The Chauffeur(#6)… The Plan by PABLO DIABLO

Finally, the 3 officers, Deloris, and Jill exited Sasha’s office. They had several clear plastic bags that looked to be sealed. Jill had an armful of files. She motioned for me to join them.

I said my goodbyes to Paula, slipping a business card with my cell phone number on it for her to call later.

The five of us left the office. We got on the elevator and headed down to the lobby. We all rode silently.

I just knew that whatever Jill had in mind was certainly successful so far.

We left the lobby and headed to the cars. RJ said thank you to the other two officers and we all got into our respective cars.


RJ took us back to the hospital and dropped us off. She still had several files under her arm. We decided to head up to see Tina before leaving the hospital. I took the files from Jill and put them in the trunk of our car.

We went inside the hospital and up to Tina’s floor to see her. Tina was sitting up in her bed trying to eat her meal with one hand. Jill raced over to her, kissed her on the top of her head and began to help her with her meal. She cut the meatloaf in to small manageable bites. She kept alternating between the carrot slices, the mashed potatoes, and the meatloaf feeding her slowly.

Jill also lifted the carton of juice up to her lips, so she could take a sip from the bendable straw.

I sat back at the foot of the bed. I just sat there and marveled at how quickly they went back to being friends.

We stayed more than 2 hours in the room with Tina. At some point, Tina began nodding off as her body needed some sleep. Jill kissed Tina on the top of her head again. I walked over to Tina and kissed her lightly on her lips as she was starting to dose off.

Jill and I left.

As we drove back to her place, Jill was excited and began to tell me her plan.

Jill asked if we could stop for some food as she realized that she was very hungry. I pulled into this healthy chicken place. We got out and went inside to have a relaxing meal. While we stood in line, I called Mr. Jaxson. I let him know that Jill and I were ok to travel whenever he wanted us. As I hung up, I whispered into Jill’s ear, “Mr. Jaxson wants us in New York tonight. The plane will be here in about 4 ½ hours.”

Jill just smiled and kissed me.

We ate, finally getting to relax a bit before we headed home to pack. Jill made a phone call from the table ordering a limo…. but from a competitor…. Black Car Limo.

I just smiled and shook my head. Her sense of humor was delightful.

I sat there amazed at how in just a short time, my life had turned for the better. Here I am sitting with a wonderfully beautiful woman, who I’m married to. We have a plan for things to get better for us and our friends. And…. we’re going to have a little girl in just a few short months.

Yes, life is getting better. She’s my wife…and I’m her chauffeur.

Thank you for reading this chapter of “The Chauffeur” series. Please leave a comment (good or bad) so I can continue to craft my stories for all…. Thanks, Paul.

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