IT Never Happened: Did it? by ed the red

I was too scared to hear anything they were saying and just carried on screaming, shouting and trying to get away, at on point I remember tipping a load of bales down on top of them, and that really did piss them off. I think Rogo got hurt in some way, because I heard him cussing and threatening that he would break my neck when he caught me. Next thing I knew the bales seemed to crumble under me and I was tumberling, along with the bales to end up flat on my back on the floor, with the wind blown out of me, at the feet of Rogo who grabbed me with glee.

“Right you little bastard, your really going to get it now!” he yelled shaking me like a rag doll. The dog was barking and prancing around getting excited with all the activity and noise that was going on.

The lads were all very angry by this time and Rogo practically threw me across the bale, as Bimmy stuffed the gag back into my mouth. Two of them held me down as Jad bought the dog around behind us, I was struggling and trying to kick, but it was all to no avail, my shouting was muffled and deep inside, I really believed that they wouldn’t dare to carry out their threat, but that didn’t stop me being scared. “Go on then,”, urged Rogo “get it up on him”.

Suddenly I felt the heavy weight of the dog land on my back and its fore paws clamp around my hips, its hairy flanks pressing against my naked rump. I was now truly terrified, I couldn’t move, hearing the lads laughing and sniggering, when I felt the dog begin to hump at me. At first I could only feel its sheath pressing against my arse, then something hard and pointed began to prod the cheeks of my arse missing its mark, first one side then the other.

I did my best to move so that it would be successful but then Bimmy realised what I was doing and I felt hands grab my ankles and hold them wide apart. The lads laughed even more as they joked about the dog rutting with a piglet. I jumped violently as I felt the pointed end of the dogs prick penitrate my arsehole, I screamed within my gag as I wriggled my hips in a desperate attempt to shake the dog off me, only to feel him grip my hips tighter as his long slippery finger shaped prong pushed past my sphincter and into my colon.

I automatically clenched my arse muscles as tight as I could and started to scream into my gag, but this only seemed to excite the beast even more, for its thrusts became more determined and I could feel its prick elongating and expanding inside me, as it plungedeven deeper into my guts. My muffled screams of “Noooo, Nooo, Nooo, Oooo!” Were accompanied by the lads shouts of “Yah, Yah, go, go , go.

” The dogwas really poundinghis dog-meat into my rear end. I can’t honestly say that it was painful (at the begining!) because the intrusive prick had been so thin, pointed and slippery when it had penitrated me, that it was no different than a small medical probe, but now, as the blood began to pump into it, the plunging member began to grow and sank deeper into my innards with each forcful thrust.

The thickness and the depth was becoming very uncomfortable, but not painful…

Yet! I didn’t feel dirty, degraded or disgusted, what I felt was shock, shock that these lads would do something like this to another person, to me! Put me through something as horrible as this.

I felt sick, as though everything had been pushed up into my stomach. The dog began to hump faster as one of the lads shouted ” Get ready boy, he’s going to shoot you full of dog com”. I didn’t feel anything, except the pounding prick inside me seemed to grow so thick and long that I feared it would rupture my insides, then a lump started to expand just inside my sphincter at the root of its prick, it grew bigger until it seemed as though it were the size of a peach stretching my colon to breaking point.

The humping action of the dog began to slow and his body seemed to stiffen, then after a moment, he thrust deeper into me than he had so far, as deep as he could, I felt his ball sack bang against the cheeks of my arse as he let out a deep throated howl and I felt a weirdsensation deep inside of me, it seemed like a rush of water but more concentrated, like a jet, which spurted again andd again flooding my insides. The spurting went on and on, I wondered how much those balls held, my intestines were filled to bursting point and yet it still poured into me. Then as the spurting eased off to a dribble, the pain really started.

The lump (knot) at the root of its prick seemed immense and felt as though it was almost splitting my sphincter, as the dog tried but couldn’t seem to withdraw. For a few moments the dog rested on my back, then I felt his legs leave my waist and expeirienced a horrendous tearing pain as he turned soits arse was against mine, the knot twisting within my colon and yanking on my arse ring almost tearing it out. The pain was excruciating as he tried to pull free from me, but we were tied together.

I was gritting my teeth and doing a lot of “Ahhh” ing. It suddenly pulled free and it felt as though my sphincter had torn completely out, the pain was indiscribable and I thought for a moment that I was going to black out, but I didn’t, I just started screaming again. The dog walked past me and I saw what had been inside me, its prick was still hanging down under its belly, even though it had begun to shrink it was still about as thick as a pitchfork handle and six to eight inches long.

I was still sobbing as one of themgave me a shove with his boot on my behind and toppled me onto the floor. As I lay there in a feotal position, Tad pointed at me, “Look at that, he’s got a hard on, does that prove that the dirty little bastard is the other way?” “Well.

.. even though he made a fuss, I think, by looking at that little stalk, that he must have got a real buzz from being fucked”, observed Bimmy in a serious voice and added “Dirty little dog fucker” jabbing me non to gently in the ribs with his boot.

“Well he certainly seemed to be turned on with that little tango with Rex didn’t he? Perhaps he’s turned on by being shagged by animals” said Rogo. They left me laying on the floor as Tad leaned over me and whispered “You say anything about what happened and we will kill you, OK?

” I didn’t answer, so he nuddged me with his toe and repeated “OK?” I nodded and they walked out laughing, “I didn’t really think the dog would actually shag him, did you?” I heard Bimmy say, “No, but did you see the size of the prick he took?

and didn’t that dog go once it was up his arse” came the answer. They all laughed as they left the barn. After a while I gathered up my clothes and dressed myself, noting that there was blood mixed with a thickwatery substance running down my legs from my torn arse hole.

Then I walked slowly back to my room feeling sore and sort of shriveled inside. Continued in chapter two

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