Salvation Ch. 6 New Routines by Zenythmon

“You like being touched, do you?” he chuckled, stepping up to her to tap her chest, and then listened as she inhaled.

“It’s alright I suppose,” she shrugged.

Jeremy fondled the child’s delicate little breasts and watched as her nipples started to harden, enjoying the feel of the soft smooth skin for a few long moments, before his caresses turned to powerful twisting and squeezing.

The little girl cried out in pain, her eyes widening in shock as he continued to twist her nipples until she doubled over, her hands flying to cover herself and protect her bruised little breasts.

“Very strong response,” he noted.

Anne wrote this observation down in Sally’s journal and then watched as Jeremy encouraged the girl to stand straight again by giving her bottom a few sharp smacks, his hands going straight between her widely parted thighs to exam her hairless little cunt.

“Mm, damp,” he said. The little girl gasped, her face brightening as she rose onto her toes. “No hymen, but tight though,” He admitted. He withdrew his hand and inspected his fingers, the middle one gleaming with wetness. He then told her to turn around and bend over.

Whimpering quietly and looking nervously at the two adults, Sally rubbed her bruised little breasts before obeying the command. Dr Stevens waited patiently but was not satisfied with her response, so a sound spanking was administered without waiting, instantly turning her beautiful pearl white skin to a pretty dark red glow.

Sally started to scream and struggled to evade the pain, much to the delight of Jeremy and Anne who were enjoying the spectacle.

“She has sensitive skin that reacts well to pain,” Jeremy remarked.

Jeremy fondled her sore little bottom for a few long moments before picking up the dividers to examine her anus, watching it tense and then shudder as he let his fingers brush against her already moist little vagina.

“Anyone touch you here?” he asked.

As he waited for her reply, he tested the tightness of her anus by slipping his finger deep inside, the sudden pain causing the child to step forward and nearly off the podium.

“A fingering,” she admitted.

“Liked it too, didn’t you?” he asked her, the fingers of one hand continuing to exam her anus whilst he slowly masturbated her engorged clitoris with the other.

“Sometimes. If it was done nice.” She admitted.

“Show us,” he told her. Anne rose and walked across the room, her face flushed as she knelt behind the child inches away from her sweet little bottom to watch as Sally moistened her finger in her mouth, then reach between her legs to place her index finger up against her puckered little anus.

With a grunt she pushed her finger all the way into her anus and started to slip it in and out with a slow rhythm, completely unaware of how erotic the site was to her appreciative audience.

“You’ve had a cock up here too, haven’t you?” Jeremy asked her as he continued to masturbate her, slipping two then three fingers up her little cunt, pulling her finger out of her anus so he could replace it with a slender anal probe.

“Only tofts that would feed me, or let me spend the night with them in their nice warm bed,” she admitted, her breath quickening even more as the anal probe slid back and forth testing her sensitive anal sphincter.

“Look how it opens!” Anne marvelled.

“Very pliant,” Jeremy agreed. He drew the probe from her bottom and pressed the ball of his thumb up against her erect clitoris, listening to her swooning as he rubbed rhythmically, her wetness dripping onto his thumb.

Doctor Stevens then stepped away, leaving the girl in a high state of arousal to consult with Nurse Bishop. Please make a note of these findings in her journal.

“Certainly doctor,” Anne answered.

“Do you want Sally to put on the list for tonight’s entertainments?” Anne smiled as she wrote down the details.

Alice had asked them earlier to find a few special children to entertain the patrons that evening. They both knew exactly what Alice had in mind and Sally would be perfect as one of these little entertainers.

“Masturbate for us!” he demanded.

Sally obeyed without complaint, her face showing her enormous relief.

With a groan the child reached between her legs and slipped a finger into her wet cunt and another into her anus, masturbating slowly in a purposeful rhythm, until her breath quickened and then escalated into a sharp cry as she finally succeeded in reaching her climax.

“Happy now?” Jeremy smiled as he asked the now blushing little girl.

“Yes doctor!” Sally admitted.

“Good run along now, we have many more children to examine before lunch,” he told her with a new excitement in his voice. Anne helped the child down from the raised podium and then escorted her into another room next to the surgery where the matron was waiting for them.

Unlike the waiting room where the children were gathered for their examinations, this was room was sound proofed and private which gave matron the opportunity to thoroughly interrogate the children after their examinations.

Nurse bishop knew not to keep matron waiting before taking the children to her to interrogate. Rebecca Bolton was a cruel woman and always complained bitterly to Miss Marchant if she didn’t have the time to properly enjoy herself with the children.

“Sally has been chosen to entertain the patrons tonight,” Anne told matron, as the girl’s eyes sparkling with pride. “It is her first opportunity to earn a badge,” Anne said as she smiled knowingly towards Rebecca.

“I will leave you to prepare Sally for tonight,” Anne said closing the thick oak door behind her.

Knowing that she wouldn’t be able hear the screams as Rebecca interrogated the girl, as she prepared her mind with special drugs and her delicate skin with the confusing feelings of being both pinched then massaged, Anne made her way back to the waiting room.

Matron knew just how to persuade a child to cooperate in her little games and how to bring the best out of their flagging loins, livening up their delicate skin in preparation for the entertainments and just how to make them service her arching cunt willingly.

“Another little girl I think,” Anne thought to herself, rubbing her cold hands together in excitement, as she heard the commotion the children were making from having to sit on the hard benches in the waiting room.

Tonight’s entertainments would be the first to take place in the newly built dungeons and it was going to be a grand affair.

These little tarts are going to entertain the lusting audience by being sexually and physically tortured and there will be no mercy shown, as Alice Marchant is determined to put on a good show and impress her wealthy audience.

All the governors, patrons and staff would be there to watch, as the specially chosen boys and girls entertain them and try their best to earn the much sort after badges. The apparatus and equipment is now in place along with all the seating.

All that is needed now is for the audience to arrive and the little tarts to be severed up in they’re staring roles.

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