A Day In the Woods Chapt 8 9 and 10 by Cybrgigolo

A Day In the Woods Chapt 8 9 and 10 by Cybrgigolo

Embark on a tantalizing journey in ‘A Day In the Woods: Chapters 8-10’ by Cybrgigolo. Explore the seductive twists and passionate encounters that unfold amidst the trees, as desire ignites in the wild. Dare to lose yourself in this steamy adventure—where every page promises forbidden thrills and unrestrained pleasure!

Three more chapters should keep ya busy

A Day In the Woods – Chapter 8

Paul answered the phone. He was starting to get worried. He had been home for a few hours and heard nothing from Jessica. He called the office and got no reply. She didn’t answer her cell phone. Out of desperation he even called her apartment – still nothing. He feared the worse that she had been in an accident, but in his gut he knew there was a worse beyond that. He was relieved to hear his mate’s voice, and then he sensed the apprehensiveness in her voice and asked what was wrong. Jessica started to sob as she recalled to Paul everything that had happened.

Paul’s heart sunk. He knew the full meaning of everything that Jessica had just told him. He was silent as he tried to think of what they could do, but his mind was blank. All he could think of and focus on was the trouble that Jessica could be and what her fate would be. He wondered if they could just leave. Leave the security of the pack and go out on their own. He had money saved, they could just up and leave and forget all of this and go out on their own. As he was trying to put it all together Jessica told him that she would call Mike. Paul snapped back to reality, he said that he would tell him but Jessica said it was her responsibility to tell him. Paul agreed and said for her to call immediately as he was going to head over to their house.

Beth was working away at the reproductive problem. She knew she had to be close, there were a finite set of possibilities and she was narrowing down how many were left. The hybrid fact added a twist to it but she was still working under the pretense of normal human reproductivity. Eliot was checking through the gate. He noticed the new guard there but thought nothing of it. Guards change all the time; he smiled thinking about the “changing of the guard” he was eager to see Beth. They had been getting close, not only to solving the problem but to each other as well. Eliot was remembering the times of when they were younger as he drove through the gate. The young guard took notice of him as well, and the car he was driving and the license plate number. He looked through his note pad; as he thought it was it was the same car, and he knew, the same man from the park earlier. Justin Blake may have just found himself a way to get off of guard duty as quickly as he got on. He checked the man through as he was in the log for a pass. As he drove off he made a note of it and thought how ironic that he be placed here and this to happen.

Mike’s face was shocked as Jessica told him what had happened. As he was trying to put together a plan of action Jean had just let Paul in. Mike glared at Paul; he hung up the phone and told Paul, “We have to go.” Paul agreed and the two men left and got into Mike’s van. Mike wasted no time in getting into the city. Traffic had decreased some at least and the majority of what was left was trying to get out of the city, not in. He asked Paul if there was anything else, was there something that Jessica hadn’t told him? Paul said he knew as much as he did. He apologized for his wife. Mike had told him that the woman was still alive, “It would have been easier to take care of if she had died though.” Paul was shocked to hear his friend speak like that. He had always thought of Mike as more of a passivist, but now understood why he was the leader and why things ran as smoothly as they did. He reassured him that they would come up with something and also that at this point in time, he had no reason to make things any worse for Jessica.

Paul was relieved to hear that. After hearing Mike’s take on the situation he was starting to fear for his mates’ life as well. The two of them pulled into the apartment complex lot. Paul felt a knot in his stomach as they got closer to Jessica’s apartment. What Paul didn’t know is that Mike felt the same way. As they started to climb the stairs Jessica ran out the door and greeted them. The three of them hurried and shut the door. Jessica had cleaned up everything and had dressed Anne’s wounds. The two men looked at everything, and then Paul went and hugged Jessica. She was trembling and wasn’t sure what Mike would do.

Eliot walked into the lab and over to Beth. They sat and discussed where they thought things should go and what they should do next. Beth explained how they were running out of opportunities, something that Eliot knew too well. He exhausted all of his, that’s what brought him here. Beth said she wanted to take a look at the ovum again, one of Jessica’s before the change and one after. The lab’s high power microscope had been down and they had just gotten it repaired today, finally. The work had put the lab behind terribly but Beth had arranged for them to have access to it for half an hour tonight while everyone was on break. Her boss was a little suspicious but granted her the request. It was originally proposed that they stagger breaks so that they could continuously work and try to get things caught up. Beth desperately wanted the chance to use the large scope though.

As the rest of the group went to break Beth and Eliot had gathered everything together they would need. The two of them worked quickly as they knew they wouldn’t have long. Eliot prepared the specimens for examination as Beth worked on the adjustments on the scope. Eliot placed the two ova in position and stepped back to be with Beth. As she started to run the exam she also made use of the scope’s ability to record the images. As the image came into view Beth smiled that the scope was working again. As she increased the magnification Eliot and Beth looked at each other and smiled. Before them was finally the possible answer.

Paul had gone to get the van and moved it up by the door as Mike had told him. He had sent Jessica to get a bag together for Anne, a couple changes of clothes and some personal items. He also asked her to find an address book she may keep. They would have to call her boss and let them know she would be out of work for awhile. He also wanted the names and numbers of anyone close to her, people like her ex and her mother. They would undoubtedly call her at some point in time and he wanted to be proactive instead of waiting for them. Jessica found the address book but also found a journal Anne kept. She quickly read through it, especially the part about the Saturday in the park and time she was with Jessica. Jessica put the journal back in the drawer and took the bag down to the van. She placed it in back and she and Paul went back upstairs. Although Mike had told him everything would be ok, he still held Jessica’s hand tightly as she did his. As they walked into the apartment Mike told them to give him a hand. He had Anne by the shoulders and told Paul to get her feet. Jessica was to lock up after them and make sure no one was looking. Quickly they loaded Anne into the van. Mike told Jessica to get into her car and follow them home.


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