Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

After they had finished kissing Diane said to him.
“Hurry up and come into the shower with me, we have to open the shop and I’m afraid it looks like you’re doing the papers again as they have not called in to say they will be in today.”

Danny was now fully awake he jumped off the bed and chased his mother who had started to giggle as he grabbed at her ass and into the shower.
Diane liked the way he washed her and massaged her breasts in the shower. However they did not have time to play this morning.

Once they were out of the shower and dry and dressed they both opened up the shop.
Danny brought in the papers and helped his mother mark them up.
They were only running about 15 minutes late.
Danny could make up the time delivering the papers by running abit.

Diane smiled at Danny and as nobody was in the shop, she sent her son off to deliver his papers with a long passionate tongue filled kiss.
This made Danny instantly hard.
So he had to do both paper rounds with a throbbing hardon in his trousers.
Diane liked the idea of him thinking about her all day at college.

Diane was serving a customer when Joan came in to relieve her.
Joan asked Diane.
“How where the two papal boys had they recovered from there flu.”

Diane was just about to answer Joan when her mobile phone started to ring.
She apologised for the interruption but quickly answered the phone as it was Danny calling.
Danny now quickly explained to his mother.
“That the two lads that usually delivered her papers were out delivering papers right now.
It looked like they were now working for a rival newsagent.”
Diane put the phone on loud speaker so Joan could hear as well.

Joan was absolutely fuming with anger.
She had been very good to the two boys and she paid them very well for their paper round.
She now felt totally betrayed by them.
She asked him.
“Where about’s the boys wear now.”
After Danny had told her.
She quickly left the shop and jumped into her car and went to find them.

Danny was watching in a house doorway. He saw Joan’s little blue Ford Escort pull up next to the boys who were just having a crafty cig.
Their faces froze when they saw her getting out of her car.
Danny could not over hear what was said between them but by the expressions on their faces and on Joan’s face if it was not a pleasant conversation.

Danny continued to watch from the doorway across the road from them.
Just as Joan was about to get back into her car.
One of the boys grabbed her blouse and ripped it.
Joan had been so angry when she heard about what the boys were doing that she quickly jumped in her car without putting her coat back on.
She was only wearing a thin white blouse and skirt now.

Joan now tried to pull away from him and her blouse was completely ripped open her big tits were now only covered by her small lacy bra.
One of the boys quickly put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming for help.
As it was still quite early there was nobody about and the lights in the houses were still off.
Both boys forced her back into the car and one of them jumped into the back with her while the other got in the driver’s seat and sped off.

Danny stood watching the car sped off down the street; he didn’t really know what to do.
He had an idea by the way they were driving the car it was obvious that they could not drive very well. They were kangarooing up the road.
He knew that they would not want to take her very far as they would get stopped by the police the way they were driving.
Danny knew there was a park just about half a mile up the road.

Danny was just about to go running after the boys when he saw a bus coming his way.
He knew the bus went right past the park.
He quickly got on the bus paid his fare and sat down.
He never once thought about calling the police. He just didn’t think of it, he was really angry and just wanted to help his friend Joan.

Danny quickly jumped off the bus at the stop next to the park.
He now ran into the park which was quite difficult with the two big heavy paper bags he was carrying.
When Danny found the car both boys were in the back seat with Joan her blouse was completely ripped open and they had pulled her bra up.
Both her big tits were hanging out of it.
Both boys had a big tit in their hands and were roughly fondling them as they both tried to drive their tongues down her throat.
Joan was struggling to try and break free, but it was very difficult both boys were quite strong and she didn’t really have any chance against both of them.

Danny quickly removed both of his heavy paper bags; he then quickly looked around for some kind of weapon.
He found a heavy piece of an old tree branch which was like a club.
The brothers had now pulled her skirt up and ripped off her small pair of panties. One had a couple of fingers pushed inside her pussy and was finger fucking her with his dirty fingers. While his brother sucked on her big tits.

Joan was crying and begging for them to let her go, she was still trying to break free but the boys held her fast.
Now one of them had his cock in his hand and was trying to push it into her mouth.
He forcefully rammed it into her mouth.

But Joan bit down hard on it.
He screamed out in pain and slapped her viciously across her face.
Joan was dazed for a little bit, but she soon came around.

Joan came around to an odd sensation; she looked down to see one of the lads just inserting his cock into her pussy.
He had a big vicious smile on his face as he pushed his cock all the way into her cunt then he started to rapidly fuck her.
Joan suddenly realized that she was being raped.

Joan once again tried to get him off her.
She was crying and screaming and trying to scratch him with her nails.
She also felt a little frustrated as his cock in her pussy started to feel good.
She did not want it to feel good.
She did not want this dirty little bastard inside of her.

Danny now made his move he crawled along the ground so he would not be seen. He then very quietly opened the back passenger door.
Where one of them was fucking her.
The other one was still nursing his bite cock, and did not see him.

Danny quickly wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him from the car.
Now Danny and the lad were both on the wet ground rolling about trying to kick, bite and hit each other.
Danny managed to get the upper hand by grabbing his dick which was sticking out of his trousers and squeezing it so hard that he begged for mercy.
Danny was now on top of him pounding him with blow after blow.

Joan felt suddenly relieved to have him out of her.
She looked to see who had come to her rescue.
She was very surprised to see it was Danny.
However her surprise was short lived, his brother now forgetting about the pain in his dick was just about to whack Danny across the head with the piece of wood, which Danny had brought to defend himself with.

Joan now screamed a frantic warning to Danny for him to move.
Danny suddenly hearing her warning turned to see what she was screaming about.
All he saw was the vicious smile on the other brother’s face as he raised the piece of wood and brought it down on his head knocking Danny out cold.
Joan seeing this vicious attack on Danny.
Now started to scream for help at the top of her lungs.
The two boys suddenly got frightened and got themselves quickly dressed and ran off into the park.

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