Coast to Coast – part 6 – by Phileas123

Coast to Coast – part 6 – by Phileas123

As I turned around I spotted a police car and two policemen escorting a man out of the lobby. He was handcuffed behind his back and I instantly recognized his face. It was Lyll.

Immediately I ran towards them.

“Stop. Stop. Stop. What is happening here?” Since I did not understand the whole situation, I was wary of approaching them, I did not want to make things worse.

Lyll spoke directly to me and told me that it was a matter of two fines he had gotten a couple of years back and as soon as they inserted his name in the hotel database, police were alerted and they came to pick him up.

The two policemen were stern but friendly enough to tell me that he had to appear at once in front of a judge and pay some money to settle the whole thing. They also gave me the address to the police station they were escorting him to.

“Lyll, are you ok? Can you afford it?”

“Yes, yes. Do not worry. I just need to be in front of the judge to settle this thing.”

“Is it possible to have the keys to the stand?” I asked the policeman.

“They are in my pocket.” Said Lyll.

“No, Miss, until booking I can not give you anything.”

I did not want to make a fuss, just to aggravate his position. So I stood down, even if the clamps on my breast were, by that point, troubling me. Not to talk of the metal balls stuck in my pussy.

“I will follow you to the police station. Is it possible?”

“Yes, Miss. We will wait for you in front of the hotel in five minutes.”

I rushed back to the room to retrieve my car keys. Running was a chore in these things, the clamps thumped on the inside of the breasts’ domes sending little jolts of pain on my nipples.

And also moving quickly made the balls in my vagina shift in every direction, thus stimulating my pussy. And other than that, I was planning to drive my car in these things and to enter a police station outside the convention center.

There were so many things that could go wrong, but I did not have any choice.

In the room, other than the keys, I picked up a skirt to be, at least, more presentable.

As I returned to the hotel entrance, the police car was waiting for me, Lyll still cuffed in the rear seat.

The policemen gave me a sign and I proceeded to follow them in my car.

At that moment, I had no chance to back out, and I found very quickly that the car vibrations were affecting the belt, in a way that I had to focus very hard on driving.

The police station was not very far away, I simply followed the car and spotted them as they were reaching some sort of reserved parking spot where they could access directly to the building. I preferred a parking spot in front of the door, in the visitor area. As I approached the entrance to the building, I spotted a huge problem. A metal detector was placed there and all visitors had to pass through it.

There was no way I could walk under it and not be stopped.

Yet, keys to my freedom were on the other side of that door. I mustered all the courage that I had and moved forward. There was a cop at the side of the metal detector.

As I put my phone and my keys on the tray, I passed the device and, obviously, all the bells started to sing.

“Miss, do you have some metal on you?”

I decided to play it cool.


“Can you put it on the tray? Please.”

“No, I cannot.”

“I cannot let you pass either.”

“But, a friend of mine has been arrested, and I have to retrieve something from him. I do not have anything dangerous on me, you can check.”

I stood still in front of him, with my arms spread out and my legs apart, as if challenging him to patter my body.

He was starting to search me, when he abruptly stopped and went instead for the radio. He was calling for a female colleague to do the deed.

As she arrived, I got the first glimpse of her name tag. Her surname was “Flint”.

“What is the problem here?”

“Well the metal detector went crazy with her, and she says she has something metal on her that she cannot leave behind.”

Wearing some gloves, she immediately started to inspect my body pressing her hands along my arms and legs. As she reached the back, she felt that there was something odd with that.

She had found the rear part of the chastity bra I was locked into.

“Do you have some place I can show you?” I suggested speaking softly.

She looked back at me with an enigmatic stare and she walked me to a room nearby.

“She comes with me, Nelson.” She announced as she picked up one of those wands, the ones that sound when they find metals.

Once in the room, the police officer closed the door.

“What’s the deal, honey.” She spoke in a matter-of-fact, soft voice.

I was embarrassed to my core, but I had to tell her the truth if I wanted to get hold of the keys.

“Well, officer, I was at the convention and Lyll, is manning a shop there with me. When he was arrested by your colleagues, he had a bunch of keys with him, and I really need to get them now.”

I could see she was thinking about my story, and wondering what was the connection between the word I had blurted out and the metal detector.

“What do you need these keys for?”

“I need them to open the shop and also for personal reasons.”

The mere fact that I was talking to a police officer in a police station, with some nipple clamps and a dildo in my pussy, was somewhat arousing for me. Yet I had to keep my concentration.

“Sorry, honey, I need more to barge there and get your keys.”

“Uhm… let’s say, that he has the keys to something very important to me.”

“What? Your room? Your car? Your ass?” She was mocking me at that point.

“Well, in a way, you are not too far. Can I show you?”

I could see that she was thinking I was a bullshitter, and that I would have to convince her otherwise.

As she was looking at her phone, I got the hem of my shirt and got it out from my head. Now the bra was in plain view.

Her face changed abruptly, like in shock. It was obvious that she did not expect something like that.

“What is that thing?” She asked, the professional tone gone from her voice.

I realized that now I had some sort of advantage on her and that maybe I could use it. I could feel an exhilaration going through me, and that woke up the feelings in my breasts and in my vagina.

“Well, we are working in a special convention in the hotel, and this is some of the merchandise we are dealing with. When you took my colleague, he was on his way to bring me the keys to these things.”

“These? Is there more?”

“Yes. Downstairs matches upstairs. Wanna see?”

Without waiting for her reply, I unlatched the buttons of my shirt and showed her the chastity belt.

“Oh, my…. Does it hurt?”

“No, not at all. It is a bit uncomfortable after a while. But I’d say that it does not hurt.”

“And it is locked on you?”

“Actually, yes, and I was wondering if you could do something about it. Like getting those damned keys.”

She was making an effort not to stare at my metals, like when I was looking at Dawn’s chastity harness.

This made me think that her device was mostly punishing, while mine was, in a certain way, empowering, like a suit of armor.

Well, a suit of armor equipped with a dildo. What a novel idea!

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