Red Chelsea by ShredderStories

Red Chelsea by ShredderStories

Discover the tantalizing erotic story 'Red Chelsea' by ShredderStories. Dive into a world of passion, desire, and unforgettable encounters that will ignite your imagination. Get ready for an exhilarating read that explores the depths of intimacy and seduction. Perfect for fans of steamy romance and erotic literature!<br/>

Sundeep is your average cool geek. He loves computers, he loves video-games, and of course, he loves girls. The one thing on his mind besides WOW is Chelsea. Keeping his head high, his dreams in front of him, and his cock hard, Sundeep manages to get with Chelsea a week before he leaves town. However, after a disastrous night, Sundeep realizes that the consequences of his sins will remain to haunt him. , Chapter One: Beginnings

I’ve been enamored by Chelsea for over two years. She had an angelic face with deep brown eyes. Her beautiful brown hair always dipped down on the right side of her face just above her eyes. Her bust was not exceptionally big, about B size, but sometimes, I could make out the shape of her breasts through her shirt as perfect, round little lumps. She had a very lean body, her curves were nice, and her ass was not too big nor too small. I always wanted to have rough sex with her, but my true feelings were a lot deeper than just sex.

I’m a 16 year old boy named Sundeep. I’m a junior at Milkwater High school, and lucky for me, so is Chelsea. Ever since 7th grade, I’ve always been in at least one class with Chelsea, but this year, I happen to be in all of her classes. I’ve talked to her a couple of times, but I wouldn’t say we’re friends.

I’m considered somewhat of a nerd, but not in a bad sense. I’m friendly with everyone at school. They all know I’m smart and sometimes make nerd jokes about me, but it’s all just in good fun; I joke back. Chelsea is smart, but she isn’t a “nerd.” She’s very popular and even had a boyfriend with whom she very recently broke up. I think it was at this point where I realized I had a chance…

I recently found out from my parents that we would be moving across the country due to a job transfer. I realized that now would be the best time to live my social life to the fullest as I would never see any of my classmates ever again. I started talking to Nick, one of the most charismatic boys in our school. He told me that I seemed cool and could come to his party on Saturday. He said that there would be plenty of “chicks” and that I should definitely hook up before I move. I was also told by one of my other friends that Chelsea would be among the many guests at Nick’s party. My heart pounding, I accepted the invitation.

On Friday, the night before the party, I hung out at my friend Sam’s house. I started talking to him about some girls and “hooking up”.

“Sundeep, you’re gonna be leaving in two months! You gotta get some ass from this shit-hole town. How are you gonna score with the big town New York chicks if you can’t even score with these shitty Milkwater bitches?”

“Not all of these girls are ‘shitty Milkwater bitches’” I replied, slightly pissed.

“Oh yeah? Who is it then? Who you got your eye on?”

“Uh, no one…” I really didn’t want to tell Sam that I had my eye on Chelsea.

“C’mon man, I know you want some… you can trust me.”

“Fine… It’s Chelsea…”

“Dude! Chelsie is mad hot! I think you could go for some of that…”

“Don’t call her ‘that’!” I responded, interrupting Sam.

“Man, I can tell you really like her. Listen, you know how she just broke up with Matt? Well, I hear it was pretty bad. This is your chance! She’s gonna be real easy now that she’s so down. You gotta get her before someone else does!”

I thought about that for a second and said, “OK, fine.”

I also told Sam, “You gotta learn to respect women a little more,” and left before I could get a response.

The day of the party finally arrived, and I dressed sharp. Black pants and a grey striped button up shirt retained my nerdy image, but the rolled up sleeves and the unbuttoned collar added a flirtatious touch.

Nick’s house was packed. The music was loud; people were dancing and talking, and there was alcohol. No one seemed drunk yet. I spotted Chelsea; she looked a little glum, so I decided to wait ten minutes before approaching her.

Sam was there, and when he saw me, he rushed over to introduce me to Christine. She said hi, and Sam told her to get him a beer. I thought that was kind of rude, but that was just his style. He came a little closer to me, as if he wanted to tell me something he didn’t want anyone else to hear.

“Sundeep, isn’t Christine a hotty? I started talking to her fifteen minutes ago and I think she already wants to suck my dick”

“Yeah, that’s great.” This was just like Sam. He’d pick up girls wherever he went despite being so rude.

“So, Sundeep, when are you gonna hit up Chelsea?”

I spotted Chelsea at the drink table.

“I think I’m gonna go now.” I replied.

“You can do this. Just don’t bring up her break up too soon, m’kay?”

“Yeah, thanks for the advice.” I still felt a little nervous. I took a deep breath and walked over. The first thing I did was grab a glass and the wine bottle. Then, as I started to pour, I said,

“Hey Chelsea, how you doin’?”

“I’m OK…”

“What’s wrong? You don’t look too OK”

“You know, Matt and all…”

“Oh yeah, sorry about the break up…” I had already broken Sam’s advice, so I kept going. “Matt didn’t deserve you.” I hoped it wasn’t too early for that type of remark.

“What do you mean he didn’t deserve me?”

At this point I was panicking on the inside, but I kept a calm composure and said “You know, you’re really nice, smart, a-and pretty” The last part just came out of me and I hoped it’d work to my advantage and not creep her out.

“Oh, Sundeep, you’re so sweet. The break up was bad. I thought I really liked Matt…” She looked like she would almost tear up, but luckily she didn’t. I didn’t want to have to deal with a crying girl.

“Is it anything you’d like to share, you know, just…. let out of your system?”

“Well, I don’t usually just start talking about these things to anyone, but you seem different.”

“Hey, you can tell me anything.” I used the most reassuring voice I could manage.

“Well, I… okay… Matt and I had something planned one day… at his house. He said his parents wouldn’t be home. At the last minute, I found out that I had to go to my Aunt’s wedding the same day. When I told him, he got really mad. The next day, he took me to the movies. He told me that since I bailed on him the other day, I had to… ‘suck his dick’ in the bathroom stall. Of course I didn’t want anyone to see, so I said no. Th-then he s-slapped me”

“Wow…” I said. I had just found out that she was damaged goods; Chelsea wasn’t so holy to me anymore. I knew I wouldn’t be afraid of doing what I had wanted to do for a long time, and I intended to speed up the process. First, I shook my head to make it seem like I cared, and said, “What a jerk… where does he get off pulling that type of stuff? He should have considered himself lucky even to look at you!”

“Oh, Sundeep, you’re so nice!” Chelsea exclaimed. I was ready to take it a step further.

“Hey, Chelsea, what say you and I get out of this place?”

“Um, sure, where are we gonna go?”

“Uh, we could just drive around. C’mon let’s go.”

We got in the car and I drove off to nowhere.

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