The Bestiality Cop by Lexi Lust

Cindy didn’t seem so concerned. No doubt being forced to spend the rest of the day in her underwear was the extent of The Bitch’s punishments.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered into my ear. “She acts though, but we all know that deep down, she just hates herself.”

I nodded, knowing she was right. People like The Bitch took out their anger on others because they were too cowardly to admit their own flaws and attempt to rectify them. Still, I felt like there were far better ways for her to deal with her issues than by punishing her students.

The class continued without further incident and I eventually forgot about the altercation between Cindy and The Bitch. That is, until one of my other classmates made a funny remark that made the rest of the group laugh. I winced, expecting The Bitch to chastise him, or even force him to strip to his undies. To my utter surprise—and shock—she ignored the comment, acting like nothing had happened.

I couldn’t believe it. I would have expected this type of behavior from a man, but how could a woman humiliate a female student in such a debasing manner, only to ignore a far more intrusive outburst from a male student? It wasn’t right. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it without putting myself in her line of fire.

But then another one of my classmates interrupted the class by farting. Of course, that made all the other boys laugh. This time, I was convinced she The Bitch would put her foot down.

She didn’t. Instead of punishing the boy, she laughed along with the rest of the students.

That was the last straw. Forgetting about my own wellbeing, I stepped forward. The laughter died down as soon as I approached The Bitch. I suddenly realized I had made a mistake, but it was too late to back down.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked. “How can you punish one student for whispering, then ignore outbursts from her classmates?”

A heavy silence settled upon the gymnasium. No one spoke. No one even dared breathe. Even The Bitch had stopped laughing that wheezing laughter of hers.

She stared at me with the coldest look I had ever seen. I wanted to drop my gaze in submission, but I knew this was my one and only opportunity to show her I wasn’t intimidated by her. What she did was wrong and it was about time someone stood up to her. I just hoped she wouldn’t punish me like she had Cindy. I had no problem parading around in my underwear. Unfortunately, we had been suffering through a particularly intense heat wave of late and it had been almost a week since I had last worn underwear.

I held The Bitch’s gaze for what felt like an eternity. Just when I was about to break, her stare finally dropped. I couldn’t believe it. I had won. I had stood up to The Bitch and survived. I didn’t know how she would take it, but I sure as hell was about to find out.

To my utter amazement, she didn’t punish me. She simply muttered something about giving me a free pass because I was new, then resumed her teachings. Many of my classmates seemed impressed by my accomplishment, but none were as adamant in their awe as Cindy. She even risked further punishment by telling me how grateful she was for my actions. Never before had anyone stood up to her and the fact that I hadn’t back down meant she may finally change her wicked ways. All I could do was hope she was right and pray my actions would not bring the wrath of The Bitch crashing down upon my head.

The Test

Standing up to The Bitch had far greater repercussions than I ever could have imagined. Not only did Cindy and I become friends—I think she felt indebted to me for trying to protect her—but The Bitch actually stopped picking on her. Cindy revealed it was something that had been happening ever since she accidentally mispronounced The Bitch’s name on her very first day.

At first, I was thrilled to see Cindy wearing clothes for a change, but my joy quickly faded when I realized I had become The Bitch’s new target. No matter how hard I tried, she always found fault in everything I did. On the second day, she took me aside and told me she wouldn’t let me undermine her, promising to do everything in her power to keep me from graduating. At first I thought it was simply an empty threat meant to scare me into submission. It wasn’t until she forced me to strip for petting a dog without permission that I realized how un-empty her promise really was. The only upside was that I had planned ahead and worn underwear.

I spent most of the next two weeks parading around in my bra and panties. At first, my male classmates whistled and cheered, but I ignored them and their interest eventually waned. Unfortunately, The Bitch’s hatred for me continued to burn bright.

At first, I considered reporting our instructor’s inappropriate behavior, but Cindy cautioned me against it. There was a rumor floating around that the last student to snitch on The Bitch had been kicked out of the K-9 unit training program. Not only that, but she had been discharged from the force. No one knew the official reason, but from that day on, no one had ever messed with The Bitch. Than is, until I came along.

Part of me wished I had known this before standing up to her, but deep down I knew I had done the right thing. The Bitch was abusing her power and she deserved to be put in her place. I only wish I could have done more, but I couldn’t afford to put my dream of becoming a cop on the line. The Bitch would eventually get what she deserved, one way or the other.

Each day, I was humiliated and emotionally beaten. It was a living hell, but my fellow students—even the men—were finally beginning to see how much of a monster The Bitch truly was. They had always known she was cruel, but since she let them get away with almost anything, they hadn’t really cared. But now that she was taking things to the next level, they stopped goofing off and actually started paying attention in class. None of them stood up to her, but knowing my misery was having a positive effect on the rest of the class helped me make it through.

I kept my mouth shut, letting her humiliate me in the worst imaginable ways. Most people would have cracked under such pressure, but I kept thinking of my mother and how proud she would have been of me. I refused to give up, keeping my mouth shut and my anger contained.

It worked for almost two week. But on the day of the final examination, I finally lost it. Since she couldn’t get through to me, The Bitch turned her attention to Cindy. She treated her ten times worse than she had treated me, no doubt hoping it would finally make me lose it.

It did. The sight of my friend in tears finally accomplished what nine long days of psychological torture had failed to do. I lost completely lost it. Rage swept across me, spreading through my body like a virus, attacking every cell in my body until they were completely corrupted. No longer in control of my body, I watched, powerless as I stepped between my friend and The Bitch. By the time I realized what I was doing, it was already too late.


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