New Beginnings – Part 1 – The Aftermath by NCfan

“Should we do some reading?”

“I was thinking about a different kind of learning. Will, do you know what it means, to become a man?”

“It means, being reponsible and able to care for you and yours, to provide.” Kelly sitting next to him smiled. She touched his face thinking, ‘this may be more difficult than she imagined’.

“All true. But there’s something else men and women learn to do.” Now Kelly lifted her sweater over her head. When she unclasped her bra, Will held a breast in his hand. “There’s something we haven’t done. You’ve shown me you’re so very mature by not pushing me. You’ve been so so patient.” Kelly was sliding off her pants and underwear. “Now yours.” Will quickly undressed. They’d only both been naked together when bathing. The sight of Kelly’s body, the feeling of her hip touching his. The weight of her breast sitting in his palm. Those feelings were stirring. He cock was rising.

“Kelly, I’m, it’s because…”

“It’s natural. It’s just what I want.”

“What do you want?”

“I want, I need, you to make love to me.”

“Are you sure? After they hurt you and…”

“Shh. That’s behind me. This is for now, and the future. You’ll be gentle. You’ll learn how to make me feel special. Right now I want my man to be with me, in the most wonderful way.” Kelly lay back and guided Will to kneel between her legs. As he leaned forward she reached down and found his cock. He was obviously ready. She rubbed him along her slit. She knew that she was ready too. She positioned him at her opening. “Go slow. You won’t hurt me. I may make sounds, but you’re not hurting me. Listen to me, we do this together.”

As expected he was eager and anxious and fast. When he exploded into her a minute later Kelly held him close and ensured Will that he had done great. She held him as she felt his cock soften and fall from her. She held him and kissed him and caressed his back. She held him so long she felt him harden. “Again.” For the first time since she met him Kelly watch a smile break across Will’s face.

“Yes! The feeling, oh, uh, did it feel good for you too?” Kelly kissed Will in the nose.

“Yes. Wonderful. Now, again?”

Will was happy that Kelly said it was good for her, but he didn’t know. Feelings and sensations had hit him so fast and urgently that it seemed to be over in no time. He was excited to be trying again. Kelly helped again getting him inside. Now the urgency seemed to have passed. Will was thrilled at feeling how Kelly gripped him. His cock behing held and massaged as he moved in and out. It was a feeling he didn’t want to end. Now as he moved in and out Kelly began making noises. Loud at times. Nothing like the first time. “OOooh oh Will, oooooo, mmmm, more, more Will.” That wasn’t a problem at the moment. There wsn’t anything he wanted than to give her more. Then, “oooooh, faster, faster, uuuuuuh, AAAAAAAAh.” He almost stopped. “Don’t fucking stop! Not noooooow.” So faster he went, not sure exactly what was happening. Kelly was slapping his back, her legs wrapped tightly around him, her hips pushing against him. “OOOh please more, UUUNnnngh, AH!” Then almost at once Kelly relaxed. Her legs wide, her hands holding Will’s ass, “Whew, keep going, as long as you want. Will felt like he could go all night, Kelly’s pussy wetter than before. Then suddenly he felt it rising. His cock harder than before. Kelly was rubbing his sides, telling him to let go. Will pushed, held himself in Kelly and released. He was sweating in the cold air. When he was finished he knelt back looking down at Kelly, her nipples hard in the night air, her hair splyed around her head. She was smiling and sighing, breathing heavily. “Now that was more than wonderful.”

“You, I thought I was hurting you.”

“That Will was an orgasm. You gave me an orgasm from intercourse. That’s really cool.”

“I’ll do that all the time if that’s what you want.”

“Such confidence. It’s not always so easy. But I can show you other ways. And, um, I never saw you smiling like this.”

“You seemed to be feeling better. That made me happy.” Kelly kissed him,

“Will, you gave sex back to me!”

“So does this mean you’d want to do it more?”

“Ha, not right now. But yeah. Sex with you is really nice.” Somehow they seemed even closer while they slept. The next morning Kelly woke to the feeling of a hard cock pressing against her back.

“You awake Will?”

“Uh huh.”


“Yeah!” Kelly shifted her position and let Will slide between her legs. When he was in she lay content as he pushed with energy up into her. His arm was wrapped around her and his hand playfully pulled at her breasts. She signed contentedly. Yes, the genie was definitely out. Will had been introduced to one of the wonders of life and he was enjoying it enthusiastically. His thrusts were strong but not painful, his touch was energetic but not hurtful. He asked often if she was feeling good. Kelly lay her head back against his shoulder. Will kissed the side of her face as he exploded inside. When he pulled out Kelly turned to face him. “I can probably do it again in a few minutes if you want.”

“I’m happy to lay here and hold you.”

“It wasn’t good?”

“Oh, Will. There’s so much to it. You don’t understand that just being in your arms makes me as happy as I can be. When you make love to me, it’s wonderful, another special feeling. For now, hold me and make me happy.” They were late getting started that day. Will made her very happy indeed.

As they walked he was more talkative than ever. He had a thousand questions about the mystery revealed to him last night. Kelly assured him that there was so much more. They didn’t have to do it all at once. Over lunch Kelly explained more than his father had passed to him. She told him that there were things people did, for fun, that she didn’t care for and things she really liked that she would teach him. He was eager to please, a puppy dog came to mind. Kelly thanked fate or luck or whatever controlled their lives for sending Will her way.

Kelly noticed how quickly Will could go from school boy innocense to deadly serious at the first sign of trouble. Usually a sign that Kelly was oblivious to. He’d go silent and hold up his hand, which Kelly now knew meant, immediate silence and stop moving. Then with simple hand signals he’d indicate directions or whether to lie low. There were times now when Kelly could almost forget the outside world as she huddled with Will, reading, writing words, and now frolicking together. But it was a dangerous world.

They came to a small campsite. Will led the way warily down from their path. The woods opened onto a horror scene. Three men, two women dead with horrible wounds. Will backed them into the woods.

“They’re not dead all that long, the fire ain’t cold. Maybe last night.” Kelly had her hands over her face. Will pulled out the hand gun he’d acquired for Kelly. She’d been practicing daily with him. He held it out to her. He declared, “I think you’re ready. What is it for?”

“To protect me and mine.”

“And you remember your lessons?”


“And how to be safe?” She checked the safety.

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