Me and Billy and a crazy doctor by Jughead1117

?? I was horrified to see It must be Billy but this kid has no legs or arms. Only a torso and a penis. Billy said hi but looked very worried and ashamed. The man rolled Billy back and said you see my young Mathew. I am a good doctor and want to know why limbs grow back on frogs and want to recreate these In the human being. I was In shock and said so you are going to grow Billy’s arms and legs back on? He laughed and said no that would be Impossible to do.

He said He was scarred they would not stop looking for Billy so He cut off one of his legs. He made It look like It had been chewed by wolves and went back to where they were searching for Billy and put his leg close to area where wolves had been spotted. They found It and presumed he was dead and stopped searching. Now Billy belongs to me you see. I said what happened to his arms and other leg? Then Billy said to me he was sorry and started crying again really loud.

?? I hope you can understand this Mathew. I had to throw off the search for Billy so I had to amputate one of his legs. I did an extremely good job and Billy felt no pain for you see I am a doctor who cares for is parents. I made sure Billy was not awake while did this. I said what about his arms and his other leg? He looked at me and was pondering if he should tell me or not. I could hear Billy still sobbing as he decided he would tell me because sooner or later I would find out myself.

?? You see my young man I am sorry that you are in the not home safe with your family but I am on a quest to re grow limbs back to those who lose them. I told you about the town 15 miles away didn’t I?? Well I go there every other week to get mail and supplies. The town folk know I live alone here in this old bomb hanger and leave me alone. I have to worry that if I was to buy aloft of food the town folk will get suspicious. They only have one Butcher shop and one grocery store.

If I start buying aloft of food I they may start wondering why and some out here to investigate. So I buy enough food for myself and no more. I stop at a few road side tables selling fresh vegetables on my way back here. I knew that Billy is going to be needing some protein so I thought to myself. I would cut off parts of his body little by little? and I make a stew with the fresh vegetables and feed this to him. You seed the water already but you have not eaten yet.

As he was telling me this I was sick thinking of poor Billy and how he had to eat his own body to stay alive. He then went in the other room and I asked Billy if that’s all true? He said yes and he had no idea he has been in this bunker so long. He said that he has not eaten in four days and it has been over a week since he finished cutting off the last part of his hip. He said when he woke up he was upright on this table and stays here all the time now upright.

?? I was trying to take this all in and wondering how come Billy has not eaten for such a long time. He is going to die propped up on some weirdo doctors table with no food. Then the man returns with a bowl of something that smells too god. He puts Billy’s table in front on me and moves this hose to his mouth. The other end is a funnel that hangs above his head. The mad pours in some of the food that looks aloft like stew and Billy began to eat.

I was kind a grossed out and was hungry at the same time. He then moved over to me and stuck a hose in my mouth. Yes finally food but am I eating Billy?? It was very good and filling. He was a good cook and me and Billy were sucking up the stew as fast as we could. I was eating and looking at Billy and noticed his butt was connected to a hose that went under the table. This must be how he shits I thought. I also noticed he had a small hose stuck in his penis that had yellow fluid in it.

This sick fucker must keep him on the table 24/7 and never lets him up. What is he up too and why is he doing this to us? How come he wants to re grow body parts but not on Billy? I noticed that I was starting to get sleepy and so was Billy. ?? When I cam too again I was watching a different cartoon and the lights were off again. I yelled out Billy are you awake? He said he was and had seen this carton over 20 times.

He said this old guy only has a VCR and leaves everyday and it is on a loop that plays over and over. Well I said I fell asleep when I was eating my stew. He said yes he does every time. He thinks that he must put sleeping pills or something in it to make him sleep long times. He said he was glad he did that because before I came along all he had was the cartoons. I said yea I guess your welcome but I wish I wasn’t here.

We were kinda quiet for a few and then he asked me something I thought was odd. He asked me if my legs itched. I said yes they do and my right leg fell asleep and I cant seem to wake it up. He said he was sorry again and said he knew why. TO BE CONTINUED…

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