Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 1) by just2twisted

It did not take long for the biker gang to reach their destination. In less than ten minutes, the leader carrying Hannah pulled off the road and into a large parking lot of what appeared to be some kind of tavern. There were dozens of trucks, 18-wheelers, and other bicycles parked all around the building and Hannah could hear the rowdy laughter and shouting of many drunken men inside. The biker behind her parked his Harley near the entrance and promptly grabbed Hannah by her long brown hair, yanking her off his chopper and dragging her toward the front doors of the bar.

“God I can’t wait to fuck this little bitch,” Hannah heard one of the bikers behind her say, as she was hauled into the building.

Chapter 2: The First Night

The leader of the gang led her straight past the bar and lounge area of the tavern and toward the back. As she passed by the countless drunken customers they all stared at her in stunned silence and admiration. They only got to see her for a few seconds, however, as she was quickly taken to the back of the building. Hannah struggled to keep up with the huge biker as he hauled her through a pair of double doors and down a dirty hallway before entering a room on the right.

Once they were inside the biker roughly shoved Hannah toward a large, dirty mattress near the corner of the room. The girl’s heart was pounding feverishly and she could hardly stand on her rubbery knees. Hannah was beyond terrified as the many bikers quickly packed themselves inside the room. All of them had the most sickening and malevolent smiles on their faces.

“Alright bitch here’s how this is gonna work,” the biker who’d dragged her inside declared. “From now on you belong to us, or as we’re known around these parts, the Devil’s Outlaws. You’re our little fuck toy. You can forget about whatever stupid shit you used to do in your old life, ‘cause that’s history now. We don’t know what you used to be, and quite frankly we don’t give a damn. You’re only purpose now is for fucking. You better start getting used to being on that bed and getting those tight Asian holes stuffed with cock, because that’s the only thing you’re gonna be doing for a real long time.”

“No, please, don’t do this, please don’t do this to me,” Hannah pleaded, trembling violently as the horror of her situation truly began dawning on her.

“For your sake I really hope you’re a horny little cunt, because I ain’t kidding when I say you’re gonna be getting fucked pretty much nonstop. We’ve got about a dozen of us here, but there’s more than 100 Devil’s Outlaws and I’m sure they’re all gonna be coming over real soon once they hear about you,” the biker said with a grin.

“Please I’m really begging you, let me go, I’ll give you everything I have, I swear,” Hannah begged in sheer disbelief. “I’ll give you all my money and anything else. You can have my car and everything, please, just let me go.”

“Shut the fuck up bitch, ain’t no point trying to bargain with us, that’ll just piss us off more. The best thing for you to do right now is focus on satisfying us with that hot little body, ‘cause if you don’t we’re not only gonna fuck you, we’ll beat the living shit out of you too. Like I said you’re our property now, and we can and will do whatever the fuck we want to you. So if you don’t wanna get hurt bad, you’re gonna be a good little whore and pleasure us real good with them holes of yours, understood?” The biker asked, giving Hannah a very threatening stare.

“Yes,” Hannah replied, an expression of pure dread on her face.

“Good. Now why don’t you start by taking off them clothes and getting on that bed behind you,” the large biker instructed.

“Please you guys,” Hannah implored the men, as she started to cry.

“Get on that fucking bed bitch, and get your ass naked if you don’t want that pretty little face smashed,” the man repeated angrily.

Hannah felt numb everywhere and was so scared that she was barely able to pull her shirt off. She then unbuckled her shorts and slid them down her long legs. She was shaking and crying miserably now as she removed her bra and then her panties, eliciting numerous lewd and degrading comments from the other bikers. Just like that Hannah was standing naked before the pack of demented men, and she could feel just how anxious and crazed they all were as they gazed at her in complete lust.

“Now get your ass on that bed, on your back for now and spread those legs of yours real wide,” the head biker commanded.

Hannah’s head was pounding and the whole room seemed to be spinning. She still could not believe this was really happening as she climbed onto the dirty mattress and rolled over onto her back. Her heart felt like it was about to explode and she was beyond petrified. She was so afraid but nevertheless spread her thighs apart as wide as she could, so that her gorgeous vagina was exposed to all of the men in the room.

“Fuck that’s a sweet looking cunt,” one of the bikers remarked, drawing a chorus of agreement from the others.

“Okay now we’re all gonna take turns fucking that pretty little pussy of yours for the next couple hours. Since it’s your first night we’ll try not to be too rough. You’d better keep them legs spread the whole time, otherwise we’re gonna beat you and tie you down,” the biker warned.

“Yeah let’s get this party started baby! Fuck this little slope up Tank!” One of the bikers shouted excitedly.

Hannah watched in fear as the gang leader quickly stripped naked and climbed on top of her, virtually crushing her beneath his massive frame. The hulking biker was easily 6’3” and weighed 270 lbs, with the build of a wrestler. Hannah felt nauseous as her face was pressed against his hairy, sweaty chest. Tank wedged his lower torso between her lean thighs and probed around until he felt Hannah’s sex against the tip of his gigantic cock. As soon as he began penetrating the tiny orifice Hannah started screaming horribly and thrashing around wildly beneath the man.

“Holy fuck you’re tight! God you’re fucking tight as hell you little Asian whore!” Tank roared, grabbing the girl’s flailing arms and pinning them to the mattress above her head.

“Please stop! Please it hurts! It hurts!!” Hannah screamed, struggling feverishly as the huge biker brutally rammed his dick into her.

Never in her life had Hannah fornicated with anyone even close to the size of the biker. He was nearly twice as large as her boyfriend. Even though she could not see it, Hannah could feel just how massive and agonizingly thick Tank’s 8” penis was. Needless to say, the Asian girl was not prepared in anyway whatsoever to pleasure a man of Tank’s size. Hannah could already feel her pussy starting to tear as the monstrous biker viciously crammed more and more of his cock inside of her sex.

“Yeah you got a real tight pussy slut, but don’t worry it ain’t gonna be so tight for much longer! We’re gonna loosen up all your holes soon, you’ll see!” Tank shouted in delight.

The tattooed fiend now had almost all 8” of his penis inside of Hannah and slowly began to thrust in and out of the agonized girl. Because her pussy was so tight and dry Tank had to work methodically at first. It wasn’t long, however, before the huge biker began plunging his dick into Hannah violently.

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