The Bestiality Cop by Lexi Lust

“Get undressed,” she ordered as soon as the handshake was over.

I barely even hesitated before removing my clothes. I was accustomed to parading around in my underwear.

I folded my clothes into a neat pile and set them down next to me. I then removed my shoes and socks and placed them alongside it. Then came my purse, into which I slipped my watch. Only my underwear now remained.

“Keep going,” instructed The Bitch moments after I was done.

At first, I didn’t understand what she meant. But then it hit me and my eyes widened in shock.

“Are you saying you want me to get…” I let the end of my sentence trail off.

“Naked,” she said, finishing my sentence. Only it wasn’t a question, but a command.

I couldn’t believe it. I had expected her to take things to the next level, but I never thought she would do anything this inappropriate. Unfortunately, I had little choice in the matter. Either I removed every single article of clothing I had left or I could forget about ever joining the K-9 unit.

I sighed and slowly began removing my underwear. My bra was the first thing to go, revealing the perky breasts that lay beneath. The Bitch’s eyes focused on them and I felt a sense of unease wash over me. I thought about using my locks of chocolate-brown hair to cover them, but I could tell my instructor-turned-tormentor would not stand for it. Doing my best to ignore her gaze, I moved on to my panties.

As soon as they hit the floor, my slit was revealed. Although I was slightly embarrassed that such a thought even occurred to me, I felt relief wash over me as I realized I had recently shaved it. I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone seeing me in any state but complete perfection, even if it was The Bitch.

When my underwear had joined the rest of my belongings, I finally dared a peek at The Bitch. I couldn’t believe what I found. She was staring at me intently, her eyes darting across my body. But the truly shocking part was the wide smile that curled her lips. It was obvious she enjoyed seeing me naked.

It took a few second before everything fell into place, but when it finally did, I found myself wondering how I could have missed it for so long.

The Bitch was a lesbian!

It was the only logical explanation. Not only did it explain why she only picked on girls, but it answered the question I had often asked myself. Why were all of her punishment sexual in nature?

It all made sense. The Bitch was a lesbian, but her behavior made it clear she had yet to accept her homosexuality. It was no doubt this constant battle with herself that made her such a bitter and cruel person. She couldn’t accept herself the way she was, so she punished others to make herself feel better. Though there was no way to prove this, I believed her affinity for picking on women was her subconscious trying to tell her she was a lesbian.

For the first time since I met her, I actually felt bad for her. I considered trying to help her accept her homosexuality, but deep down, I knew it was too risky. I was already on shaky ground and accusing her of being gay was not going to help further my cause. I felt somewhat bad for dooming her to a lifetime of self-hatred, but she had no one to blame but herself.

I shut my mouth and waited for her to give her next command. When it finally came, I began to regret my decision not to confront her about her latent homosexuality. Unfortunately, it was too late for that now.

“Suck his cock!” she ordered, pointing to the German Shepherd that stood by her side.

My jaw dropped open in disbelief. Had I heard her right? Had she just asked me to give a blowjob to a… dog? Unfortunately, a quick glance at her revealed an unyielding determination. She wasn’t kidding.

I opened my mouth to refuse, but then I thought of my mother. I had looked up to her my entire life and joining the force had been my way of getting close to her and honoring her memory. Could I really throw all of that away?

No. But could I really go through with The Bitch’s perverse request just to feel close to my mother? It was the smile of malevolence that curled the woman’s lips that finally convinced me. She expected me to refuse, but she was in for a big surprise.

As repulsed as I was by the concept of having sex with a dog, I hurried over to him and dropped to the floor. Moments later, the animal dropped to his flank, revealing a massive, rock-hard member. It was far larger than I had anticipated, but the look of sheer disbelief that deformed The Bitch’s traits fully made up for it. Ignoring my repulsion, I lowered my head to the shaft and wrapped my lips around it.

It was now to late do back down, so I did the only thing I could; I started sucking the member before my brain fully understood what I was doing. Barely even noticing the intense heat emanating from the spear, I forced it deeper and deeper into my mouth until the tip pressed against my uvula. Only then did I pull back, my lips wrapped tightly around the shaft.

It took a few seconds before I got used to it. By then, I was furiously sucking the animal’s member, using every tool at my disposal, be it my lips or tongue, to get him off as quickly as possible. I also thought of stealing a glance at The Bitch to see how she was reacting to my overzealous interpretation of her order, but chose instead to focus all of my attention on the task at hand.

I don’t know how long it took for the animal to climax, but it couldn’t have been more than a minute. All I know is that one second I was furiously sucking his cock and the next he was shooting his load into my mouth. It was only at this point that I realized just how much I had been enjoying myself. Shame filled me upon realizing this, yet there was no denying how enjoyable my canine lover’s shaft felt in my mouth. And now that his hot semen was filling every inch of free space that remained, I was left without a choice. I had to admit I enjoyed bestiality. The thought sickened me, yet I was unable to resist the urge to swallow my lover’s cum.

It flowed down my throat, warming my entire body in a matter of seconds. But the heat was not all I loved about it. It was also sweet. But not in an overpowering manner. It was more of a sugary flavor than made me crave more. And more was exactly what I got.

I continued sucking the dog’s member until it finally popped out of my mouth. Swallowing the final squirt, I peered up at The Bitch. I could not help and smile as I realized she wore a look of utter bewilderment. I could only imagine how she felt inside that repulsive exterior she called a body.

She stared at me for the longest time before the shock finally left her traits. In its place now stood malicious joy. The malevolent smile that now curled her lips sent a chill running down my spine, but I did my best to ignore it. Still, I couldn’t help and wonder why she was so happy.

“Keep sucking,” she barked. I had no idea what she was planning, but it was obvious the dog was involved. More out of curiosity than anything else, I once again started sucking the animal’s spear, keeping it from retreating into its sheath. In a matter of seconds, he had another raging hard-on. As soon as he was ready, The Bitch spoke again.


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