Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Diane now got up onto her feet and pulled her son into a passionate embrace.
Mother and son now were just holding each other and rubbing their hands all over the other’s bodies. Under the hot water of the shower.

Diane now smiled lovingly at her son, she then handed him the bottle of shower gel then turned her back on him.
She then said to him over her left shoulder.
“Time for you to wash me now, you need to wash your young spunk off me.”

Danny took the shower gel off his mother and squeezed a large amount into his hands.
He rubbed his hands together to make the shower gel nice and foamy he then placed his hands on the top of her shoulders and started to massage the shower gel into her skin.

Diane was now moaning with pleasure and pushing her butt back onto his now semi hard cock.
As he massaged the shower gel into her skin.
It felt wonderful and she started to relax.

Danny now worked his way down her back from her shoulders to her feet.
Diane could not believe how wonderful his hands felt on her body he was very gentle on her body.
Diane could feel her pussy start to tingle as he continued to massage her body with his hands so lovingly.

Danny was now on his knees rubbing his hands up and down her legs to help relax her tired muscles. Diane moaned softly as he continued to massage her legs.
Diane with closed eyes now whispered to him.
“Don’t forget to massage my front as well.”
She said this with a little giggle in her voice.

Danny now smiled to himself; he slowly started to work his way back up from her feet to her beautiful butt.
Which he spent a few minutes on massaging each of her ass cheeks which got more moans of pleasure from his mother.
Danny was now back up on his feet. He put more shower gel onto his hands and rubbed them together once again.
He then wrapped his hands around her front and cupping each of her big breasts in his young hands.
He started to massaged the shower gel into her breasts; he also tweaked her nipples with his hands.
He now continued to massage the shower gel into his mother’s big firm breasts.

Diane had forgotten how wonderful a man’s hands on her breasts felt.
She always loved her breasts being played with.
If a man massaged them just right and kissed and sucked them as she like them to be kissed.
She would probably do anything for him.

Diane’s hand now found her son’s now rock hard cock once again. She now slowly using one hand to play with it as her son continued to massage her breasts so wonderfully.
She could feel her pussy dripping juices onto the shower floor as her son played with her big boobs.
Danny’s cock felt so wonderful in her hand.
That Diane knew that she was on the point of no return.

Diane now used all of her will power, she reluctantly let go of her sons hard cock.
She also moved out of his embrace.
She turned to face him and then smiled at him so lovingly. She then said to him.
“I think we’d better get dry we don’t want to burn out the shower.”
She said this with a glint of regret in her eye and a half smile on her face.

Danny did not really understand what was happening between him and his mother. However he did not want to do anything to upset her.
He liked this new closeness they had found. He enjoyed her allowing him to touch her and he enjoyed it when she touched him.
Danny now just smiled at his mother and said to her in his sweet innocent voice that nearly broke her heart.
“Anything you say, I will always do whatever you say.
I love you so much mummy.”

Diane skilfully managed to avoid her son’s groping hands for the rest of the day.
She wanted him so badly but she felt that her first idea of seducing him maybe a little wrong.
She did not want to break his young heart.

After tea Danny looked at his mom then suggested so innocently.
“As he was going to have to do the papers in the morning as the two paper boys were still on sick. It would be a good idea for them to have an early night.”

Diane had been dreading bed time, would she be able to control herself with him lying next to her.
Diane smiled at her son then said to him in a sweet innocent voice.
“That sounds like a good idea to me.”

While Danny was engrossed in watching a TV programme.
Diane slipped into her bedroom and went through her draws trying to find something more motherly to wear to bed.
She found a thick pair of old style French knickers that showed nothing and nearly came up to her waist.
She also found an old nightie which had belonged to her mother.
Perfect she thought to herself these are not sexy one little bit and should send the right message to him at bedtime.

It was a round 8:30pm when Danny pretended to do a fake yawn.
He looked at his mother then said to her.
“I am getting tired, I think it’s time for bed what do you think?”

Diane smiled at her son and told him.
“To go get ready for bed, she would make 2 cups of Horlicks and bring them into the bedroom.
They could drink them before they went to sleep.”

Danny gave his mother a sweet innocent smile that sent a shiver of longing and desire down her spine.
He then went off to the bedroom to get ready for bed.
Diane put the milk on the cooker to boil,
While she was waiting for the milk to boil, she went into the bathroom and put on her sensible night wear.

The nightie she was wearing tonight was very different from the sea through teddies that she had been wearing over the last few nights and she did feel a little guilty about teasing her son with her body and what she did to him in the shower. She decided from tomorrow they would go back to a normal mother and son relationship and try to forget everything that had happened in the last few days.
Diane also took the further precaution when she made the drinks to slip a sleeping tablet into Danny’s drink. She hoped that it would knock him out and they both would get a peaceful night sleep.

Diane was now smiling to herself as she walked with the two drinks from the kitchen to the bedroom. She was very happy and confident that the plan she was putting into action for tonight was perfect.
And she had nothing at all to worried about.

Danny was not stupid he knew why his mother was acting so offhand the rest of the day.
He knew that she was having serious doubts about what they had been up to.
He knew that she needed a big push and once she was over the edge.
She would willingly be his.
He had a plan of his own which he was now putting into action.
Diane entered the small bedroom which she shared with her son carrying the 2 cups of hot Horlicks with a big smile on her face.
She was wondering what her son’s reaction would be when he saw what she was wearing to bed.

Diane was now stopped dead in her tracks her hands started to shake and the smile on her face disappeared instantly.
Lying on top of the bed completely naked with a huge hardon with a blue ribbing tied around his cock.
And a big cheeky smile on his face was her son.

Diane could not help but look at his huge cock. She was now using every bit of herself control that she could muster not to just go jump on it,
Danny could see the inner struggle that was going on inside his mother.
He thought it was funny that she thought an old fashion nightie would stop him from getting horny.

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