Mejere pt.1 by Revy18

“Roharon to base. Commander Kaedence Dylara Huitt has been captured. We will be returning as soon as possible.”

I felt my heart drop. I didn’t want to go back with them. I had heared stories about their land and I didn’t like them. Any Fairen that was captured was broke and sold off as a slave.

“So Kaedence, now that we finally got you what do you think will happen?” His question sounded more mocking then anything. I growled at him. That was my first mistake. Roharon hit me across the face. Drua and Kaein laughed.

“You two head back towards her camp. I want a complete layout of the area including everyones rank and weaknesses.” Roharon ordered them.

They left as soon as he finished speaking. Roharon was definatly stronger then both of them and he loved to show it.

Roharon turned and looked at me with a sinister grin.

“When we get back to my camp everyone will expect a broken commander ready to train.” He had me pinned against the tree. He kissed me on the cheek. I kicked out at him. “You might be fighting now but I promise you that before i am finished you will be begging for more. He ripped my shirt apart. He untied me and stepped back to look at me. I thought I might could take him on by myself but as soon as I tried he had me on the ground. He twisted my wrist back.

“I wonder what would happen if I was the one to break you.” Before I could saw something he had me on my knees and his member in my mouth. I started to cry. I was being taken by the enemy.

“For a half breed your not that bad. I think I might hav e to keep you all to myself.” He mocked me.

He started to grow harder. He turned me around and started to enter me. I hit and kicked at him as hard as I could but he wouldn’t stop. I felt my body began to rip. Tears stained my face and my hair was in my eyes. blood came from my body and Roharon just laughed as he started to move in and out. I had never had someone this big in me and I t felt so good. I tried to cover up my pleasure by hitting him and a soft moan escaped my lips. I felt so good. He stopped and began to pull out.

“If you want more then you’ll have to beg.” I felt so ashamed of myself and I grabbed his hand.

“Please Roharon.” He smiled at me before he entered again. It seemed like the night would last forever. He released his seed inside of me. I feel into his arms.

“See that wasn’t so bad was it?” He asked me in a panting voice. I only nodded at this before I started to feel sick. A round of heavy coughs escaped my mouth. Blood came from the corners of my mouth. I reached for my meds in my pockets. I took them before Roharon tired me back up so I wouldn’t run. I was to tired to even move. I covered my body with my tail and fell asleep wishing Zeriron were here with me.

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