Incestuous Bedtime Tale 9: Mother’s Incestuous Wish by mypenname3000

“Okay,” Dr. Wilson said, smiling.

“What’s the sex?” Mom said. She leaned close. “Is it a girl?”

“It is, Avalon,” Dr. Wilson said. She smiled at Mom and then at my son. “I hear you’re going to be marrying your daughter.”

“I want to,” Harry said, squeezing my hand. “I mean, she’ll have to want it. And that’s a long time.”

“It’ll fly by fast,” Mom said. “Trust me. The older you get, the faster time goes.” She sighed and I knew she was thinking of Grandma.

I stared at the screen, at my daughter. Dr. Wilson moved the probe around my stomach, shifting the image of her. I couldn’t wait to raise her with my son and see her marry my son. I wanted my daughter to love him like I’d loved my daddy.

“Just love her,” I whispered to my son. “Every day. Even when she aggravates you. Even when she’s such a brat you just want to tear your hair out.”

“I wasn’t that bad,” he said.

Mom laughed. “Oh, Harry, you have no idea. Your mother was an angel, but you… Well, she still loved you anyways. And that’s what you have to do.”

“But we’ll be here,” I said. “Together.”

Mom nodded. “Family’s important, Harry. Don’t ever forget that.”

I knew my son would. I smiled and remembered the dream I had last night. It was Daddy with Great-Grandma Rachel. They were in the field of wildflowers. Grandma Melissa was with them. They all looked young and happy. Grandma and Great-Grandma were making love, something they never had the opportunity to do in life.

Daddy watched them.

I knew that one day, my mother would join them in the field and so would I. Years from now, hopefully many, I would pass on, but it wouldn’t be the end of our family. Harry and my daughter would start their own line. They would continue on our tradition, loving each other.

Tears beaded my eyes as joy rushed through me. Immortality wasn’t found in great deeds, but in seeing your child growing in your womb and knowing she would grow up and have her own family. On and on and on, a chain stretching from the beginning of time to the future.

I squeezed my son’s hand and took my mother’s. I was just one link of our incestuous love. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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