Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Diane found that she was getting quite turned on from looking at the pictures.
She couldn’t believe that this woman was allowing the dog to penetrate her pussy with his dog cock.
She was also shocked in the last few pictures when the woman took the dog cock into her mouth and sucked it off before letting it shoot off all over her face.

Joan now smiled at Diane then carefully put the magazine back in its protective plastic cover and very skilfully resealed it.
Joan then said to Diane.
“I have a number of customers who order specialist magazines and are willing to pay the high cost of them. This particular magazine costs over £50.00 and he orders 5 of this kind a month.”

Joan now skilfully steered the conversation onto a different subject.
And when Diane was gathering up her things she quickly put the magazine’s under the counter out of sight.
Diane was going back to the flat to grab a couple more hours of sleep, before she was due at work at the dentist’s office at 2pm to 6pm.
However she slept badly and dreamed about getting fucked by a big dog cock.

Tuesday and Wednesday went just the same as Monday for Diane, she got up did the papers and saw the paper boys off.
Looked after the shop until Joan came in then had a couple of hours sleep, then went to do her afternoon job at the dentist’s.
Thursday however was different; she was writing out the papers like she had done all week and waiting for the paper boys to come in.
The paper boys were two brothers.

Diane now looked at her watch the paper boys were 25 minutes late and they were never late.
Diane had a contact number for their house; she called up the house to see if the boys were ok.
Their mother told Diane.
“That both boys were in bed with flu, she apologised for not letting her know sooner but she had completely forgotten about their paper round.”
Dianne told her.
“Not to worry about it, she would get the papers sorted for the rest of the week.
She hoped the boys would get better soon.”

Diane now had a dilemma on her hands at first she was going to deliver the papers herself.
Then she realized that she would have to shut up the shop.
But the shop took a lot of money in the few hours she worked.
It was the busiest part of the day for the shop.
Diane could think of only one way around the situation.

Diane took out her mobile phone and called her son in the flat.
After a few seconds Danny sleepily answered the phone.
Diane apologised for waking him and explained the situation she was in.
Danny told her not to worry.
He would deliver the papers for her.
He then told her.
“He would see her in a few minutes time.”

15 minutes later Diane felt guilty as she watched her son going out of the paper shop with two big paper bags full of papers.
He would have to do both rounds and carry all those heavy papers.
Danny assured his mother that it was not a problem.
Danny did finish both rounds without missing a single paper off, however he was 45 minutes late for college that day.

Diane continued with her plan for teasing her son.
She now started to walk around the flat from the bedroom to the bathroom in just a pair of skimpy panties and a little bra.
She wanted her son to start lusting after her body.
The effect on Danny was incredible every time he saw her in this state he got a big hardon.
And he had to run into the bedroom or the bathroom.
Depending on which room was free and rapidly Jack himself off into the toilet if he was in the bathroom or into some tissues if he was in the bedroom.

Danny continued to deliver the papers. He even did the Saturday morning papers and the Saturday night papers as well as doing the morning and night papers during the week.
Sunday was Diane’s morning off Joan told Diane.
“That she would do the Sunday morning papers and work in the shop.”
She only opened for a few hours on the Sunday just mainly to do the morning papers.
She closed the shop at 1pm on a Sunday.

Danny was in bed with his mother cuddled up to her.
Diane had gone to bed in a white see through Teddy and a white pair of see through panties.
Diane had kept her promise to herself.
But this time she had completely shaved her pussy bare which Danny loved.
He could clearly see her big pussy lips through the transparent material of her panties as well as seeing her big tits through the see through Teddy.

Danny would cuddle up next to his mother at night and wrap his arm around her waist.
Diane would pretend to fall asleep quickly.
He would wait until his mother had fallen asleep unaware that she was just pretending to be asleep.
Once Danny was certain that she was fast asleep.
Diane was very good at pretending to be asleep.
Danny would cup her big breasts and start to fondle them Diane would start to moan in her sleep.
He would continue to play with her tits and if he was feeling very brave he would rub her pussy through her panties as well.

Now Danny gave her nipples a little playful tweak.
Which made Diane moan in her sleep for real as she was in a sound sleep and dreaming of the fucking that her son should soon be giving her?
Danny very reluctantly and very quiet as not to disturb his mother as he got out of bed.
He quietly got dressed and let himself out of the flat.
He left a note for his mom telling her that he was doing the morning papers and should not be too long.

Joan was just packing his paper bag for him when he came into the shop through the rear door.
She smiled at him then said to him.
“Are you sure you are up to doing this round?
I can try and get somebody else to do this round if you want me to.”

Danny smiled back at Joan he then said to her.
“It’s ok I can do it all right.”

Joan just smiled at him.
She was then very surprised, when he picked up both of the paper bags.
She looked at him and he knew what she was thinking.
He then said to her.
“It will save me coming back for the second bag.
If I take both of them with me.”

Joan now watched him go out of her shop with both newspaper bags full of newspapers flung over his shoulders.
She smiled to herself then went back to arranging some of the chocolates on the front counter.

Diane leisurely stretched and turned over to give her son a good morning hug she was surprised to find the bed empty.
She got out of bed and walked into the living room not bothering to put on her dressing gown, she light flashing what she had to her son and her big tits bounced in her nightie as she walked.

She was surprised to find both the kitchen and the living room empty. She then saw the note he had left her on the small coffee table.
She then walked to the flat living room window which looked down onto the street.
It was raining now and was very cold.
She hoped he would be okay out in this weather. He did not really have a decent thick waterproof jacket to wear as they still did not have a lot of spare money at the moment.
She remained looking out of the window for a few more minutes. She then went to have a shower at least she could make him a decent breakfast when he came home.

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