My Dear Sweet Slave: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

One finger, then two, Holly moved them back and forth inside Alice for the next few minutes, enjoying the sensation of the soft wet flesh against her own. With each slow plunge, she could feel the young girl’s asshole loosening and becoming more malleable. Her sexual appetite getting the better of her, Holly pulled out her glistening fingers and licked them clean of Alice’s sinful essence.

With strings of saliva stretching between her fingers, she reinserted them into Alice, along with her ring finger, making the smile on her face twist in euphoria. Several more minutes passed, with Alice just lying across Holly’s lap, getting her tight asshole fingered. In all honesty, Alice wished she and her new big sister could have just stayed like that forever. It was so pleasant, so calming, and yet so erotically delicious.

Speaking of delicious, Holly decided that it was time for Alice to get a taste of herself. Most of her hand now drenched, Holly offered her fingers to Alice. Gluttonously, Alice took them in her mouth, slurping up every droplet of her wetness and sucking on each finger like a straw. She loved the taste of her own body. Whether it was her pussy or her ass, she just couldn’t get enough.

If a genie magically appeared and offered her three wishes, one of those wishes would be reserved for the ability to bend over far enough and go down on herself.

“I’m so proud of you, you’ve turned into such a naughty slave. I’m sure Master will take pleasure in violating you,” Holly purred, subtly bragging about her own skills in her ability to train this eager recruit.

“I sure hope so! I can’t wait for him to come back and use me!” Alice squealed giddily, all while Holly continued to finger-fuck her asshole.

“Well we still have plenty time before he returns, and there is still so much you have to learn. So, let’s get started…”

Holly then reached down into a paper bag at the foot of the bed and pulled out a set of anal beads, six in total and each the size of a ping pong ball. Alice stared at the sex toy with wide eyes while Holly struggled to unwrap it. Goddamn plastic packaging! After a quick time-out for Holly to grab some scissors from the kitchen, she returned and freed the glass beads from their prison.

This time, Holly lied down on the bed with Alice on top of her in the 69 position. Unfortunately, the girls’ respective heights made it impossible for them to actually 69 each other, but that just meant that Holly had plenty of elbowroom to maneuver. She had her legs spread, letting Alice take solace in the taste of her pussy. Suddenly, all of her confidence was gone, and she now felt true fear for the pain she knew was coming.

“Ready?” Holly asked. Alice nodded. “Good, because I have another surprise for you. I almost forgot that I’m supposed to be teaching you how to love pain. So let’s try a little classical conditioning and association.”

Holly then reached into the nearby bedside table and pulled out her peanut rotor and the small pink remote. Inserting the plastic node into Alice’s pussy, Holly turned it on and watched in enjoyment as the young girl squirmed in awkward pleasure. Alice couldn’t believe the sensations buzzing through her. Was this one of those vibrators she had heard so much about? How could such a small toy cause such an intense feeling?! It felt like she had one of the Brookstone neck massagers crammed into her pussy!

With the toy buzzing inside Alice and filling her with overwhelming pleasure, Holly took the string of anal beads and thoroughly wet them with her mouth. Alice was going to need all the lubrication she could get.

With the first bead dripping with saliva, Holly offered no hesitation or mercy in her sudden insertion of it into Alice’s asshole. Alice immediately gagged as she felt the huge mass enter her, unable to believe it wasn’t tearing her open. Hell, she couldn’t imagine ever even taking a shit this big!

Bowing her head, she whined into Holly’s pussy, trying to distract herself with dedicated sweeps of her tongue inside of her big sister. She winced and shuddered with every millimeter Holly pushed the orb into her, and struggled not to cry as she felt the second bead make contact.

Ignoring Alice’s whimpers of pain, Holly forced the second bead into the girl’s tiny body, followed by the third and forth. By the fifth, Alice was on the verge of crying. The pressure was so intense, she could barely breath, but at the same time, the vibrator inside her was taunting her with an orgasm desperate to be released.

On one hand, she wanted it to stop desperately, but on the other, she would go insane and suffer the female equivalent of “blue balls” if Holly stopped now. She could only bear with it, suffering in both pleasure and pain as the fifth orb was pushed in, and at last, the sixth. All six ping pong balls were inside her, and the rotor was still buzzing.

“So, how does that feel?” Holly asked, loving the sight of the cord of the anal beads hanging out of Alice.

Deciding to tease her when she didn’t get a reply, Holly grabbed Alice’s plump little ass cheeks and rubbed them together, trying to grind her insides against the orbs inside her.

The sudden pressure sent a bolt of electricity up Alice’s spine. “It hurts, but I love it!”

“Well then, you’re going to love this,” Holly said with a grin as she grabbed the ring at the end of the cord and pulled it.


Moving just slow enough to avoid causing any actual harm to Alice, Holly pulled out the line of anal beads. While the pops were indeed loud, they didn’t even compare to the volume of Alice’s scream. While the sudden removal did hurt, it did trigger a thunderous orgasm within her, nearly making her squirt like Holly.

“I knew you could handle it, I’m so proud of you! Now we just do that for a little while longer and your ass will be ready for the next step.”

“Wait… can I please rest for a minute?” Alice whimpered, feeling the rotor within her triggering a rush of miniature climaxes.

When she received no reply, she looked back and was left awestruck. Holly was holding the string of anal beads up over her head, and opening her mouth, she slurped up the first bead.

No way… Alice thought to herself as she saw the string of beads slowly descend as Holly swallowed the first.

With the muscles of her throat churning like a giant piston, Holly swallowed the first bead, sucked on the second then swallowed it, sucked on the third one and then swallowed it, and so on. Once she had swallowed the whole thing, she slowly pulled it out of her throat, revealing it to be dripping with her saliva. Holy shit, was she a fucking drug mule?! What the fuck did her sisters do to her?!

“By the time Master comes home, you’ll have learned to do that in your sleep,” Holly hummed, speaking without the slightest crack in her voice.

Alice was left so dumbfounded by the spectacle and Holly’s prediction that she barely winced as the anal beads were reinserted into her.

The beads were inserted and removed from Alice’s tiny body almost a dozen more times. But surprising Alice, Holly would turn off the rotor and wait a few minutes after it was removed. As soon as the first bead would be inserted, the rotor would activate and buzz within her as full power. Pleasure would sweep through her like an electric shock and mix with the pain of the sodomy into a sensational double helix.

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