Salvation Ch. 6 New Routines by Zenythmon

Perhaps he would even get a chance to try out his new fangled electric apparatus on them, noting their reactions in the journal that was kept for each child at St Saviour’s.

Standing in the centre of the surgery, he looked around him at the empty seats that had been placed in a horseshoe overlooking the examination table, raised up by two tiers, much like the teaching hospitals where audiences of learned medics looked down on the operations. Within days these seats would be filled by governors and patrons alike all eager to watch as he medically abused the children, aided by mirrors that re-directing the light from the windows that were high up in the room to focus down onto the main examination table ensuring a bright and detailed view of the patient.

Nurse Bishop stood by the open door, excitedly waiting for the children to be realised from their morning cleansings. Then suddenly she heard the sound of children being marched down the backstairs, they’re nervous chattering getting much louder as they got nearer the surgery.

“Come along children, don’t dawdle,” Mable shouted, the sound of bottoms being spanked echoing throughout the building.

“They’re here Doctor,” Anne signalled.

Anne had great difficulty containing her excitement as she led the children who had been kept naked to sit on the hard wooden benches that had been arranged in the waiting room.

These benches had separate seats carved out into the long benches so that each child would sit apart from those next to them. However, the seat had a central seam that separated their bottoms, ensuring that they sat with their full weight directly on their sore genitals, causing them to fidget and cry out.

“Sit still now, or I will give you something to cry about,” Mable shouted as she strode up and down the waiting room, a cruel smile on her face as she watched their anxious struggles with amusement.

“Show in the first one please nurse,” Dr Stevens said.

He could already imagine an audience in attendance focused on his hands and instruments as he examined their intimate flesh. Anne curtsied and hurried to obey, grabbing the first child that came to hand in what was becoming a very noisy waiting room.

“This is Robert doctor, he is twelve years old” Anne said, as she brought the naked child in and closed the door behind her.

“Robert is from Deptford Workhouse, doctor,” Anne said as she helped the little boy to climb onto the raised podium.

“Hello Robert,” the doctor smiled, reaching for the lad and quickly examining his eyes, ears, noise and mouth.

Anne then consulted Robert’s journal for the entries made by Miss Appleyard the seamstress that recorded his measurements and his responses to being intimately handled for the first time.

“He seems healthy enough,” Jeremy said, as he looked the boy over.

“Patricia Appleyard noted in Robert’s journal, that his penis although a little small for his age does erect nicely and his testicles are a good size. Robert’s bottom is very nicely proportioned and has a excellent resistance to pain, but his anus reacts very sensitively to entry.” Anne smiled as she read this out to Doctor Stevens who continued with Robert’s examination.

Gripping the boy’s firm skin around one nipple, he harshly pinched, pulled and twisted it between his finger and thumb.

Robert gasped and jerked.

Jeremy nodded. “Yes, he does have a good pain threshold,” he said as he released the nipple only to do the same to the other and then watch them both flood with colour.

Turning his attention now to Robert’s cock the doctor started to manipulate it roughly between his fingers.

“His penis is overly small,” Jeremy noted, as he considered what course of action to take.

Thanks to Miss Bolton’s friendship with Dr Samuel Croft, St Saviour’s now had special instruments and equipment that could be used to correct many different genital disorders, the vacuum enhancer or the weight suspension tool to name just two.

“Make a note for his penis to be drawn during his sleep,”

Matron and her young assistants had used these special tools many times before with much success and would attach a leather sheaf around his cock suspending weights to the end of it, pulling and stretching his cock every night until it showed signs of lengthening.

Doctor Stevens then turned Robert around to exam his bottom, spanking him hard to discern how the milky flesh would change colour, then used a pair dividers to pry his bottom apart so he could exam his anus.

“Ah!” Jeremy said, nodding his head as he roughly fingered Robert’s anus taking little notice of his struggles.

“A size three plug please nurse,” he called urgently.

Nurse Bishop rushed to obtain one and then watched the doctor as he inserted the plug deep into the boy’s anus. The sight made her groan with longing and made Jeremy grin knowingly.

No doubt Patricia Appleyard had also made her one of those special harnesses, the ones onto which ladies could fix the new rubberised penises.

“A long history of buggery I suspect,” he suggested to the nurse.

“Such a sweet little boy and what a tight little anus to bugger,” Anne thought as she watched him remove the plug from the boy’s distended anus, making a note in his journal to highlight this condition to others.

Doctor Stevens turned the boy around again and smiled as he saw that his cock was now fully erect and stuck straight out from his little loins, its length and thickness similar to the doctor’s middle finger. “Do you think that Alice will keep him?” Anne asked afterwards, while Jeremy washed his hands before the next child was ushered in.

“Hard to say,” Jeremy admitted. “Alice would prefer we choose well endowed boys. Yet he may have some other redeeming attributes. Let’s wait and see how he reacts to all the harsh punishments,” he suggested.

Anne nodded. Miss Marchant needed all types of children. Not only those who were well developed for their age, but opposites too, the stoic and the frightened, the timid and the ones who really scream and struggle.

It is the responsibility of Dr Steven’s and Nurse Bishop to examine and then to select the right type of child for each entertainment, based on their knowledge of both the child’s abilities and the patron’s passions.

Nurse Bishop chose a pretty little girl for the doctor’s next examination.

He smiled at the child as he waited for her to step up timidly onto the podium, her large round eyes scanning the rows of empty seats in front of her.

“This is Sally doctor, she is eleven years old,” Anne said.

So, Sally,” he said as he checked her hair, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. “Do you like it here?” he asked.

“It’s alright I suppose,” she told him, as she looked around her. “What are all those seats for?” Sally asked the doctor, her voice trembling.

“They are so the rich patrons who donate money so you can live here can watch as we ensure you’re all kept fit and healthy,” he said as he looked at her pretty little body, feeling his cock begin to grow in his breeches.

The child had lovely skin, almost translucent and especially alluring as she was just entering puberty. As the doctor moved closer to her, Sally opened her legs for him, striking a pose that was not unfamiliar to her.

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