Salvation Ch. 2 The Governors by Zenythmon

“It’s all right gentlemen, Miss Fould’s. It’s not my intention to blackmail you.”

“So why are we here?” David asked in his usual gruff manner. His attention was drawn to the children on the dais, especially the little girl who was about the same age as his youngest daughter.

He remembered, that as he followed her up the stairs, he had wished it had been him that had spanked her little bottom. He would have put her over his knee and spanked her bottom whilst masturbating her. This was a favourite pastime.

“I think,” Richard addressed the meeting, “that our host here would like us to donate some funds to repair St Saviour’s. Am I right?” he asked.

Alice looked at Richard, pleased with his shrewd judgment and gauging the mood of the other guests, said “Lord Holmes is quite correct. This orphanage is in dire need of cash to repair its crumbling structure and to improve it in the way I’d like.”

“And you think I have the cash to help you?” scoffed the recently struck off doctor. He had a few pennies left, but had hoped to obtain a position here at St Saviour’s so he could practice away from the prying eyes of children’s parents and guardians.

Alice chuckled to herself. “But I think you’ll find the money, given the offer I am about to make you.” She told them.

“Does it involve the children?” Greta Foulds asked, her voice faltering as she looked at the boy and girl standing passively in front of her. They were the perfect age; young and impressionable, easily led and easily restrained.

Even now she could recall vividly, the feel of the children’s anuses around her finger as she pushed it deep into their bottoms and the feel of their little cocks and cunts as she bathed them. The long sessions she spent ensuring that the children controlled there masturbation habits, which resulted in very severe whippings over the trestle if they disobeyed.

Alice smiled making Greta blush with the thought that she knew what she was thinking about. “You’ve been looking at the children I see. Did you notice their large eyes and the vacant look, as if they are elsewhere?”

“Opium!” Richard remarked.

“Not Opium,” Alice told him. But a combination of drugs that work together like an aphrodisiac; speeding the heart and quickening the blood while also making their skin very tender.

“Another drug calms them, depressing any nervousness, ensuring their full co-operation.” “I’d love to know the name of those drugs,” Greta murmured.

“I’m sure. And perhaps, one day I might tell you and show you how to administer them,” Alice smiled gesturing to the women to start getting the children ready.

“You’re making a point?” David asked. He preferred his pleasures in private and hidden, just him and his two little girls. He wasn’t a pervert to be messing with little boys.

Alice looked at the four guests and smiled. “I sought you out because I know that you have similar tastes to myself and with your help St Saviour’s can be returned to its former glory.”

Greata Foulds laughed and all eyes turned towards her. “You honestly believe that we would want to become governors of St Saviour’s?” she asked.

Richard taken a back with her naivety and the lack of vision this ex governess had said. “Wait my dear. Wait until Miss Marchant has explained to us what she has in mind,” he urged.

“ No Miss Foulds,” Alice replied. St Saviour’s has been a privately run orphanage for the past 60 years and has managed in all that time to keep its anonymity. It is only now that I find it necessary; to seek out people such as yourselves, who can help me raise the necessary capital to restore St Saviour’s to its former glory.

As if on queue, the women knelt behind their charges, one to remove the girls’ kilt and the other to remove the boys shorts. This was done swiftly and their genitals were displayed within moments.

The girl’s shapely thighs were parted to expose her hairless cunt and then her clitoris was roughly manipulated whilst the boy’s balls were squeezed and his cock brought painfully to full erection.

The children were then slowly but firmly masturbated in front of these strangers and turned so their bottoms were also on show. Their reactions were to squirm as their pleasures were aroused and there bottoms cruelly pinched.

The contrast between David’s white bottom and Amy’s already crimson bottom was very plain to see and as they were pinched the girl’s struggles were very entertaining.

Spellbound the four guests stared at the children, their eyes drunk with lust as they looked up at the scene in front of them. The view was uninterrupted due the raised dais and the children were so passive even when so roughly handled.

“You’ll allow, examinations?” Jeremy asked breathlessly.

Pleased with Jeremy’s sudden outburst, Alice answered. “I believe that these children should visit the orphanage doctor on a regular basis, don’t you Doctor Stevens?” And there would be a new infirmary built, with perhaps two nurses as well a matron, to help hold the little darlings down.

“ Yes, yes!” Jeremy agreed, staring at the genitals of the attractive children in front of him and thinking of all the ways to make their intimate examinations hurt.”

“Is there anything you’ll not permit?” Richard asked. The thought of all the children at St Saviour’s at his disposal made him drool.

No more wandering the streets of Whitechapel to find children who are always filthy, only freshly bathed little darlings here.

No more mothers offering their daughters virginity only for him to find out the girl’s cunt had been sewn up yet again. The prospects were positively untold should he elect to join the new board of governors at St Saviour’s orphanage.

“They’ll need punishing,” Greta told them. She looked around her, waiting for someone else to nod his or her agreement before she continued. “They will need to be taught to control their passions,” she said, her eyes fixed on the children as they continued to squirm obscenely, the girl now with her legs parted widely as she had her clitoris rubbed and the boy gyrating his hips as his erect cock was roughly handled.

“A good point Miss Foulds.” agreed Alice, as she stood up and strode over to the little girl capturing her by the hair and then dragging her to a nearby chair ignoring the yelp of pain she gave.

“As I told you.” She said sitting down and pulling the child over her lap so her already sore bottom was in full view to the now stunned audience. “One of the affects of this drug is to sensitise the skin and this means that she will react strongly to the slightest touch.” She explained.

Her hand rose, hovered for a moment and then the cruel spanking started. Amy’s scream was a shrill and her bottom turned an even deeper red as she writhed and twisting obscenely exposing her genitals. It was at least five long minutes before Alice stopped spanking Amy and started to massage her bottom.

“We have another drug, easily administered, which works to reduce their sense of touch. The measure of the dose decides how much pain can be inflicted before being felt.” Alice explained.

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