket, picked out what he needed and inserted it into the slot. He was just about to dial the number when he heard a voice say “alright then, you just need to change the dressing twice a week and I’ll see you in 2 weeks time”. The voice cut through his thoughts and brought him back into the real world! He had no time to react.

“Okay thank you”. Danny replied to the nurse.

Jake slammed the phone down and turned around quickly to see Daniel glaring at him from the other end of the empty white room.



Thanks for reading! Feedback is much appreciated as always :).


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