The Conference by robdcruz

The Conference by robdcruz

Immerse yourself in the tantalizing world of ‘The Conference’ by robdcruz, where temptation ignites and passions collide in a steamy tale of desire and seduction. Join the characters as they navigate lust and power dynamics in a thrilling adult erotic adventure that will leave you breathless. Explore the depths of intimacy and eroticism—dare to indulge!

Rob is happily married but finds himself in a situation that makes him question his fidelity. , “Shoes?”



“Got it.”

“Flash drive?”

“Shit. Thanks. Almost forgot it.” I rushed to the desk drawer and grabbed the flash drive with my PowerPoint on it.

My wife and I had a tradition of this checklist run-through every time I traveled for a conference. It was created out of necessity because I never had my head on straight and would invariably call from the destination whining about forgetting one important thing or another.

“How long are you going to be gone this time?” my wife asked.

“I’ll be back in three days. It’s just a weekend conference. No big deal,” I assured her.

I was a 3rd year in a doctoral statistics program, which meant much of my time was spent sweating over some presentation, or flying to a random conference to talk to a small group of like-minded folks when we just as well could have emailed each other.

My wife, Dina, was so used to this routine she took my absence in stride. That’s what four years of marriage will give you. The benign neglect of companionship. Not that I’m complaining too much. At 30 years old, Dina was every bit a beauty as when we met when we were 24. She was 5’4”, with dirty-blonde hair, tan skin, and a tight body. She worked as a personal trainer at a posh gym, so her arms were that sexy mix of slender and fit that every suburban house mom and celebrity was dying to get. And, I thank the lord every day, her fitness had spared her incredible C cup tits. The sex was still great, and she hadn’t yet tired of blowing me now and then. But, 4 years married and 6 years together meant that she was allowed to be relieved to have me out of her hair for a couple of days.

I gave her a kiss goodbye, slapped her ass (as is tradition), and went downstairs to grab a cab to the airport.


Once through security, I rush to find my gate. In my head, I’m George Clooney in Up in The Air, sliding effortlessly through the airport. In reality, I’m a slightly disheveled mess, frantically searching for my gate because my flight has been boarding for ten minutes already. I finally spot it, and get on to find my seat. I plop down in a huff.

“Morning Rob. What the hell took you so long.”

My friend Jessica, also in the doctoral program, hands me a coffee. We’ve traveled to a few conferences together and were pretty good friends, so there was an earned ease between us. This was undercut only slightly by the weird tension that often exists between opposite sex classmates. You know, the kind of the tension begs the questions- “Are we supposed to fuck at some point? We are, right? Why haven’t we?” But we’ve never made a move. My wife has at times called her my “school wife.” Not that I would mind in some ways.

Jessica was about 5’0”, if that, with a healthy body, and a face that was pretty but also had “character” in the form of a bit too large nose. She also happened to have the most massive tits I’ve ever seen on a girl her size. Is size H a thing, cuz that’s what she would have. The tits, and her extreme openness, were what made the tension for me. But like I said, nothings ever happened. I try to be a good guy and won’t let anything go past flirting.

A little after take off, Jessica takes off one of my earbuds and does that loud whisper thing you have to do on a plane. “Oh man, I can’t wait to get some nerdy dick at this conference. It’s been a while.” – Like I said. She’s very open.

“You always do pretty well,” I joked.

She teased back. “Hey, why don’t we make sure to get rooms next to each other so you can at least give yourself some action while hearing me fuck. Or, you can finally bring that camera over you are always using and take some pictures to bring back home. Is Dina into amateur porn?”

“Shhh. I’m trying to enjoy this shitty rom-com,” I said, pointing at my screen. I put my earbud back in and tried to focus on Katherine Heigl’s terrible acting.

With the camera comment Jessica was referring to my photography hobby. I loved to shoot people, but as I was never brave enough to have anyone model, I stuck to trying to capture candid moments. I’ve definitely never shot an amateur porn like she was recruiting me to do. One day…..

We touched down in Houston where the conference was being held. By the time we checked in to our hotel room I was exhausted. Jessica and I, by chance, did get rooms next to each other and I knew I’d be hearing her pound against the walls all night. I cycled through my memories of packing to see if I remembered noise cancelling ear buds.


The next morning I am woken up by the sound of pounding on the adjoining room door. The pounding perfectly matches the pounding going on inside my head. Everything feels hazy.

“What the hell happened?” I say to myself. I start to tick through what I could remember in my head. The conference was the usual boring affair. I went to a few talks, and even gave a short presentation myself. I ambled around the poster presentations asking questions and appearing interested. Nothing out of the ordinary. That night, Jessica and I hit the hotel bar as we usually do, talking and getting drunk… thats all I can remember.

*Boom Boom* The pounding on the door continues. Purely out of a desire to make it stop and not out of any desire to actually attempt to wake up, I drag myself to the door.

I yank it open, and Jessica is standing there looking fresh-faced and rejuvenated with two coffees. “Good morning sleepyhead!” she yelled. Or whispered. I’m so hungover it all sounds the same. I recognized this version of her. This is what she was always like the morning after getting laid.

“And nice to see you again, Mr. Thickness!”

“Mr. Thickness?” I had no idea where this nickname came from until I focused on her and saw that her eyes were looking straight down at my crotch. Hanging out for for the world to see was my thick cock, at about half-mast owing to morning mood. I must have fallen asleep before I could actually got into any pajamas. I rushed to get a pillow to cover myself.

Jessica handed me a coffee as her words echoed in my head. “Nice to see you again?” Worry gripped me as I considered what might have happened. Here Jessica was, clearly having had sex the night before and she is talking to my penis like they are old friends.

“Oh god. Did we…” I managed to stammer.

“Fuck like rabbits?” she says with narrow eyes. “You mean you don’t remember?”

“No. Shit! I can’t believe it.”

Jessica gets up and grabs my camera from the table, pops out the memory card and puts it into my laptop.

“Well you documented the whole thing. Let’s refresh your memory.” The TV turns on and my computer screen is visible. We always bring an Appletv to conferences so we can project up our slides and practice our presentations on the hotel room TVs.

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