Daisy punana – Chap 5 by AsDiane

punana heard Master walking around the room, picking things up and putting them down. it wasn’t sure what He was up to but it was excited. Things were changing. Maybe He was going to start fucking it again, maybe He would give it to his friends like in the old days, use it for His own pleasure instead of using it to placate His wife and friend.

Master came closer now and helped punana to its feet. it had to stand high on the balls of its feet, the steel spikes shooting pain up the backs of its legs, its 52DD chest keeping it off balance. He came closer and pressed His lips against its and it melted. A gush of fluid ran down the insides of its legs, it felt the degrading feeling in the pit of its stomach when the dripping got audible. Drip, drip, drip between its legs and onto the floor. it started crying and leaned harder against Master. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m disgusting and dirty Master,” it cried.

“What is dripping, Daisy?” He asked calmly, holding it away and looking it in the eyes.


“Shhh…” He said, interrupting it. “You can’t see me, can you?”

it cried louder now. “No, Master, no.”

He nodded. “How long have the blackout lenses been in place?”

“Ov…over a…a year, Sir,” it sobbed, turning its head.

it felt his finger at its right eye, pulling the lid open wide.

“Please! Please! No!” punana trembled, terrified what it would be like seeing light again after so long.

“It’ll be all right,” Master said. “It’ll be all right. I want you to close your eye as soon as I take the contact out, do you understand?”

punana shuddered, leaned back slightly, let out a small scream as the pain shot up from the spike in its heel. it jerked forward, fell against Master, who held it in place gently.

“Easy, easy.”

He wet His finger and brought His hand back to its face, taking the contact out of its left eye. it blinked and closed its eye immediately, shaking slightly, holding Him tight. “Shhh. Shhh…” He did the same with its other eye, then slid the contacts into his pocket.

“Come,” He said, leading it to the bed. He helped it sit on the edge of the bed, taking the weight off of its feet. it said, “thank you, Master.”

“Stay here with your eyes closed,” He said. it heard Him walk across the room and heard a “click” as He switched off the lights. it felt a flood of confusion. He was being so tender, more even than when they’d first got together. It was frightening, He was too controlled, too kind. it wondered about its future, would it really be better than what it had been through lately with Tiffany and the Doctor?

it felt Him sit down on the bed beside it.

“All right, open your eyes slowly,” he said. He put His arm around its waist and held it steady.

punana opened its eyes just a slit and saw dim light. it opened them more and saw blurry objects in front of it. it squeezed its eyes shut and threw itself into Master’s chest. “I can’t see, I can’t see,” it muttered.

“Open your eyes,” He said, firmly now. punana went stiff and sat up. it opened its eyes slowly and in less than a minute it was able to see things in the room, chairs, a lamp, the dresser. Pictures on the wall.

“Thank you, Master, thank you Master,” punana repeated over and over.

“I want you to see something,” He said.

“Yes?” it asked.

Master handed it a mirror. punana dropped the mirror in its lap and shook its head. “I can’t. I can’t look.”

Master raised His hand and ran it across the side of punana’s head. it felt His fingers circling its ears. its ears! “They told me they had been cut off!” punana cried. it tried to raise its arms but they were still too weak. Master helped it and it felt its own ears for the first time in months. “They lied to me,” punana muttered quietly. Master nodded. “Yes, and you were too afraid to check.”

“But, my teeth are gone,” punana said.

Master nodded. “Yes, that they couldn’t fake.” He got up and walked to the dresser, opened a drawer. He took out a small box and handed it to punana. it opened the box and looked inside. “Dentures,” He said. punana’s eyes watered.

“And your nose,” He said. punana tilted the mirror again and saw that its nostrils were only slightly larger than they had been. “They had been huge, but the skin wasn’t stretched and they’ve gone back to their original size.”

punana looked down at its chest.

“That won’t change. In fact, that’s important for what I have in mind,” Master said but didn’t elaborate.

“And my vagina?” punana asked.

“It will stay the way it is.” punana nodded. it was angry at Doctor Tom and Tiffany for what they had done to it and felt horrible that the surgery couldn’t be reversed.

“The surgery cannot be undone?” punana asked.

Master looked punana directly in the eyes and said, “that was my doing.”

punana felt the bottom fall out of its stomach. What they had done to it down there was the single worst thing of all. And that had been His doing. Maybe Doctor Tom and Tiffany were not the evil things punana had been led to believe all along.

“Look at your face,” Master said. punana tilted the mirror again and looked closely at its features. it was pretty. it was pretty. They hadn’t tattooed or pierced or done anything else permanent to it.

“And we’re going to let your hair grow back,” Master said. Then, more quietly, “not that it will do you any good where you’re going.”

“And now,” He said to punana. “You were going to tell me what is dripping all over my floor.”

punana started to speak but He put his finger on its mouth.

“Look me in the eye.” punana raised its head and met His stare. “It is…” punana lowered its gaze but He put His hand under its chin and tilted its head back. “Say it.”

“It’s … ” punana started crying again and Master slapped its face hard, two, three, four, five times.

“It’s horse, Master. It’s from the horse.”

He nodded and told punana to lay back on the bed and open its legs wide. it did, still sobbing, head turned away from Him. it felt His hand between its legs, sliding between the big mare labia, sliding easily up into its body, pushing in and out deep.

“nnnngggghhhh,” it moaned, its hands going to its clitoris again, rubbing fast. Master pushed in and out fast, punana hearing the loud slurping sound coming from between its legs, crying its humiliation.

Master climbed on the bed and held His hand over punana’s face, shaking it until globs of horse cum feel into punana’s open mouth. He pressed His hand into its face and it started licking Him clean, still masturbating wildly, cumming with wild shudders. He repeated the process over and over until His hand came out of its cunt clean, then got up and went into the bathroom to wash up.

“Enough of that. Follow me,” He said when He came back in the room. punana rolled forward, lost its balance and fell forward on the floor, landing on its huge tits and gasping from the pain. Master calmly walked to the door. punana crawled on its hands and knees, afraid to try to get up on the spikes.

it followed Him down the hallway, recognizing the path all too well. They were going to the Doctor’s operating room. When it got there, Master was finishing up with the Doctor.

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