Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

A mother and her new best friend start an very passionate affair with her 18 year old son, But the mother starts to want other men. , Diane and Danny

Chapter 1

Diane Watson was sat looking at the living room clock, it was nearly time for her 18 year old son Danny to get home from college.
In her hands where several over dew and final demand bills.
She was desperately short of money since her husband, had run off on her with her best friend.
Just over a year ago.
She only had a part time job working as a receptionist for a local dentist. She had tried to increase her hours but she was still finding it pretty hard to find the money to pay her bills every month.
Her shit of a husband had also cleared out their joint bank account when he ran off with her friend.

Diane had just got back from a meeting with her bank manager were he told her because she was so far behind on the mortgage.
Which her husband paid out of his salary, they had no alternative but to repossessed her house.

Diane nearly jumped in surprise when she heard the front door open a couple of minutes later her son walked into the living room. She tried her best to give him a warm and happy smile. But her heart was breaking at what she was going to have to tell him.

When Danny saw that his mother had been crying, he was very angry inside he wished he could get his hands on his father.
He would cut his heart out for upsetting his mother.
His mother was the gentlest person in the world and would do anything for anybody.
He felt so helpless when he saw her upset once again.

Diane gave her son a big smile and patted the sofa next to her for him to come and sit down next to her.
Danny put down his bag and went to sit next to his mother.
Danny could see the handful of overdue bills in her hands he had overheard several telephone conversations and he knew that they were short of money.

Diane now took a deep breath and explained to her son about their money situation and about them losing the house to the bank.
When she had finished Danny just looked at her and put his arms around her and held her close.
He then whispered into her ear.
“Don’t worry mom everything will be ok and I promise you I will never run off and leave you like dad did.
I will always stay here and love you.
Please don’t cry anymore.”

Diane was so touched by her son’s words that the only thing she could do was to hold him close and tell him.
How much she did love him.
She then kissed him sweetly on his cheek.

The next three weeks were very busy and extremely stressful for her.
She tried to work every shift that she could get.
She also took a little part time job working in a little news agents.
She would go in for a few hours every night after Danny had got home from school.

However she still did not have anywhere for her and her son to live and she was down to only one week before she would lose the house.
She was very upset one night at work and when Joan Miller the lady who owned the newsagents came in to check up on something.
She could see that Diane was very low and quite upset.

Diane was so lost in her own thoughts that she did not see Joan enter the shop.
Joan was only a couple of years older than Diane.
She gently placed her hand on her shoulder startling Diane who quickly apologised for not concentrating.
Diane was now very fearful of getting the sack for not paying attention in the shop.

Joan Miller was a widower with no kids.
Her husband had died many years ago and left the shop to her.
Joan ran the shop alone and with help when she could afford them.

Joan asked Diane.
“What was the matter?”
Diane finally broke down and explained to Joan that.
“She could not find anywhere for her and her son to live and she was quickly running out of time.
She did not know what to do.”

Joan listened to everything that Diane told her.
She then smiled at Diane and said to her.
“Well I might be able to help you with somewhere to live it’s not a palace, but it’s a roof over your head.”

Diane looked at Joan and for the first time in months had a little bit of hope in her eyes.
As it was nearly closing time Joan locked the front door.
She then told Diane.
“To follow her through the shop.”

Diane followed Joan through the shop and out into the back yard of the shop there was a metal fire escape leading up to the flat above the shop.
Joan now turned to Diane and said to her.
“It’s only a one bedroom flat, but was fully central heated and had a good bathroom and a nice kitchen too.
It won’t be home like you once had, but it would help you out until you could find something better once you get back onto your feet.

Joan now gave Diane the keys to the flat and told her.
“To go and have a look around the flat while she did a few things in the shop.”

Diane gratefully took the keys off Joan and after thanking her.
She went to check out the flat.
The flat was quite dusty as it had been empty for a couple of months.
However it was still very clean and dry.

Diane could not see any damp anywhere and the flat had double glazing to help keep it warm.
And yes it had a fully working central heating system, which quickly came on once she figured out how to turn it on.
It had a small bathroom with bath, toilet and a shower cubicle and a small kitchen.

However it would be ok for now until she could get back onto her feet.
It also had a small living room.
The only downside to the flat was that there was only one bedroom just big enough for a double bed and a couple of wardrobes.
But it was better than sleeping in a cardboard box on the street.

Diane now locked up the flat and went looking for Joan.
Joan was just making a cup of tea when Diane came back in to join her.
They both sat down over a cup of tea and discussed terms for the flat.
Joan told Diane.
“That she found it much harder and harder every morning to get up to do the morning papers.
If Diane was prepared to do this for her it would be knocked off the rent.”
Finally Joan and Diane came to an agreement.
Joan told her.
“That she would get a lease drawn up for her in the next couple of days.”

Joan then handed the keys over to Diane and told her.
“She could move in whenever she wanted.
The electric, gas and water were on a token metre.
So she did not have to worry about any bills.
All she had to do was to buy the tokens which the shop also sold.”

The following weekend Diane managed to find enough money to pay for a removal van and a couple of men to help her move out of her house.
As the flat was not very big, she only took with her what they really needed everything else was put up for sale which raised her some much needed money.

She and Danny worked hard all over the weekend and by around 7pm on Sunday night the flat was looking like a home.
And they both could relax on the sofa watching some television with a takeaway which Danny had insisted on paying for out of some money he had got cutting lawns for people in the area.
His mom did not know he was doing after school jobs while she worked in the shop.
He also had a paper round for a neighbouring paper shop which he did not want his mother to find out about.
But she did and made him give it up, because it was too early in the morning.

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