I Dream of Angels: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

It was near the end of vacation, and Angel and I were kissing in her room. I heard someone coming up the stairs and Angel and I quickly separated. Until my family fully accepted her, we needed to hide our relationship. I pretended to be in the middle of explaining something to Angel to help her try and overcome her amnesia.

My brother stepped into the room. “Marcus, mom and dad want to talk to you.”

“Thanks,” I said before he walked off.

I looked at Angel and she and I exchanged glances of worry. I got up and kissed her on the forehead. “It’s going to be fine.”

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. My parents and the two detectives were there. They had been searching the area for days and hadn’t found anything, and much to my hatred, they questioned Angel extensively.

“We have finished our investigation, and we can’t find any trace of her existence prior to when you found her, but we have no way to be sure to be sure if she committed or witnessed any crimes. We’ll continue to search for her identity, but other than that, there is nothing we can do,” Detective Francis said.

Once he and his partner left, my mom turned to me. “Now Marcus, we need to talk about what to do with Angel.”

“Its not like you found a dog that you want to keep. We need to think of her future. There are places where people in her condition can live,” said my dad.

“No, we are not abandoning her.”

Before they could reply, I looked down at the floor. “Are the two of you blind? I haven’t suffered from one seizure ever since I met her.” I held up one of my pill bottles. It was completely full. “I haven’t been in pain for days. She has taken away my suffering, and she is the only one who can. Not only that, but… I’m happy. For the first time in my life, I’m actually happy. I thought that my sickness made that impossible, but she has somehow cured me of both my agony and my misery.”

My parents tried to think of a reply but were unable to counteract my argument. After all, it was clear that whether Angel stayed or left, my health and life depended on it.

“She needs me as much as I need her. Her memory is slowly beginning to come back, she remembers information about the world and what things are and mean, but she knows nothing about herself. I can’t help but wonder if that knowledge will ever come back, or maybe there was none to begin with. For all we know, she could be starting from scratch. She may not have a place or family to return to.”

I sighed and softened my tone. “I know that there is also the financial situation of letting her stay with us. Room and board and all that other stuff… I know that this family is already strained with three kids. That’s why I’ve decided not to go to college, so that the money that was going to be used on my tuition can instead be used to make her a member of this family. College is a scam anyway, and it’s not like I will be incapable of getting a job if all I have is a high school education. Or maybe I can just go to community college. I would do anything for her.”

I stopped as I heard someone standing in the doorway. I turned and saw it was Angel. The tenderness and love in her eyes was like a soothing rain to my soul. She walked over to me and wrapped her hands around mine, leaning her head on my shoulder.

“Mom, dad… we’re in love.”

Several moments passed by,

“You’ve given us a lot to think about,” my dad said shakily as he pulled my mom into the living room.

I was lying on my back in bed with Angel crouched over me. It was the middle of the night and we were both naked, having just finished making love. Angel was finishing me off, using her breasts to massage my cock while she licked the tip.

“I can’t even describe how good that feels,” I hummed, taking great pleasure in the sight of the moonlight being caught by the saliva and pussy juice on Angel’s tits.

“To bring you happiness is why I live. I’m glad that my breasts are so large, you sure seem fond of them,” she purred, rubbing the two soft yet firm pillows of flesh against my manhood.

Her skin, it was so smooth, delicate, and soft; it was like she had been shaved from the neck down by a laser and then took a long bath in a tub full of moisturizer.

“I’m fond of everything about you, from the endless kindness within your heart, your goddess face, the sweetness of your soul, your long and elegantly beautiful hair, and your flawless body, which practically perspires sexuality.”

My breathing quickened and I sensed an oncoming orgasm. Reading me like brail, Angel doubled her efforts, her face blushing with desperate arousal and loving dedication. “Cum for me, Marcus. Spray with your semen. I want to bear it all and be covered in it. My body belongs to you!”

I was more than happy to obey, and in the form of four ropey shots, I ejaculated every drop of semen in my body, coating Angel’s face, her tits, and her outstretched tongue. Before it could fully deflate, Angel took my cock in her mouth, cleaning it off and siphoning out any bullets that had been loaded into the barrel but never fired. Once it was empty, she sat up and hungrily licked my cum off her breasts like it was the essence of life. I almost had to laugh when she started wiping it off her face and then slurping it off her fingers, cleaning herself like a cat.

“So good,” she said softly before crawling over and lying down beside me.

“I’m going to miss having these lazy days to ourselves. I am really not looking forward to school tomorrow,” I sighed.

“You know, tomorrow will be the longest we’ve ever been apart. I don’t know how I’ll stand it,” she huffed.

“Don’t remind me, but maybe I’ll skip lunch and come home for a quickie.”

“Then you’ll just end up missing the rest of the day, we’d never leave the bedroom. I know you too well.”

“Hey, can you blame me?”

I then gave a deep sigh and looked up at the ceiling. “It’s been so weird since we met. For the first time in my life, I’m truly happy. And my pain, I never knew that I was capable of feeling so little of it. You almost managed to take it away when I saw you each morning, but for it to be continuous like this, it makes me feel like I’ve spent the last three months wearing a suit of armor with a lead apron underneath, and now I can finally walk free without anything weighing me down. To think that my life could become so perfect…”

“Well like I said before, to make you happy is why I live. I exist solely for you,” she said while kissing my chest.

“Marcus?” Angel then asked, resting her head on my shoulder. Her eyes seemed to be glowing in the dark.


“What do we do if we can’t be together?”

“Then we leave. We’ll leave and go somewhere where there will be nothing standing between us. I love you, Angel. I love you more than you could possibly imagine.”

“You’re wrong about that,” she hummed as she gave a slight smile, “I know how much you love me, because I love you just as much.”

As she pulled away, a smile crossed her lips and looked down, seeing that I was once again rock hard. “Well, looks like you’re ready for round 2,” she said coyly.

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