Entrapped Enslaved Chapters 1-4 by bav86

Suddenly I realized that, in my enthusiasm, I forgot an important part of the plan: How does one abduct a high school girl? I couldn’t just go drive around grab some girl from the street and drive back again. That was a sure way to get arrested. I would need to train myself, prepare myself. I needed a place to train. I needed my house first. I was slightly disappointed that I had to wait longer before I had the pleasure of slave companionship. But, I told myself, It’s not where you go, it’s how you get there!

Chapter 3) The green house

I told Ray I was following his advice. After a two month search I found the perfect reclusive place for my ‘sabbatical’. The house was perfect. It was about 5 kilometers outside a small village. The entire area was heavily forested. The people living in the village were so poor that they were too busy making ends meet to notice or care about things that didn’t directly involve themselves. It was an old mansion, although Ray called it a ruin. I had to admit, it needed some work. In fact, I was counting on it. I hatched the plan to make some inconspicuous secret slave chambers. But more on that later. The mansion and I had love on first sight. It had everything I was looking for, well almost, everything had been badly maintained. The walls around the property were crumbling everywhere. The gardens had been overrun with everything spiky and unpleasant. And the mansion itself had broken windows, leaking roofs and wood rot everywhere. But it was perfect to me. It had the 19th century style I was looking for. High ceilings, large rooms, a lot of rooms and a fireplace in every room. It had six rooms on the bottom floor and eleven ones on the upper floor. I didn’t really know yet what to do with such amounts of space, but extra space couldn’t hurt. Attached to the house was a large garage with place for three cars. Its outer stone walls were green from all the climbing plants and moss which gave me the idea for its name: The Green House.

After I bought the Green House I immediately scheduled its renovation. I scheduled the renovations around a vacation which ensured a break of at least 4 weeks. During those 4 weeks, using the renovations as a guise, I hired a secondary group of shady, expensive workers to extend the basement to go under the garden. This added around 110 meters squared to the basement. When they were done, the entrance to my ‘secret slave chambers’ was covered up again with the stones the entire basement was made of. I paid them, they never asked questions and left. The rest of the renovations went fine, none of the other workers discovered my secret chambers. I had instructed the renovations be aimed at reducing any kind of maintenance to the building: Strong storm proof windows, isolated walls, central heating, refurbished electronics etc. My goal was to not need any help, paid help that is, in maintaining the building. For, what I was planning, I needed total privacy.

Once my Green House was completed and furnished it was the epitome of the combination between classic 19th century mansion architecture with cutting edge technology. It had the feeling of an old mansion, but all the comfort and pleasure of modern technology. The outer walls were restored and now had barb wire and cameras on them. Those cameras, including the ones in the rest of the house could be watched from a security room in the basement. Every room had some hidden panel somewhere which could log in to the security system. And every room had one or more hidden fisheye cameras and microphones installed. All the doors were equipped with scanning devices which would open the door if somebody with the correct shoulder rfid-chip approached. Very handy if you lost your keys. I think the security installation team thought I was paranoid. I didn’t really care, I just hoped my slave surveillance and containment system would be fool proof.

I had one of the car parking places in the garage changed into a working place. It had almost anything a man would need to make any wooden construction. Woodworking had always been a hobby of mine and I was especially excited to make all kinds of wooden contraptions to test on my slave.

chapter 4) Kidnapping for dummies

With the house completed I could concentrate on training myself in kidnapping a nice highschool girl. I probably should have started earlier, but I was too busy with the house. In any case I figured that I should start with getting fitter and stronger. It wasn’t really easy for me, but after 1.5 months I was able to run 5 km and do 15 pushups. I tried to improve myself further, but figured that this would be a fine baseline for the rest of the things I wanted to practise such as tying knots, some basic martial arts etc.

By far the most interesting thing I did in this period was the female defense course. I found it quite valuable to understand the defensive reflexes of my prey. Normally these are for women only, no men allowed. But I got in by saying: “I’m really interested in experiencing the female perspective of day to day harassment a woman constantly receives.”. This must have been sufficiently feminist as I got in with a class of 15 other women. I thought it quite ironic, to be in a womans defense course while planning to assault a woman. The beginning of the course went over the basics of keeping yourself safe. Never walk home alone, at a bar watch your drink and make sure its not drugged etc. etc. The second half was more interesting: what to do when you were attacked. Things like, running away, blowing your rape whistle calling help. But also some defensive ‘fight’ moves. If your attacker holds you, but your hands are free: claw at his face, hit both his ears with your palms to snap his eardrums and go for the eyes. I was quite surprised at the brutality of these moves. They were clearly only aimed at inflicting maximum pain. It became worse though. If you have your legs free and are wearing high heels try to dig the heel in your attackers shin and then push it down. But the final cringe worthy defensive move was when you have access to your attackers balls: grab them, pinch them, pull them and twist them. Ow, I would not want that. But would probably be ok. I found that in the end all the moves were designed for weak women fighting drunk brutes. As long as I kept my head cool and didn’t allow my prey to move I would be fine and my prey would be mine.

I also took two ‘spy’ course. This was really a lot of fun. There were two different courses: one for surviving a hostile urban environment and the second one for surviving a more rural environment. They were very extensive courses which included everything from driving a get away car, dealing with interrogations and torture, blending in with your environment, slipping away from a guarded area, finding food and water and many other things. The end of each course involved a huge role play where we actually did all these things. It truly was a good practise for my future plans.

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