Paying Your Debt by deb

Paying Your Debt by deb

A simple accident turns into a bardering situation. , It was storming outside, one of those typical summer thunder storms with the crash of thunder and torential rain pouring down. I was trying to make my way to the home after a long day at work, but it was did not appear it was going to happen quickly.

A stupid SUV comes sliding by and spraying my car in water so bad I can’t see for a second and my heart is racing by the time I see the car in front of me. I slide into the bumper and it appears neither car is damaged but I sit there as they sit there. Guess I will get out of the car. I take off my silk jacket to try to save it from the storm and reach for my umbrella behind me. It is dangerous to get out in this weather and I have second thoughts and throw the umbrella in the back seat again. I see the brake lites go off and the flashers begin so I do the same. The car moves forward and I decide perhaps I should follow the car to the next exit.

The driver must have the same idea because they are taking the exit slowly and I am following. This is not a good section of the freeway, I realize because there isn’t anything around but vacant office buildings. I follow as he takes us into a parking garage out of the rain. Great Idea I am thinking. I get out of my car first and move to the front of it to look at my car and see no damage. I look at his and don’t really see any either.

Suddenly the car door opens and out steps a man in a suit about 6’2, dark complexion and actually nice looking. Wouldn’t you know it I have hit this guy that is so good looking that I can feel the excitement grow between my legs. He is looking at the back of his car.

“Do you have insurance?” he ask.

“Yes, but it doesn’t apear to be anything wrong with your suburban’s bumper. If I can help it I would really prefer not to file on my insurance,” I say.

Looking at me with beautiful dark blue eyes he looks me over and then finally speaks. “I would feel safer knowing if something happens later that I can file a claim for the damages. Now do you want to share the information or do we need a mediator?”

“Fine, let me go get the information for you.” I am moving as I speak to the back of the car and getting the purse when I feel him upon me. I turn around to see him looking down at me. For the first time I remember I had taken off my silk jacket and am standing there in a skimpy chemise. His eyes seem to be undressing me.

“Tell you what, do you have anything to barder with for the cost of possible repairs?”

I am taken back at first then begin to calculate the savings I will have on my insurance premium if I don’t have to file. “I don’t know what I could barder. I teach school so I can tutor, I am good with technology so I could do some computer work, I enjoy cooking so I could offer you that too, what did you have in mind for payment?

“Would you be willing to be my slave for as long as it takes for the bill to be paid?”

“Slave in what since?”

“You would be required to do as you are told and service me any way I desire.”

I am a bit taken back, “you have to be kidding?”

“No, we can make arrangements for your initial punishment for running into the back of my car right now. Then you will serve me for the rest of this storm and until we both agree the debt is paid in full. If you fail to fulfill the contract then I will file on your insurance. Does that sound fair?”

All kinds of thoughts are running through my mind. What if this is a crazy person. How can I protect myself and still not have to pay this man any cash? “Okay, but I will call someone to tell them your license number and where we are in case something happens.”

“Of course I would expect you to protect yourself.”

I reach back into my purse for my phone. I speed dial a friend. It goes to their voice mail so I leave a message. “I am going to spend some time with a guy that I rear ended in this storm. His license number is 23X 75P on a dark green suburban. We are pulled off into a garage until this weather slacks up at the Nexjay exit. Just wanted to leave the information with someone. Talk later.”

I turn around and say, “okay what is this punishment phase you are speaking of?”

“You did a naughty thing and must be punished, plus you need to be put in the role of slave for me.”

Hesitantly I answer, “what do you want me to do?”

“Let’s go over to my car and then I will begin your initial slave instruction. By the way I would like to see your insurance card laying on the dash so if you don’t fulfill your end of the deal then I can use it.”

“Fine it is here. Let me lock my car.”

We go to his car and the passenger side. I am told to strip out of my wet clothes. I look at him and know he means it. I slowly begin to unbutton my blouse.

“As long as it takes you to strip will be how long I give you lashes,” he says as he looks at his watch.

I decide to speed up the process a bit more. When I am fully naked he tells me to reach in and grab the bottom of the back seat leaving my legs and ass out of the suburban.

I do as I am told as I feel the belt hit my ass. He tells me to thank him.

I start to lift up and ask what am I thanking him for? When the next swing makes it’s mark on my upper thighs. I squeal.

“You did not say thank you.”

“Thank you,” I say as the next one hits the mark.

I say, “Thank you.” And the lashes continue only with him stopping periodically to rub my ass which feels on fire. Finally he tells me to stand up.

“Are you regretful for doing damage to my car?”

I want to say what damage, I didn’t see any, but I think twice about that. “Yes I am sorry I ran into the back of your car.”

“Good, now you will climb into the back seats and spread your legs as far as you can while I prepare you for our next little exercise in you being my slave.”

I climb to the back seat and spread my legs as he goes between the two seats and ties my ankles to the leg of the bench seat in back. Next he takes my hands and ties them spread across the back of the seat. I am nervous because I realize in this position he could do a number of things to me and some not so pleasant.

He steps out of the car and goes over to the drivers side. He grabs soemthing under his seat. He comes back to the back and shoves it into my mouth and secures it with some tape. I try to argue but am shut up immediately as he slaps at my clit.

He gets back in the drivers side and we begin leaving the parking garage. I know the windows are tinted but I still feel like everyone can see me. The rain has slacked up a bit and I can make out a few turns but then loose direction.

He pulls into a parking lot of some kind. He gets out and leaves me in the car. Soon the back door opens and a woman steps into the car. “I was told you would eat my pussy good, honey. Now I see you are gagged. Have you been a bad little girl?”

I shake my head no.

She pulls the tape off and tells me good girls don’t make any noice. She removes the cloth he had stuffed in my mouth. Suddenly she is strattling me and shoving her pussy in my mouth. I almost gag. She grabs my hair and shoves her pussy into my face and tells me to start licking and sucking her clit. I try but think I will gag.


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