Sexpionage 5 – Infiltration by Sfor

Her heels clicked loudly on the pavement as she made her way to the doors of the tall white building. Yulia couldn’t afford to mess up this interview, she knew that she would have to do whatever it takes!

Luckily there was a set of public restrooms inside on the main floor, she first had to ask permission from the reception, and say that she was here for an interview. Her clean and polished look left the fawning young man in no doubt that she was being genuine … if only he knew.

“Stay calm Yulia, you definitely have this …” She mumbled to herself looking at her face, hair and cleavage, as she fixed her lip gloss.

She pulled out a hairbrush from her purse and quickly gave her hair one more sweep, at this rate she’d be bald if she didn’t leave her locks alone!

After checking the time again Yulia thought she might as well go on up to the department where she’d be interviewed. Her skirt was short but not slutty, and she had on a new low-cut blouse with a belt to fit her nicely, she was confident that she looked the part of a full time Personal Assistant!

“Good morning, my name is Yulia, I’m here for my interview with Mr Snodgrass.” She said to the acerbic, old looking receptionist at the main desk on Floor 4.

“He will be with you soon. Take a seat.”

Yulia walked over to the chairs and sat down feeling annoyed. She was getting bad vibes off that old crow at the desk, and hoped she wouldn’t have to deal with her too often. She picked up a magazine and tried to read some of it, but her nerves just wouldn’t allow it. She kept peeking at the clock above the sour-faced secretary what felt like every second. She took a deep breath and decided she would just relax, and read until she calmed down.

Right before she could finish reading her fifth article, this one about how to get a beach body in two months, she heard a door open and a fit looking, balding but kind of still handsome, guy stepped out. Yulia looked up.

“Mrs Davies, is the girl here yet?” He said, sounding mildly annoyed.

The receptionist pointed at Yulia and Mr Snodgrass turned, she quickly smiled and stood up.

“Good morning Mr Snodgrass, I’d like to thank you for even considering me for an interview.” She said looking up at the tall man and smiling.

“Yes well, Yulia is it? Let’s get the interview started, shall we?” He replied whilst eyeing her from head to toe, before turning and heading into his office.

Yulia followed, her smile fading as quickly as it had been put on. Suddenly she wasn’t feeling quite as positive.

Aaron Snodgrass sat down at his desk and pointed at the small chair across from it, indicating that Yulia should take a seat.

“Right Yulia, I’m going to be quite honest, I have looked at your resume and it seems to me that you might be a little over qualified for this job, but …”

Over qualified? What the fuck had the centre put online about her experience – she hadn’t even seen the resume that had been sent in on her behalf when the interview was ‘secured’.

“… so, my concern is that you would not be committed enough in order to do things to my satisfaction.” He said sighing and looking at her.

Yulia was trying to think fast inside her head. She had barely sat down and already the interview felt like it was nearly over… what could she do! Sweet talk perhaps?

“Well Mr Snodgrass, I’m very grateful that you agreed to meet me, I’m aware that I’m a bit over qualified …” not that she had any idea how, “… but I promise if you give me a chance, I’ll work my hardest, and do everything you say.” Yulia said eagerly.

That’s when she noticed Mr Snodgrass was barely even listening to her speak, she followed his gaze and realised he was staring at her chest.

Yulia panicked, but realised, this might work to her advantage …

A sudden head peeking into the room jolted Mr Snodgrass out of his trance, it was Mrs Davies.

“Mr Snodgrass, I’ll be taking my break now. Did you want a latte, and you dear? Anything?” Mrs Davies asked.

Mr Snodgrass made the decision for both of them and just shook his head. Mrs Davies left, closing the door, leaving interviewer and interviewee together alone once more.

“So Yulia, you will do everything I say huh?” He said, leaning back in his chair and placing his arms behind his head.

Yulia glanced at the wedding ring on his hand and closed her eyes. She just had to do something, this interview needed to be saved!

“Well Mr Snodgrass, I can promise you that if you employed me, I’d definitely make you very happy, I’m hardworking, and a very practically minded,” She said in a sultry tone, tilting her head slightly and chewing gently on her lower lip.

Mr Snodgrass stared at her hard for a few moments, shifting in his chair just a little.

“I’m sure you are Yulia…” He said quietly, his eyes drifting once more as he checked out her nubile body.

The girl leaned forward a little and she knew at this angle, he’d be able to see right down her blouse at her new black lace bra she was wearing. He wondered if she really would be able to do anything he wanted.

AI Tech HQ, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC

Yulia crossed her legs to make sure her skirt hiked up even more, showing quite an expanse of bare thigh. She knew the plan to entice him was working. A quick glance at Mr Snodgrass’s pants was all she needed for evidence, seeing that the crotch of them was slowly beginning to bulge out as he continued to ogle her.

Aaron Snodgrass cleared his throat and stood up, walking over and standing in front of her, impinging upon her personal space, his crotch bulging very close to her face.

“Well, there are lots of things I’d want you to do around here Yulia, maybe even more than just manage my diary … and I’d probably need you to stay later with me some nights, to handle important business … and maybe help to ‘secure’ important business contacts.”

She knew exactly what he meant and she could not stop herself from glancing at what had developed into a rather aggressive looking bulge. She stared at his crotch and knew that it was now or never!

“Well, I will be willing to do whatever you need sir, Like I said, I’d be a very good girl for you.”

As Mr Snodgrass stood, Yulia dropped to her knees, burying her face in his pants and inhaling his warm and manly scent.

Feeling his swelling press against her lips as she began to kiss along its hard length, causing the man above her to grunt. He wasted no time undoing his belt and zipper, tugging his pants down along with his boxers, and revealing a very hard, thick cock.

“Well then you little slut, why don’t you show me just how dedicated to this job you’d be.” He said smirking, rubbing his erection over her cheek.

Yulia smiled, swallowed her pride, and took his large shaft into her delicate hand, stroking it slowly as she ran her tongue slowly along the length, before swirling it around the head.

“Oh Mr Snodgrass, you are so … big. I hope I can handle it all.”

Sickened at her own behaviour, but knowing how important it was, the beautiful Agent took him deeper between her lips and began sucking, making the skin slick with her saliva, glistening and wet. With her free hand she reached underneath and began to massage his heavy ball sac as she worked on his cock, sucking and nibbling away at it.

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