Sexpionage 5 – Infiltration by Sfor

Then he was kissing her back, open mouthed on her neck and shoulders, leaving wet traces on her smooth skin. Yulia moved even closer to him, until there was not an inch left between their bodies, wrapped one hand around his shoulders and ran her fingers through his hair. With her other hand, she was unbuttoning his shirt. Despite her revulsion and hatred of this man she had thrown herself upon his whim and desire …

This time she had to willingly give him everything he wanted, so she put his hands on her shoulders and with her fingers on top of his pulled the straps of her dress down until the material fell to her waist, leaving her breasts covered only by a thin layer of flowery patterned lace.

Snodgrass soon realised that she was being compliant and obedient, and that he could do anything he wanted to her, and it awoke his primal instinct. Reaching around her body he unclasped her bra and that too fell away.

He grabbed Yulia by the hips and lifted her into the air, until their faces were at the same level, then kissed her again while she was holding onto his shoulders. Moving easily the large man kicked the door to the anteroom open and then closed the door in the same manner before pressing Yulia up against it.

The Agent forced a groan when he pulled up the skirt of her dress and wrapped her legs around his waist; she was almost fully naked and hardly breathing. Yulia was squeezed between the wooden door and his broad chest, which felt even harder than the door, with his tongue so deeply entrenched inside her mouth and his insatiable hands everywhere.

She dug her fingers into his body in a last desperate attempt to push him off, but he only pressed harder into her instead. She sensed him undoing his pants with one hand and Yulia closed her eyes trying to imagine that this was not happening to her, but to somebody else, and very far away.

AI Tech HQ, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC

Yulia clenched her teeth when he started to fuck her. He wasn’t making any type of love to her, not even having gentle sex with her, no, he was fucking her ruthlessly, hard against the door and fast and very deep!

She finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Please Mister Snodgrass, Aaron … you’re hurting me!”

She called him by his name and he stopped moving immediately and looked into her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered into her mouth before kissing his PA again, this time more gently. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” He lowered her down to the floor and began softly caressing her tense, flat stomach with his fingertips, relaxing every one of her muscles little by little. Lowering his head Snodgrass moved his tongue and lips along her neck down to her exposed breasts until Yulia closed my eyes and stopped resisting him.

He was moving very slowly now, letting her get used to his size.

“Don’t be afraid of me, Yulia,” he purred into her ear before nibbling at the end of it. “… I want you to feel good. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

“Kiss me,” she asked him not even knowing why.

He did, just the way she wanted him to, and Yulia felt her heart start beating faster.

“Why don’t you take charge Yulia, I will do whatever you want me to.” He smiled at her again and pulled her up until they were both were sitting on the carpet, with the beautiful Agent straddling her boss.

No, she thought, I don’t want to be in charge. Before he said that Yulia could at least pacify myself with the thought that he was doing something to her, and she was just a helpless victim being submissively obedient for a reason. But now he turned her into the initiator, and it was so embarrassing, so shameful …

But she could not afford to let this slip and Yulia began kissing him, slowly moving her hips up and down on his big hard cock. No, it wasn’t shameful, it was shameless, sinful, exciting and very, very arousing. I pulled his shirt open and slipped it off his shoulders, scratching her lips on his unshaven neck and cheek. He had several scars on his neck, and she kissed every single one and the ones on his face. And then, Yulia didn’t even know why, she just wanted to do it … she traced the tip of her tongue along the wider one on his left cheek.

She might as well have sent an electric shock through his body to get the same effect. He inhaled sharply and dug his fingers into her back.

“Yulia, what are you doing to me? I knew you wanted me, I could tell, but I never dreamed …” He breathed out, looking to find her lips again. She was kissing him the way passionately, liking the feeling herself … it wasn’t supposed to be like this!

She was terrified of how this felt, and failed to sense that she was now writhing faster upon his erection, letting him go all the way inside, harder, stronger, deeper driving both of them over the edge until he pushed her down to the floor and attacked her again with all the force he had.

Yulia was screaming but this time it was with pleasure, leaving scratches on his skin, arching her back and gasping for air, saying his name over and over again.

Yulia’s Apartment, The Aspen Block, 4th Street NW, Washington, DC

“Good work Agent Novikova, we have the documents, Agent K and yourself are to be highly commended.”

“Thank you, Comrade Colonel …”

Yulia had resigned her job just a few days later, with Snodgrass remaining none the wiser that his computer had been hacked. She cited her inability to work so closely with someone for whom she had such confusing feelings. But in reality, there was no confusion, despite the crazy sex they had outside his office, she hated Snodgrass with all her heart for the things he made her do that night at the Crucible Club.

“In a few days Agent Novikova you will receive tickets for a flight to Bali. You will stay there for a week and relax. We will be in touch.”

Postcards from Bali …

(Told from the PoV of Ekaterina herself)

Private Beach, Amandari Resort, Bali, Indonesia

Bali had been wonderful. A whole week of sun, sea and sand … not to mention wine and great food.

Vacation romances were not for me unfortunately, there was too much for me to lose, too many opportunities to let something slip. Being an SVR Agent was a lonely occupation, but that did not stop me from having a brilliant time.

However, on the last but one day something happened, or should I say ‘someone’.

I wouldn’t say that I was prone to girl-crushes, but it paid to be a just a little open to bi-sexuality in my line of work! And so, having seen the girl with the frizzy red hair the day before down by the pool, and spent that time making, and then avoiding, eye contact, I couldn’t help but notice when, today, she made her way towards me.

I had my sunglasses on allowing me to admire her tight, tanned body until she stopped about 10 metres from me and proceeded to lay out her towel. My God, her ass looked so delicious as she bent over to fix her place in the sand. I just kept staring, and no matter how I tried to fight it, I was simply filled with desire. She looked over towards me and gave me a great big smile. I smiled back and we both mouthed “Hi” to one another at nearly the same time.

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